// Rust support for running subplot-rust.md use subplotlib::steplibrary::datadir::Datadir; use subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::{self, Runcmd}; use tempfile::TempDir; use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom}; #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct SubplotContext { bin_dir: Option, } impl ContextElement for SubplotContext {} #[step] fn do_nothing(_context: &ScenarioContext) { // Nothing to do here } #[step] #[context(SubplotContext)] #[context(Runcmd)] fn install_subplot(context: &ScenarioContext) { if let Some(bindir) = std::env::var_os("SUBPLOT_DIR") { println!("Found SUBPLOT_DIR environment variable, using that"); context.with_mut( |rc: &mut Runcmd| { rc.prepend_to_path(bindir); Ok(()) }, false, )?; } else { let bin_dir = TempDir::new()?; println!("Creating temporary rundir at {}", bin_dir.path().display()); // Since we don't get CARGO_BIN_EXE_subplot when building a subcrate // we retrieve the path to `subplot` via the assumption that integration // tests are always located one dir down from the outer crate binaries. let target_path = std::fs::canonicalize( std::env::current_exe() .expect("Cannot determine test exe path") .parent() .unwrap() .join(".."), ) .expect("Cannot canonicalise path to binaries"); let src_dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"); for bin_name in &["subplot"] { let file_path = bin_dir.path().join(bin_name); std::fs::write( &file_path, format!( r#" #!/bin/sh set -eu exec '{target_path}/{bin_name}' --resources '{src_dir}/share' "$@" "#, target_path = target_path.display(), bin_name = bin_name, src_dir = src_dir, ), )?; { let mut perms = std::fs::metadata(&file_path)?.permissions(); use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; perms.set_mode(perms.mode() | 0o111); // Set executable bit std::fs::set_permissions(&file_path, perms)?; } } context.with_mut( |context: &mut Runcmd| { context.prepend_to_path(bin_dir.path()); context.prepend_to_path(target_path); Ok(()) }, false, )?; } } #[step] fn uninstall_subplot(context: &mut SubplotContext) { context.bin_dir.take(); } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn scenario_was_run(context: &ScenarioContext, name: &str) { let text = format!("\nscenario: {}\n", name); runcmd::stdout_contains::call(context, &text)?; } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn scenario_was_not_run(context: &ScenarioContext, name: &str) { let text = format!("\nscenario: {}\n", name); runcmd::stdout_doesnt_contain::call(context, &text)?; } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn step_was_run(context: &ScenarioContext, keyword: &str, name: &str) { let text = format!("\n step: {} {}\n", keyword, name); runcmd::stdout_contains::call(context, &text)?; } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn step_was_run_and_then( context: &ScenarioContext, keyword1: &str, name1: &str, keyword2: &str, name2: &str, ) { let text = format!( "\n step: {} {}\n step: {} {}", keyword1, name1, keyword2, name2 ); runcmd::stdout_contains::call(context, &text)?; } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn cleanup_was_run( context: &ScenarioContext, keyword1: &str, name1: &str, keyword2: &str, name2: &str, ) { let text = format!( "\n cleanup: {} {}\n cleanup: {} {}\n", keyword1, name1, keyword2, name2 ); runcmd::stdout_contains::call(context, &text)?; } #[step] #[context(Runcmd)] fn cleanup_was_not_run(context: &ScenarioContext, keyword: &str, name: &str) { let text = format!("\n cleanup: {} {}\n", keyword, name); runcmd::stdout_doesnt_contain::call(context, &text)?; } #[throws(StepError)] fn end_of_file(context: &Datadir, filename: &str, nbytes: usize) -> Vec { let mut fh = context.open_read(filename)?; fh.seek(SeekFrom::End(-(nbytes as i64)))?; let mut b = vec![0; nbytes]; fh.read_exact(&mut b[0..nbytes])?; b } #[step] fn file_ends_in_zero_newlines(context: &Datadir, filename: &str) { let b = end_of_file(context, filename, 1)?; if b[0] == b'\n' { throw!(format!("File {} ends in unexpected newline", filename)); } } #[step] fn file_ends_in_one_newline(context: &Datadir, filename: &str) { let b = end_of_file(context, filename, 2)?; if !(b[0] != b'\n' && b[1] == b'\n') { throw!(format!( "File {} does not end in exactly one newline", filename )); } } #[step] fn file_ends_in_two_newlines(context: &Datadir, filename: &str) { let b = end_of_file(context, filename, 2)?; if b[0] != b'\n' || b[1] != b'\n' { throw!(format!( "File {} does not end in exactly two newlines", filename )); } } #[step] fn sleep_seconds(_context: &Datadir, delay: u64) { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(delay)); } #[step] #[context(Datadir)] #[context(Runcmd)] fn json_output_matches_file(context: &ScenarioContext, filename: &str) { let output = context.with(|rc: &Runcmd| Ok(rc.stdout_as_string()), false)?; let fcontent = context.with( |dd: &Datadir| { Ok(std::fs::read_to_string( dd.canonicalise_filename(filename)?, )?) }, false, )?; let output: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&output)?; let fcontent: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&fcontent)?; println!("########"); println!("Output:\n{:#}", output); println!("File:\n{:#}", fcontent); println!("########"); assert_eq!( output, fcontent, "Command output does not match the content of {}", filename ); }