use super::MatchedStep; use super::MatchedSteps; use super::PartialStep; use super::ScenarioStep; use super::StepKind; use crate::{resource, SubplotError}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_aux::prelude::*; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::{Debug, Write}; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::Path; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::trace; use regex::{escape, Regex, RegexBuilder}; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] /// The type of a scenario step capture /// /// Each scenario step is given a particular type, these types are defined by /// the binding for the step, either by means of simple patterns, or by /// the types map in the binding. pub enum CaptureType { /// A word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters and is the default /// capture type. Word, /// Text is simply any sequence of characters. Typically used at the end /// of a capture string. Text, /// Integers are optionally negative numbers with no decimal part. Int, /// Uints are integers with no sign marker permitted. Uint, /// Numbers are optionally negative sequences of digits with an optional /// decimal point and subsequent decimal digits. Number, /// Files are words which are special in that they have to match a filename /// for one of the embedded files in the document, otherwise codegen will /// refuse to run. File, } impl FromStr for CaptureType { type Err = SubplotError; fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result { match value.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() { "word" => Ok(Self::Word), "text" => Ok(Self::Text), "int" => Ok(Self::Int), "uint" => Ok(Self::Uint), "number" => Ok(Self::Number), "file" => Ok(Self::File), _ => Err(SubplotError::UnknownTypeInBinding(value.to_string())), } } } impl CaptureType { /// Retrieve the string representation of this capture type pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Word => "word", Self::Text => "text", Self::Int => "int", Self::Uint => "uint", Self::Number => "number", Self::File => "file", } } /// Retrieve the regular expression representation of this capture type pub fn regex_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Word => r"\S+", Self::Text => r".*", Self::Int => r"-?\d+", Self::Uint => r"\d+", Self::Number => r"-?\d+(\.\d+)?", Self::File => r"\S+", } } } /// A link from a binding to its implementation in a given language. /// /// Such a link comprises a function name to call for the step and /// an optional function name to call to clean the step up at the end. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct BindingImpl { function: String, cleanup: Option, } impl BindingImpl { /// Create a new binding implementation /// /// ```ignore /// # use subplot::bindings::BindingImpl; /// /// let bimpl = BindingImpl::new("foo::bar::func", Some("foo::bar::func_cleanup")); /// ``` pub fn new(function: &str, cleanup: Option<&str>) -> Self { Self { function: function.to_string(), cleanup:, } } /// Retrieve the function name in this binding /// /// ```ignore /// # use subplot::bindings::BindingImpl; /// let bimpl = BindingImpl::new("foo::bar::func", None); /// /// assert_eq!(bimpl.function(), "foo::bar::func"); /// ``` pub fn function(&self) -> &str { &self.function } /// Retrieve the cleanup function name in this binding /// /// ```ignore /// # use subplot::bindings::BindingImpl; /// let bimpl = BindingImpl::new("foo::bar::func", None); /// /// assert_eq!(bimpl.cleanup(), None); /// /// let bimpl = BindingImpl::new("foo::bar::func", Some("foo::bar::func_cleanup")); /// /// assert_eq!(bimpl.cleanup(), Some("foo::bar::func_cleanup")); /// ``` pub fn cleanup(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.cleanup.as_deref() } } /// A binding of a scenario step to its implementation. /// /// Contains the pattern used to match against scenario steps, /// combined with the step kind. The pattern is a regular expression /// as understood by the regex crate. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Binding { kind: StepKind, pattern: String, regex: Regex, impls: HashMap>, types: HashMap, } impl Binding { /// Create a new Binding, from a step kind and a pattern. pub fn new( kind: StepKind, pattern: &str, case_sensitive: bool, mut types: HashMap, ) -> Result { let regex = RegexBuilder::new(&format!