--- title: System tests for Hagrid template: python bindings: - subplot.yaml - lib/files.yaml functions: - subplot.py - lib/files.py ... # Introduction This document documents the acceptance criteria for Hagrid, an OpenPGP key server. The criteria are expressed against a system running Hagrid, on its HTTP API. The [Subplot][] tool can be used to generate code that verifies that a Hagrid system works as required. [Subplot]: https://subplot.tech/ # VKS interface ## Lookup certificate by fingerprint ### We can look up an existing certificate _Requirement: We can retrieve a certificate whose fingerprint we have._ FIXME: a well-known test cert must be injected into the running Hagrid instance prior to the test, and `EXAMPLEFP` must be replaced with its fingerprint. ~~~scenario given a running Hagrid system given file well-known.pgp when I make request GET /vks/v1/by-fingerprint/EXAMPLEFP then response HTTP status code is 200 then response has header content-type: image/jpeg then response body matches file well-known.pgp ~~~ ~~~{#well-known.pgp .file} FIXME this should be the well-known cert in ASCII armor ~~~ ### We get an error if using lower case hexadecimal _Requirement: we get an error if we use a fingerprint with lowercase hexadecimal digits._ ~~~scenario given a running Hagrid system when I make request GET /vks/v1/by-fingerprint/EXAMPLEFP then response HTTP status code is 400 ~~~ ### We get an error for a malformed fingerprint _Requirement: we get an error if we try to retrieve a certificate using a string that is not a syntactically valid fingerprint._ ~~~scenario given a running Hagrid system when I make request GET /vks/v1/by-fingerprint/IMPOSSIBLE then response HTTP status code is 400 ~~~ ### We get an error for a missing fingerprint _Requirement: we get an error if we try to retrieve a certificate that isn't on the server._ ~~~scenario given a running Hagrid system when I make request GET /vks/v1/by-fingerprint/010203 then response HTTP status code is 400 ~~~