# Introduction A file manifest lists files, with their metadata. To verify a backup has been restored correctly, one can compare a manifest of the data before the backup and after it has been restored. If the manifests are identical, the data has been restored correctly. This requires a way to produce manifests that is deterministic: if run twice on the same input files, without the files having changed, the result should be identical. The Summain program does this. This version of Summain has been written in Rust for the [Obnam][] project. [Obnam]: https://obnam.org/ ## Why not mtree? [mtree]: http://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/pkgtools/mtree/README.html [NetBSD]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBSD [mtree][] is a tool included in [NetBSD][] Unix since version 1.2, released in 1996. It produces a manifest, and can check a manifest against the file system. It is, in principle, a tool that solves the same problem Summain. Why not use an existing tool. Some reasons: * I'm an anti-social not-invented-here jerk. * It's an old C program, without tests in the source tree. * The file format is custom, and not nice for reading by humans. * It doesn't handle Unicode well. - a filename of `รถ` is encoded as `\M-C\M-6` - but at least it can handle non-ASCII characters! * It doesn't handle file metadata that's Linux specific. - extended attributes - the ext4 immutable bit * It's single-threaded. In principle, there is no reason why mtree couldn't be extended to support everything I need for Obnam. In practice, since I'm working on this in my free time in order to have fun, I prefer to write a new tool in Rust. ## Why not use the old Python version of Summain I don't like Python anymore. The old tool would need updates to work with current Python, and I'd rather use Rust. # Usage Summain is given one or more files or directories on the command line, and it outputs to its standard output a manifest. If the command line arguments are the same, and the files haven't changed, the manifest is the same. The output is YAML. Each file gets its own YAML document, delimieted by `---` and `...` as usual. Summain does not itself traverse directories. Instead, a tool like **find**(1) should be used. Summain will, however, sort its command line arguments so that it doesn't matter if they're always in the same order. # Acceptance criteria These scenarios verify that Summain handles the various kinds of file system objects it may encounter, with two exceptions: block and character devices. To create those, one needs to be the `root` user, and we don't want to have to run the test suite as root. Instead, we blithely rely on the output being correct for those anyway. Testing manually indicates that it works, and the only difference from, say, regular files is that the mode starts with a `b` or `c`, which is exactly correct. ## Directory ~~~scenario given an installed summain given directory empty and mtime for empty is 456 when I run chmod a=rx empty when I run summain empty then output matches file empty.yaml ~~~ ```{#empty.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: empty mode: dr-xr-xr-x mtime: 456 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 2 size: ~ sha256: ~ target: ~ ``` ## Writeable file ~~~scenario given an installed summain given file foo and mtime for foo is 22 when I run chmod a=rw foo when I run summain foo then output matches file foo.yaml ~~~ ```{#foo.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: foo mode: "-rw-rw-rw-" mtime: 22 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 target: ~ ``` ## Read-only file ~~~scenario given an installed summain given file foo and mtime for foo is 44 when I run chmod a=r foo when I run summain foo then output matches file readonly.yaml ~~~ ```{#readonly.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: foo mode: "-r--r--r--" mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 target: ~ ``` ## Two files sorted ~~~scenario given an installed summain given file aaa and mtime for aaa is 44 given file bbb and mtime for bbb is 44 when I run chmod a=r aaa bbb when I run summain bbb aaa then output matches file aaabbb.yaml ~~~ ```{#aaabbb.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: aaa mode: "-r--r--r--" mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 target: ~ --- path: bbb mode: "-r--r--r--" mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 target: ~ ``` ## Symlink ~~~scenario given an installed summain given symlink ccc pointing at aaa and mtime for ccc is 44 when I run summain ccc then output matches file ccc.yaml ~~~ ```{#ccc.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: ccc mode: lrwxrwxrwx mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 3 sha256: ~ target: aaa ``` --- title: "Summain—deterministic file manifests" author: Lars Wirzenius template: python bindings: - subplot/summain.yaml - subplot/runcmd.yaml functions: - subplot/summain.py - subplot/runcmd.py ... ## Unix domain socket ~~~scenario given an installed summain given socket aaa and file aaa has mode 0700 and mtime for aaa is 44 when I run summain aaa then output matches file socket.yaml ~~~ ```{#socket.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: aaa mode: srwx------ mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: ~ target: ~ ``` ## Named pipe ~~~scenario given an installed summain given named pipe aaa and file aaa has mode 0700 and mtime for aaa is 44 when I run summain aaa then output matches file fifo.yaml ~~~ ```{#fifo.yaml .file .numberLines} --- path: aaa mode: prwx------ mtime: 44 mtime_nsec: 0 nlink: 1 size: 0 sha256: ~ target: ~ ``` --- title: "Summain—deterministic file manifests" author: Lars Wirzenius template: python bindings: - subplot/summain.yaml - lib/runcmd.yaml functions: - subplot/summain.py - lib/runcmd.py ...