("^{}$", pattern)) .case_insensitive(!case_sensitive) .build() .map_err(|err| SubplotError::Regex(pattern.to_string(), err))?; // For every named capture, ensure we have a known type for it. // If the type is missing from the map, we default to `text` which is // the .* pattern for capture in regex.capture_names().flatten() { types.entry(capture.into()).or_insert(CaptureType::Text); } Ok(Binding { kind, pattern: pattern.to_owned(), regex, impls: HashMap::new(), types, }) } /// Insert an impl into this binding pub fn add_impl(&mut self, template: &str, function: &str, cleanup: Option<&str>) { self.impls.insert( template.to_string(), Arc::new(BindingImpl::new(function, cleanup)), ); } /// Return the kind of step the binding is for. pub fn kind(&self) -> StepKind { self.kind } /// Return text of pattern. pub fn pattern(&self) -> &str { &self.pattern } /// Retrieve a particular implementation by name pub fn step_impl(&self, template: &str) -> Option> { self.impls.get(template).cloned() } /// Return the compiled regular expression for the pattern of the /// binding. /// /// The regular expression matches the whole text of a scenario step. pub fn regex(&self) -> &Regex { &self.regex } /// Return the type bindings for this binding. pub fn types(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.types.iter().map(|(s, c)| (s.as_str(), *c)) } /// Try to match defined binding against a parsed scenario step. pub fn match_with_step(&self, template: &str, step: &ScenarioStep) -> Option { if self.kind() != step.kind() { return None; } let step_text = step.text(); let caps = self.regex.captures(step_text)?; // If there is only one capture, it's the whole string. let mut m = MatchedStep::new(self, template); if caps.len() == 1 { m.append_part(PartialStep::uncaptured(step_text)); return Some(m); } // Otherwise, return captures as PartialStep::Text, and the // surrounding text as PartialStep::UnmatchedText. let mut prev_end = 0; for cap in caps.iter().skip(1).flatten() { if cap.start() > prev_end { let part = PartialStep::uncaptured(&step_text[prev_end..cap.start()]); m.append_part(part); } // Find name for capture. let mut capname: Option<&str> = None; for name in self.regex.capture_names().flatten() { if let Some(mm) = { if mm.start() == cap.start() && mm.end() == cap.end() { capname = Some(name); } } } let part = match capname { None => PartialStep::uncaptured(&step_text[prev_end..cap.start()]), Some(name) => { // Before continuing, verify that the capture matches the // pattern for this capture let cap = cap.as_str(); // These unwraps are safe because we ensured the map is complete // in the constructor, and that all the types are known. let ty = self.types.get(name).unwrap(); let rx = &KIND_PATTERNS.get(ty).unwrap(); if !rx.is_match(cap) { // This capture doesn't match the kind so it's not // valid for this binding. return None; } PartialStep::text(name, cap) } }; m.append_part(part); prev_end = cap.end(); } // There might be unmatched text at the end. if prev_end < step_text.len() { let part = PartialStep::uncaptured(&step_text[prev_end..]); m.append_part(part); } Some(m) } } impl PartialEq for Binding { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.kind == other.kind && self.pattern == other.pattern } } impl Eq for Binding {} #[cfg(test)] mod test_binding { use super::Binding; use crate::PartialStep; use crate::ScenarioStep; use crate::StepKind; use std::collections::HashMap; #[test] fn creates_new() { let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(b.kind(), StepKind::Given); assert!(b.regex().is_match("I am Tomjon")); assert!(!b.regex().is_match("I am Tomjon of Lancre")); assert!(!b.regex().is_match("Hello, I am Tomjon")); } #[test] fn equal() { let a = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(a, b); } #[test] fn not_equal() { let a = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let b = Binding::new( StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon of Lancre", false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(); assert_ne!(a, b); } #[test] fn does_not_match_with_wrong_kind() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "yo"); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::When, "yo", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert!(b.match_with_step("", &step).is_none()); } #[test] fn does_not_match_with_wrong_text() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "foo"); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "bar", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert!(b.match_with_step("", &step).is_none()); } #[test] fn match_with_fixed_pattern() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "foo"); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, "foo", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let m = b.match_with_step("", &step).unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.kind(), StepKind::Given); let mut parts =; let p =; assert_eq!(p, &PartialStep::uncaptured("foo")); assert_eq!(, None); } #[test] fn match_with_regex() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon, I am"); let b = Binding::new( StepKind::Given, r"I am (?P\S+), I am", false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(); let m = b.match_with_step("", &step).unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.kind(), StepKind::Given); let mut parts =; assert_eq!(, &PartialStep::uncaptured("I am ")); assert_eq!(, &PartialStep::text("who", "Tomjon")); assert_eq!(, &PartialStep::uncaptured(", I am")); assert_eq!(, None); } #[test] fn case_sensitive_mismatch() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, r"i am tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert!(b.match_with_step("", &step).is_some()); let b = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, r"i am tomjon", true, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert!(b.match_with_step("", &step).is_none()); } } /// Set of all known bindings. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Bindings { bindings: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ParsedImpl { function: String, cleanup: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] struct ParsedImplWrapper { #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_struct_case_insensitive")] pimpl: ParsedImpl, } impl Deref for ParsedImplWrapper { type Target = ParsedImpl; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.pimpl } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ParsedBinding { given: Option, when: Option, then: Option, #[serde(default, rename = "impl")] impls: HashMap, regex: Option, #[serde(default)] case_sensitive: bool, #[serde(default)] types: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] struct ParsedBindingWrapper { #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_struct_case_insensitive")] binding: ParsedBinding, } impl Bindings { /// Create a new, empty set of bindings. pub fn new() -> Bindings { Bindings::default() } /// Return number of bindings in set. pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.bindings.len() } /// Are there no bindings? pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.bindings.is_empty() } /// Add a binding to the set. pub fn add(&mut self, binding: Binding) { self.bindings.push(binding); } /// Add bindings from a YAML string pub fn add_from_yaml(&mut self, yaml: &str) -> Result<(), SubplotError> { let bindings: Vec = serde_yaml::from_str(yaml).map_err(SubplotError::Metadata)?; for wrapper in bindings { self.add(from_hashmap(&wrapper.binding)?); } Ok(()) } /// Return slice of all bindings. pub fn bindings(&self) -> &[Binding] { &self.bindings } /// Find the binding matching a given scenario step, if there is /// exactly one. pub fn find(&self, template: &str, step: &ScenarioStep) -> Result { let mut matches: Vec = self .bindings() .iter() .filter_map(|b| b.match_with_step(template, step)) .collect(); if matches.len() > 1 { // Too many matching bindings. Err(SubplotError::BindingNotUnique( step.to_string(), MatchedSteps::new(matches), )) } else if let Some(m) = matches.pop() { // Exactly one matching binding. Ok(m) } else { // No matching bindings. Err(SubplotError::BindingUnknown(step.to_string())) } } /// Add bindings from a file. pub fn add_from_file

( &mut self, filename: P, template: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(), SubplotError> where P: AsRef + Debug, { let yaml = resource::read_as_string(filename.as_ref(), template) .map_err(|e| SubplotError::BindingsFileNotFound(filename.as_ref().into(), e))?; trace!("Loaded file content"); self.add_from_yaml(&yaml).map_err(|e| { SubplotError::BindingFileParseError(filename.as_ref().to_owned(), Box::new(e)) })?; Ok(()) } /// Is there a binding for a given raw step? pub fn has(&self, kind: StepKind, pattern: &str) -> bool { let m = self .bindings .iter() .filter(|b| b.kind() == kind && b.pattern() == pattern); m.count() == 1 } } fn from_hashmap(parsed: &ParsedBinding) -> Result { let given: i32 = parsed.given.is_some().into(); let when: i32 = parsed.when.is_some().into(); let then: i32 = parsed.then.is_some().into(); if given + when + then == 0 { let msg = format!