# Some step implementations for running commands and capturing the result. import subprocess # Run a command, capture its stdout, stderr, and exit code in context. def runcmd(ctx, argv, **kwargs): p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = p.communicate("") ctx["argv"] = argv ctx["stdout"] = stdout.decode("utf-8") ctx["stderr"] = stderr.decode("utf-8") ctx["exit"] = p.returncode # Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was a specific one. def exit_code_is(ctx, wanted): if ctx.get("exit") != wanted: print("context:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_eq(ctx.get("exit"), wanted) # Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was not a specific one. def exit_code_is_not(ctx, unwanted): if ctx.get("exit") == wanted: print("context:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_ne(ctx.get("exit"), wanted) # Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was not a specific one. def exit_code_is_not(ctx, unwanted): if ctx.get("exit") == unwanted: print("context:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_ne(ctx.get("exit"), unwanted) # Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was zero. def exit_code_zero(ctx): exit_code_is(ctx, 0) # Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was not zero. def exit_code_nonzero(ctx): exit_code_is_not(ctx, 0) # Check that stdout of latest runcmd contains a specific string. def stdout_contains(ctx, pattern=None): stdout = ctx.get("stdout", "") if pattern not in stdout: print("pattern:", repr(pattern)) print("stdout:", repr(stdout)) print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_eq(pattern in stdout, True) # Check that stdout of latest runcmd does not contain a specific string. def stdout_does_not_contain(ctx, pattern=None): stdout = ctx.get("stdout", "") if pattern in stdout: print("pattern:", repr(pattern)) print("stdout:", repr(stdout)) print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_eq(pattern not in stdout, True) # Check that stderr of latest runcmd does contains a specific string. def stderr_contains(ctx, pattern=None): stderr = ctx.get("stderr", "") if pattern not in stderr: print("pattern:", repr(pattern)) print("stderr:", repr(stderr)) print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_eq(pattern in stderr, True) # Check that stderr of latest runcmd does not contain a specific string. def stderr_does_not_contain(ctx, pattern=None): stderr = ctx.get("stderr", "") if pattern not in stderr: print("pattern:", repr(pattern)) print("stderr:", repr(stderr)) print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict()) assert_eq(pattern not in stderr, True)