#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import glob import os import sys import time from subprocess import PIPE, DEVNULL, STDOUT class Runcmd: """Run external commands in various ways""" def __init__(self, verbose, progress): self._verbose = verbose self._progress = progress self._env = {} def _write_msg(self, msg): sys.stdout.write(f"{msg}\n") sys.stdout.flush() def setenv(self, key, value): self._env[key] = value def msg(self, msg): if self._verbose: self._write_msg(msg) def title(self, title): if self._verbose: self._write_msg("") self._write_msg("=" * len(title)) self._write_msg(title) self._write_msg("=" * len(title)) elif self._progress: self._write_msg(title) def runcmd_unchecked(self, argv, **kwargs): """Run a command (generic version) Return a subcommand.CompletedProcess. It's the caller's duty check that the command succeeded. All actual execution of other programs happens via this method. However, only methods of this class should ever call this method. """ # Import "run" here so that no other part of the code can see the # symbol. from subprocess import run self.msg(f"RUN: {argv} {kwargs}") if not self._verbose: kwargs["stdout"] = PIPE kwargs["stderr"] = STDOUT assert "key" not in kwargs env = dict(os.environ) env.update(self._env) return run(argv, env=env, **kwargs) def runcmd(self, argv, **kwargs): """Run a command (generic version) If the command fails, terminate the program. On success, return a subprocess.CompletedProcess. """ p = self.runcmd_unchecked(argv, **kwargs) if p.returncode != 0: sys.stdout.write((p.stdout or b"").decode("UTF-8")) sys.stderr.write((p.stderr or b"").decode("UTF-8")) sys.stderr.write(f"Command {argv} failed\n") sys.exit(p.returncode) return p def runcmd_maybe(self, argv, **kwargs): """Run a command it's availbe, or quietly do no nothing""" if self.got_command(argv[0]): self.runcmd(argv, **kwargs) def got_command(self, name): """Is a command of a given name available?""" p = self.runcmd_unchecked(["which", name], stdout=DEVNULL) return p.returncode == 0 def cargo(self, args, **kwargs): """Run cargo with arguments.""" self.runcmd(["cargo"] + args, **kwargs) def cargo_maybe(self, args, **kwargs): """Run cargo if the desired subcommand is available""" if self.got_cargo(args[0]): self.runcmd(["cargo"] + args, **kwargs) def got_cargo(self, subcommand): """Is a cargo subcommand available?""" p = self.runcmd(["cargo", "--list"], check=True, stdout=PIPE) lines = [line.strip() for line in p.stdout.decode("UTF-8").splitlines()] return subcommand in lines def codegen(self, md, output, **kwargs): """Run the Subplot code generator and the test program it produces""" self.cargo( [ "run", "--package=subplot", "--bin=subplot", "--", f"--resources={os.path.abspath('share')}", "codegen", md, f"--output={output}", ], **kwargs, ) def docgen(self, md, output, **kwargs): """Run the Subplot document generator""" # GitLab CI, and other CI engines, runs tests under Docker, which uses # an overlay file system, which at least sometimes only has full-second # time stamps in file meta data, and sometimes that seems to happen # when the kernel needs to flush its inode cache, and so it's not very # deterministic. This leads to occasional test failures. To prevent # such flaky tests, we wait for a second to make sure the time stamp of # the output will be newer than the input has. # # This is an ugly kluge. It would be possible to check if the sleep is # needed, but that kind of code is going to be tricky. Best avoid # tricky code in test suites. Test code should be obviously correct. time.sleep(1) self.cargo( [ "run", "--package=subplot", "--bin=subplot", "--", f"--resources={os.path.abspath('share')}", "docgen", md, f"--output={output}", ], **kwargs, ) def find_files(pattern, pred): """Find files recursively, if they are accepted by a predicate function""" return [f for f in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True) if pred(f)] def check_python(r): """Run all checks for Python code""" r.title("checking Python code") # Find all Python files anywhere, except those we know aren't proper Python. py = find_files( "**/*.py", lambda f: os.path.basename(f) not in ("template.py", "test.py") and "test-outputs" not in f, ) # Test with flake8 if available. Flake8 finds Python files itself. r.runcmd_maybe(["flake8", "check"] + py) # Check formatting with Black. We need to provide the files to Python # ourselves. r.runcmd_maybe(["black", "--check"] + py) # Find and run unit tests. tests = find_files("**/*_tests.py", lambda f: True) for test in tests: dirname = os.path.dirname(test) test = os.path.basename(test) r.runcmd(["python3", test], cwd=dirname) def check_shell(r): """Run all checks for shell code""" r.title("checking shell code") # Find all shell files anywhere, except generated test programs. sh = find_files( "**/*.sh", lambda f: os.path.basename(f) != "test.sh" and "test-outputs" not in f, ) r.runcmd_maybe(["shellcheck"] + sh) def check_rust(r, strict=False): """Run all checks