("{:?}", parsed); return Err(SubplotError::BindingWithoutKnownKeyword(msg)); } if given + when + then > 1 { let msg = format!("{:?}", parsed); return Err(SubplotError::BindingHasManyKeywords(msg)); } let (kind, pattern) = if parsed.given.is_some() { (StepKind::Given, parsed.given.as_ref().unwrap()) } else if parsed.when.is_some() { (StepKind::When, parsed.when.as_ref().unwrap()) } else if parsed.then.is_some() { (StepKind::Then, parsed.then.as_ref().unwrap()) } else { let msg = format!("{:?}", parsed); return Err(SubplotError::BindingWithoutKnownKeyword(msg)); }; let mut types = parsed.types.clone(); let pattern = if parsed.regex.unwrap_or(false) { pattern.to_string() } else { // if we get here parsed.regex is either None or Some(false) regex_from_simple_pattern(pattern, parsed.regex.is_some(), &mut types)? }; trace!("Successfully acquired binding"); let mut ret = Binding::new(kind, &pattern, parsed.case_sensitive, types)?; trace!("Binding parsed OK"); for (template, pimpl) in &parsed.impls { ret.add_impl(template, &pimpl.function, pimpl.cleanup.as_deref()); } Ok(ret) } #[cfg(test)] mod test_bindings { use crate::Binding; use crate::Bindings; use crate::PartialStep; use crate::ScenarioStep; use crate::StepKind; use crate::SubplotError; use std::collections::HashMap; #[test] fn has_no_bindings_initially() { let bindings = Bindings::new(); assert_eq!(bindings.bindings().len(), 0); } #[test] fn adds_binding() { let binding = Binding::new( StepKind::Given, r"I am (?P\S+)", false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(); let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add(binding.clone()); assert_eq!(bindings.bindings(), &[binding]); } #[test] fn adds_from_yaml() { let yaml = " - GIVEN: I am Tomjon impl: python: function: set_name - when: I declare myself king impl: python: Function: declare_king - tHEn: there is applause impl: python: function: check_for_applause - given: you are alice impl: python: function: other_name case_sensitive: true - then: the total is {total} impl: python: function: check_total types: total: word "; let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add_from_yaml(yaml).unwrap(); println!("test: {:?}", bindings); assert!(bindings.has(StepKind::Given, "I am Tomjon")); assert!(bindings.has(StepKind::When, "I declare myself king")); assert!(bindings.has(StepKind::Then, "there is applause")); assert!(bindings.has(StepKind::Given, "you are alice")); assert!(!bindings.has(StepKind::Given, "you are Alice")); assert!(bindings.has(StepKind::Then, "the total is (?P\\S+)")); assert_eq!(bindings.len(), 5); } #[test] fn add_from_yaml_notices_multiple_keywords() { let yaml = " - Given: I am Tomjon wheN: I am indeed Tomjon impl: python: FUNCTION: set_name "; match Bindings::new().add_from_yaml(yaml) { Ok(_) => unreachable!(), Err(SubplotError::BindingHasManyKeywords(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("Incorrect error: {}", e), } } #[test] fn typemap_must_match_pattern() { let yaml = " - then: you are {age:word} years old impl: python: function: check_age types: age: number "; match Bindings::new().add_from_yaml(yaml) { Ok(_) => unreachable!(), Err(SubplotError::SimplePatternKindMismatch(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("Incorrect error: {}", e), } } #[test] fn does_not_find_match_for_unmatching_kind() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let binding = Binding::new(StepKind::When, r"I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add(binding); assert!(matches!( bindings.find("", &step), Err(SubplotError::BindingUnknown(_)) )); } #[test] fn does_not_find_match_for_unmatching_pattern() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let binding = Binding::new( StepKind::Given, r"I am Tomjon of Lancre", false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(); let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add(binding); assert!(matches!( bindings.find("", &step), Err(SubplotError::BindingUnknown(_)) )); } #[test] fn two_matching_bindings() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let mut bindings = Bindings::default(); bindings.add(Binding::new(StepKind::Given, r"I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap()); bindings.add( Binding::new( StepKind::Given, &super::regex_from_simple_pattern(r"I am {name}", false, &mut HashMap::new()) .unwrap(), false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(), ); assert!