#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import glob import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import yaml verbose = False def log(msg): if verbose: print("INSTALLER:", msg) logging.info(msg) def run(argv, **kwargs): log(f"RUN: {argv} {kwargs}") return subprocess.run(argv, **kwargs) def physical_volumes(): log("list physical volumes") p = run(["pvdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings"], capture_output=True, check=True) lines = p.stdout.decode().splitlines() pvs = [] for line in lines: words = line.split() pv = words[0] vg = words[1] pvs.append({"pv": pv, "vg": vg}) return pvs def logical_volumes(): log("list logical volumes") p = run(["lvdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings"], capture_output=True, check=True) lines = p.stdout.decode().splitlines() lvs = [] for line in lines: words = line.split() lv = words[0] vg = words[1] path = os.path.realpath(f"/dev/{vg}/{lv}") lvs.append({"lv": lv, "vg": vg, "path": path}) return lvs def volume_groups(): log("list volume groups") p = run(["vgdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings"], capture_output=True, check=True) lines = p.stdout.decode().splitlines() return [line.split()[0] for line in lines if line.strip()] def mount_points(): log("find mount all points") mounts = {} for line in open("/proc/mounts").readlines(): words = line.split() dev = os.path.realpath(words[0]) if words[0].startswith("/") else words[0] mounts[dev] = { "mount": words[1], "type": words[2], } return mounts def find_mount_points(mounts, dev): log(f"find mount points using {dev}") res = [] if dev in mounts: root = mounts[dev]["mount"] for m in mounts.values(): if m["mount"].startswith(root): res.append(m) return res def is_luks(path): log(f"is {path} a LUKS device?") p = run(["cryptsetup", "isLuks", path], check=False) return p.returncode == 0 def clean_up_disks(drives): log(f"clean system LVM2 and drives from everything: {drives}") mounts = mount_points() pvs = physical_volumes() lvs = logical_volumes() vgs = volume_groups() log(f"PVs: {pvs}") log(f"VGs: {vgs}") log(f"LVs: {lvs}") for lv in lvs: log(f"LV: {lv}") for m in find_mount_points(mounts, lv["path"]): log(f"unmount {m['mount']}") run(["umount", m["mount"]], capture_output=True) for vg in vgs: log(f"remove volume group {vg}") run(["vgremove", "--yes", vg], check=True, capture_output=True) for pv in pvs: log(f"remove physical volume {pv}") run(["pvremove", pv["pv"]], check=True, capture_output=True) if is_luks(pv["pv"]): run(["cryptsetup", "close", pv["pv"]], check=True, capture_output=True) for mapping in glob.glob("/dev/mapper/*"): if not mapping.endswith("/control"): log(f"open LUKS volume {mapping} (just in case it is one)") run(["cryptsetup", "close", mapping], check=False, capture_output=True) for drive in drives: log(f"blkdiscard {drive}") run( ["blkdiscard", "--force", drive], check=True, capture_output=True, ) def mklabel(device): return { # Create a GPT partition table. It works well for all modern # systems. "mklabel": "gpt", "device": device, } def mkpart(device, tag, start, end): return { "mkpart": "primary", "device": device, "start": start, "end": end, "tag": tag, } def mkfs(tag, fstype): return { "mkfs": fstype, "partition": tag, } def cryptsetup(tag, password, name): return { "cryptsetup": "cryptsetup0", "password": password, "name": name, } def vgcreate(tag, drives): return { "vgcreate": tag, "physical": drives, } def lvcreate(vg, name, size): return { "lvcreate": vg, "name": name, "size": size, } def mount(tag, dirname=None, mount_on=None): d = {"mount": tag, "zerofree": False} if dirname is not None: d["dirname"] = dirname if mount_on is not None: d["mount-on"] = mount_on return d def unpack_rootfs(tag): return { "unpack-rootfs": tag, } def cache_rootfs(tag): return { "cache-rootfs": tag, "unless": "rootfs_unpacked", } def debootstrap(tag): return { "debootstrap": "bullseye", "mirror": "http://deb.debian.org/debian", "target": tag, "unless": "rootfs_unpacked", "require_empty_target": False, } def apt(tag, packages, unless=True): d = { "apt": "install", "packages": packages, "tag": tag, } if unless: d["unless"] = "rootfs_unpacked" return d def virtual_filesystems(tag): return { "virtual-filesystems": "root", } def fstab(tag): return { "fstab": tag, } def grub(device, root, efi): return { "grub": "uefi", "tag": root, "efi": efi, "quiet": True, "image-dev": device, } def vmdb_spec(system, ansible_vars): device = "{{ image }}" steps = [ # Create partition table. mklabel(device), # Create a partition for UEFI to boot from. mkpart(device, "efi", "0%", "500M"), # Create a separate /boot partition, in case we want to have LUKS. mkpart(device, "boot", "500M", "1G"), # Format the EFI partition. This MUST be vfat. mkfs("efi", "vfat"), # Format /boot. This is conventionally ext2. This file system # gets very little I/O, but it MUST be supported by GRUB, so # ext2 seems like a nice, safe choice. mkfs("boot", "ext2"), ] # Set up pv0 for lvm2, either encrypted or cleartext. if system.luks: steps.extend( [ mkpart(device, "cryptsetup0", "1G", "100%"), cryptsetup("cryptsetup0", system.luks, "pv0"), ] ) for (i, drive) in enumerate(system.extra_drives): steps.append(cryptsetup(f"cryptsetuo{i+1}", system.luks, f"pv{i+1}")) else: steps.append(mkpart(device, "pv0", "1G", "100%")) for (i, drive) in enumerate(system.extra_drives): steps.extend( [ mklabel(drive), mkpart(drive, f"pv{i+1}", "0%", "100%"), ] ) # Create file systems and install Debian. steps.extend( [ # Create an LVM2 volume group using pv0, which we create # earlier. At this point, if LUKS is used, pv0 is the unlocked, # open, cleartext block device. vgcreate( "vg0", [f"pv{i}" for i in range(len([system.drive] + system.extra_drives))], ), # Create a 20 gigabyte LV for the root file system. That's big # enough for a desktop system. lvcreate("vg0", "root", "20G"), # format the root file system. This gets a fair bit of use, so # ext4 seems like a safe choice. If you wanted another file # system, sorry. mkfs("root", "ext4"), # Mount the root file system. mount("root"), # Mount /boot on top of the root file system. mount("boot", dirname="/boot", mount_on="root"), # Mount /boot/efi. mount("efi", dirname="/boot/efi", mount_on="boot"), ] ) # Add any additional LVs. for lv in system.extra_lvs: steps.extend( [ lvcreate("vg0", lv["name"], lv["size"]), mkfs(lv["name"], "ext4"), mount(lv["name"], dirname=lv["mounted"], mount_on="root"), ] ) steps.extend( [ # If we have a cached version of the installed system, unpack # it now. Otherwise do nothing. Note that if you make any # changes to the steps marked "unless: rootfs_unpacked", you # have to remember to manually remove the cache file. v-i or # vmdb2 won't do that automatically for you. unpack_rootfs("root"), debootstrap("root"), apt( "root", [ "console-setup", "dosfstools", "linux-image-amd64", "locales-all", "lvm2", "psmisc", "python3", "python3-apt", "ssh", "strace", ], ), # If we didn't unpack an existing cache archive, make one now. # Otherwise, skip this step. cache_rootfs("root"), # This MUST be after the debootstrap step. virtual_filesystems("root"), # Create /etc/fstab (and, if LUKS is used, /etc/crypttab). fstab("root"), # These MUST come after the fstab step so that they add the # crypttab in the initramfs. We install them regardless of # whether LUKS is used: they're harmless if LUKS isn't used. apt( "root", [ "cryptsetup", "cryptsetup-initramfs", ], unless=False, ), # This also MUST come outside the rootfs caching, as it install # things outside the file systems, and those won't be in the # cache. grub(device, "root", "efi"), ] ) # If playbooks have been specified, add ansible steps. for p in ["std.yml"] + system.extra_playbooks: if p: steps.append({"ansible": "root", "playbook": p, "extra_vars": ansible_vars}) return {"steps": steps} class SystemSpec: def __init__(self, filename): REQUIRED = "required" self._obj = { "hostname": REQUIRED, "drive": REQUIRED, "extra_drives": [], "extra_lvs": [], "extra_playbooks": [], "ansible_vars": {}, "luks": "", } with open(filename) as f: obj = yaml.safe_load(f) # Check for unknown keys. for key in obj: if key not in self._obj: sys.exit(f"spec has unknown key: {key}") # Check for missing required keys. for key in self._obj: if self._obj[key] == REQUIRED and key not in obj: sys.exit(f"spec lacks required key {key}") # Check for types of values. for key in self._obj: if key in obj: e = type(self._obj[key]) a = type(obj[key]) if a != e: sys.exit(f"spec key {key} has unexpected type {a}, wanted {e}") self._obj.update(obj) for key in self._obj: setattr(self, key, self._obj[key]) del self._obj def __repr__(self): r = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in dir(self) if not key.startswith("_")} return repr(r) def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true") p.add_argument("--very-verbose", action="store_true") p.add_argument("--log", default="install.log") p.add_argument("--cache", default="cache.tar.gz") p.add_argument("spec") args = p.parse_args() logging.basicConfig( filename=args.log, level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", ) global verbose verbose = args.verbose log("v-i starts") system = SystemSpec(args.spec) log(f"spec: {system!r}") clean_up_disks([system.drive] + system.extra_drives) ansible_vars = dict(system.ansible_vars) ansible_vars["hostname"] = system.hostname vmdb = vmdb_spec(system, ansible_vars) tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() specfile = os.path.join(tmp, "spec.yaml") if args.very_verbose: yaml.dump(vmdb, stream=sys.stdout, indent=4) with open(specfile, "w") as f: yaml.dump(vmdb, stream=f, indent=4) log(f"run vmdb2 to install on {system.drive}") env = dict(os.environ) env["ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK"] = "yaml" env["ANSIBLE_NOCOWS"] = "1" env["ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH"] = "ansible.log" argv = [ "vmdb2", f"--rootfs-tarball={args.cache}", f"--log={args.log}", f"--image={system.drive}", specfile, ] if verbose: argv.append("--verbose") run(argv, check=True, capture_output=True) log("cleanup") shutil.rmtree(tmp) log("OK, done") print("OK, done") main()