for Rust code""" r.title("checking Rust code") r.runcmd(["cargo", "build", "--all-targets"]) if r.got_cargo("clippy"): if strict: r.runcmd(["cargo", "clippy", "--all-targets", "--", "-D", "warnings"]) else: r.runcmd(["cargo", "clippy", "--all-targets"]) elif strict: sys.exit("Strict Rust checks specified, but clippy was not found") r.runcmd(["cargo", "test"]) r.runcmd(["cargo", "fmt", "--", "--check"]) def check_subplots(r): """Run all Subplots and generate documents for them""" output = os.path.abspath("test-outputs") os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) mds = find_files( "**/*.md", lambda f: f == f.lower() and "subplotlib" not in f and "test-outputs" not in f, ) for md0 in mds: r.title(f"checking subplot {md0}") dirname = os.path.dirname(md0) or "." md = os.path.basename(md0) base, _ = os.path.splitext(md) template = get_template(md0) if template == "python": test_py = os.path.join(output, f"test-{base}.py") test_log = os.path.join(output, f"test-{base}.log") # Remove test log from previous run, if any. if os.path.exists(test_log): os.remove(test_log) r.codegen(md, test_py, cwd=dirname) p = r.runcmd_unchecked(["python3", test_py, "--log", test_log], cwd=dirname) if p.returncode != 0: if os.path.exists(test_log): tail(test_log) sys.exit(1) elif template == "bash": test_sh = os.path.join(output, f"test-{base}.sh") r.codegen(md, test_sh, cwd=dirname) r.runcmd(["bash", "-x", test_sh], cwd=dirname) else: sys.exit(f"unknown template {template} in {md0}") base = os.path.basename(md) base, _ = os.path.splitext(md) base = os.path.join(output, base) r.docgen(md, base + ".pdf", cwd=dirname) r.docgen(md, base + ".html", cwd=dirname) def tail(filename, numlines=100): lines = [] with open(filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): lines.append(line) lines = lines[-numlines:] print(f"last {len(lines)} of {filename}:") for line in lines: print(f" {line.rstrip()}") def check_subplotlib(r): """Run all checks for subplotlib""" r.title("checking subplotlib code") output = os.path.abspath("test-outputs/subplotlib") os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) # Run Rust tests for the subplotlib library. r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--lib"], cwd="subplotlib") # Run Rust doctests for the subplotlib library. r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--doc"], cwd="subplotlib") # Find subplots for subplotlib. mds = find_files("subplotlib/*.md", lambda f: True) os.makedirs("subplotlib/tests", exist_ok=True) for md0 in mds: r.title(f"checking subplot {md0}") dirname = os.path.dirname(md0) md = os.path.basename(md0) base, _ = os.path.splitext(md) test_rs = os.path.join("tests", base + ".rs") r.codegen(md, test_rs, cwd=dirname) r.docgen(md, os.path.join(output, base + ".html"), cwd=dirname) r.docgen(md, os.path.join(output, base + ".pdf"), cwd=dirname) # Format the code once more to keep things clean r.title("Formatting subplotlib") r.cargo(["fmt", "-p", "subplotlib"], cwd=dirname) # Run all of the integration suites (many of which have come from the above) r.title("Running subplotlib integration tests") r.cargo(["test", "-p", "subplotlib", "--tests"]) def check_tooling(r): """Check build environment for tooling the test suite needs""" commands = [ "bash", "cargo", "dot", "pandoc", "pandoc-citeproc", "pdflatex", "plantuml", "rustc", ] for command in commands: if not r.got_command(command): sys.exit(f"can't find {command}, which is needed for test suite") if not r.got_command("daemonize") and not r.got_command("/usr/sbin/daemonize"): sys.exit( "can't find daemonize in PATH or in /usr/sbin, but it's needed for test suite" ) def get_template(filename): prefix = "template: " with open(filename) as f: data = f.read() for line in data.splitlines(): if line.startswith(prefix): line = line[len(prefix) :] return line sys.exit(f"{filename} does not specify a template") def parse_args(): """Parse command line arguments to this script""" p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("-v", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="be verbose") p.add_argument( "-p", dest="progress", action="store_true", help="print some progress output" ) p.add_argument( "--strict", action="store_true", help="don't allow compiler warnings" ) all_whats = ["tooling", "python", "shell", "rust", "subplots", "subplotlib"] p.add_argument( "what", nargs="*", default=all_whats, help=f"what to test: {all_whats}" ) return p.parse_args() def main(): """Main program""" args = parse_args() r = Runcmd(args.verbose, args.progress) r.setenv("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", "1") for what in args.what: if what == "python": check_python(r) elif what == "shell": check_shell(r) elif what == "rust": check_rust(r, strict=args.strict) elif what == "subplots": check_subplots(r) elif what == "subplotlib": check_subplotlib(r) elif what == "tooling": check_tooling(r) else: sys.exit(f"Unknown test {what}") sys.stdout.write("Everything seems to be in order.\n") main()