(matches!( bindings.find("", &step), Err(SubplotError::BindingNotUnique(_, _)) )); } #[test] fn finds_match_for_fixed_string_pattern() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let binding = Binding::new(StepKind::Given, r"I am Tomjon", false, HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add(binding); let m = bindings.find("", &step).unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.kind(), StepKind::Given); let mut parts =; let p =; match p { PartialStep::UncapturedText(t) => assert_eq!(t.text(), "I am Tomjon"), _ => panic!("unexpected part: {:?}", p), } assert_eq!(, None); } #[test] fn finds_match_for_regexp_pattern() { let step = ScenarioStep::new(StepKind::Given, "given", "I am Tomjon"); let binding = Binding::new( StepKind::Given, r"I am (?P\S+)", false, HashMap::new(), ) .unwrap(); let mut bindings = Bindings::new(); bindings.add(binding); let m = bindings.find("", &step).unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.kind(), StepKind::Given); let mut parts =; let p =; match p { PartialStep::UncapturedText(t) => assert_eq!(t.text(), "I am "), _ => panic!("unexpected part: {:?}", p), } let p =; match p { PartialStep::CapturedText { name, text } => { assert_eq!(name, "name"); assert_eq!(text, "Tomjon"); } _ => panic!("unexpected part: {:?}", p), } assert_eq!(, None); } } lazy_static! { static ref KIND_PATTERNS: HashMap = { let mut map = HashMap::new(); for ty in (&[ CaptureType::Word, CaptureType::Text, CaptureType::Int, CaptureType::Uint, CaptureType::Number, CaptureType::File, ]).iter().copied() { // This Unwrap is okay because we shouldn't have any bugs in the // regular expressions here, and if we did, it'd be bad for everyone // and caught in the test suite anyway. let rx = Regex::new(&format!("^{}$", ty.regex_str())).unwrap(); map.insert(ty, rx); } map }; } fn regex_from_simple_pattern( pattern: &str, explicit_plain: bool, types: &mut HashMap, ) -> Result { let pat = Regex::new(r"\{[^\s\{\}]+\}").unwrap(); let mut r = String::new(); let mut end = 0; for m in pat.find_iter(pattern) { let before = &pattern[end..m.start()]; if before.find('{').is_some() || before.find('}').is_some() { return Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(pattern.to_string())); } if !explicit_plain && before.chars().any(|c| r"$^*.()+\?|[]".contains(c)) { return Err(SubplotError::SimplePatternHasMetaCharacters( pattern.to_owned(), )); } r.push_str(&escape(before)); let name = &pattern[m.start() + 1..m.end() - 1]; let (name, kind) = if let Some(i) = name.find(':') { let (name, suffix) = name.split_at(i); assert!(suffix.starts_with(':')); let kind = &suffix[1..]; let kind = CaptureType::from_str(kind)?; (name, Some(kind)) } else { (name, None) }; let (name, kind) = match (name, kind, types.contains_key(name)) { (name, Some(kind), false) => { // There is a kind, but it's not in the map types.insert(name.to_string(), kind); (name, kind) } (name, None, true) => { // There is no kind, but it is present in the map (name, types[name]) } (name, Some(kind), true) => { // There is a kind and it's in the map, they must match if kind != *types.get(name).unwrap() { return Err(SubplotError::SimplePatternKindMismatch(name.to_string())); } (name, kind) } (name, None, false) => { // There is no kind, and it's not in the map, so default to word types.insert(name.to_string(), CaptureType::Word); (name, CaptureType::Word) } }; write!(r, r"(?P<{}>{})", name, kind.regex_str()).map_err(SubplotError::StringFormat)?; end = m.end(); } let after = &pattern[end..]; if after.find('{').is_some() || after.find('}').is_some() { return Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(pattern.to_string())); } if !explicit_plain && after.chars().any(|c| r"$^*.()+\?|[]".contains(c)) { return Err(SubplotError::SimplePatternHasMetaCharacters( pattern.to_owned(), )); } r.push_str(&escape(after)); Ok(r) } #[cfg(test)] mod test_regex_from_simple_pattern { use super::{regex_from_simple_pattern, CaptureType}; use crate::SubplotError; use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashMap; #[test] fn returns_empty_string_as_is() { let ret = regex_from_simple_pattern("", false, &mut HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ret, ""); } #[test] fn returns_boring_pattern_as_is() { let ret = regex_from_simple_pattern("boring", false, &mut HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ret, "boring"); } #[test] fn returns_pattern_with_regexp_chars_escaped() { let ret = regex_from_simple_pattern(r".[]*\\", true, &mut HashMap::new()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ret, r"\.\[\]\*\\\\"); } fn matches(pattern: &str, text: &str) { let r = regex_from_simple_pattern(pattern, false, &mut HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let r = Regex::new(&r).unwrap(); let m = r.find(text); assert!(m.is_some()); let m = m.unwrap(); assert_eq!(m.start(), 0); assert_eq!(m.end(), text.len()); } fn doesnt_match(pattern: &str, text: &str) { let r = regex_from_simple_pattern(pattern, false, &mut HashMap::new()).unwrap(); let r = Regex::new(&r).unwrap(); if let Some(m) = r.find(text) { assert!(m.start() > 0 || m.end() < text.len()); } } #[test] fn kindless_simple_pattern() { let pattern = "{name}"; matches(pattern, "Tomjon"); doesnt_match(pattern, "Tomjon of Lancre"); } #[test] fn simple_word_pattern() { let pattern = "{name:word}"; matches(pattern, "Tomjon"); doesnt_match(pattern, "Tomjon of Lancre"); } #[test] fn simple_text_pattern() { let pattern = "{name:text}"; matches(pattern, "Tomjon"); matches(pattern, ""); matches(pattern, "Tomjon of Lancre"); } #[test] fn simple_int_pattern() { let pattern = "{foo:int}"; matches(pattern, "0"); matches(pattern, "-0"); matches(pattern, "1"); matches(pattern, "-1"); matches(pattern, "1234"); matches(pattern, "-1234"); doesnt_match(pattern, " "); doesnt_match(pattern, "one "); doesnt_match(pattern, "1.2 "); doesnt_match(pattern, "-1.2 "); } #[test] fn simple_uint_pattern() { let pattern = "{foo:uint}"; matches(pattern, "0"); matches(pattern, "1"); matches(pattern, "1234"); doesnt_match(pattern, "-0"); doesnt_match(pattern, "-1 "); doesnt_match(pattern, "-1234"); doesnt_match(pattern, " "); doesnt_match(pattern, "one "); doesnt_match(pattern, "1.2 "); doesnt_match(pattern, "-1.2 "); } #[test] fn simple_number_pattern() { let pattern = "{foo:number}"; matches(pattern, "0"); matches(pattern, "-0"); matches(pattern, "1"); matches(pattern, "-1"); matches(pattern, "1234"); matches(pattern, "-1234"); matches(pattern, "1.2"); matches(pattern, "-1.2"); doesnt_match(pattern, ""); doesnt_match(pattern, " "); doesnt_match(pattern, "one"); } #[test] fn returns_error_for_stray_opening_brace() { match regex_from_simple_pattern("{", false, &mut HashMap::new()) { Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e), _ => unreachable!(), } } #[test] fn returns_error_for_stray_closing_brace() { match regex_from_simple_pattern("}", false, &mut HashMap::new()) { Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e), _ => unreachable!(), } } #[test] fn returns_error_for_stray_opening_brace_before_capture() { match regex_from_simple_pattern("{{foo}", false, &mut HashMap::new()) { Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e), _ => unreachable!(), } } #[test] fn returns_error_for_stray_closing_brace_before_capture() { match regex_from_simple_pattern("}{foo}", false, &mut HashMap::new()) { Err(SubplotError::StrayBraceInSimplePattern(_)) => (), Err(e) => panic!("unexpected error: {}", e), _ => unreachable!(), } } #[test] fn typemap_updated_on_pattern_parse_default() { let mut types = HashMap::new(); assert!(regex_from_simple_pattern("{foo}", false, &mut types).is_ok()); assert!(matches!(types.get("foo"), Some(CaptureType::Word))); } #[test] fn typemap_checked_on_pattern_parse_and_default_agrees() { let mut types = HashMap::new(); types.insert("foo".into(), "word".parse().unwrap()); assert!(regex_from_simple_pattern("{foo}", false, &mut types).is_ok()); assert_eq!(types.len(), 1); assert!(matches!(types.get("foo"), Some(CaptureType::Word))); } #[test] fn typemap_updated_on_pattern_parse_explicit() { let mut types = HashMap::new(); assert!(regex_from_simple_pattern("{foo:number}", false, &mut types).is_ok()); assert!(matches!(types.get("foo"), Some(CaptureType::Number))); } #[test] fn typemap_used_when_kind_not_present() { let mut types = HashMap::new(); types.insert("foo".into(), "number".parse().unwrap()); assert_eq!( regex_from_simple_pattern("{foo}", false, &mut types).unwrap(), r"(?P-?\d+(\.\d+)?)" ); } #[test] fn typemap_and_pattern_kind_must_match() { let mut types = HashMap::new(); types.insert("foo".into(), "number".parse().unwrap()); assert!(matches!( regex_from_simple_pattern("{foo:word}", false, &mut types), Err(SubplotError::SimplePatternKindMismatch(_)) )); } }