# Data files for scenarios This section has some data files used by scenarios. ~~~{#smoke.yaml .file .yaml} smoke: {} ~~~ ~~~{#other.yaml .file .yaml} other: {} ~~~ ~~~{#ssh_key .file} -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAABFwAAAAdzc2gtcn NhAAAAAwEAAQAAAQEAoWeplbhiwaVu0mqxVP07uk3pqrjcWrWzFGbk5PEalbW5L0ynlhWe YebZ7Vjx4Ek/MpGBWiK6/HmLikJCnQcR1ux/JHo0zcEbv6w20WF+cMU5+I8OEVaKRk6cTJ Rq1nruQpFj6CwIULSM81AJ6wxqfbKhuj9RuKISOtcGTBULWvUdrjcV553rPntq+GO/BsZp UB/6NKLiPHwZ7MUStCKEnxbNi7rTusI8s0efRXQvU0+8Ln3eZFzEc8bJjxnl8zXGqrxxsQ b0bnBhXJQpKkkcJNxjRKV2UIZQiKEyKEbtCDwKf+N9LZcfcyTIYcA5WbDjl0axWKXVlTEk wAChAi0mMQAAA8jfx6KY38eimAAAAAdzc2gtcnNhAAABAQChZ6mVuGLBpW7SarFU/Tu6Te mquNxatbMUZuTk8RqVtbkvTKeWFZ5h5tntWPHgST8ykYFaIrr8eYuKQkKdBxHW7H8kejTN wRu/rDbRYX5wxTn4jw4RVopGTpxMlGrWeu5CkWPoLAhQtIzzUAnrDGp9sqG6P1G4ohI61w ZMFQta9R2uNxXnnes+e2r4Y78GxmlQH/o0ouI8fBnsxRK0IoSfFs2LutO6wjyzR59FdC9T T7wufd5kXMRzxsmPGeXzNcaqvHGxBvRucGFclCkqSRwk3GNEpXZQhlCIoTIoRu0IPAp/43 0tlx9zJMhhwDlZsOOXRrFYpdWVMSTAAKECLSYxAAAAAwEAAQAAAQAJ417pVD2AnZD3hR/O FCGHnWRWWDLvv7fz5QXa3MaDK3nn4utVb4efedQaDVvsILCleXKSQhRwiUW6N6r7EcbPAv gbFP2NKWp4yKUnGLD1Wa/egW0cNNAN1J0Qt/r/ntJf86ZKQABWaWlFMr8Yzk7r2ni7/0sT Y6J4RloVaSij7s1uZ76sTw/REGF/BNX0BC1FTDlQE3jTQptEYxGbLGQFYYhDl37Zv3Emnf j7ZA8pkwrUn6mPy5JEZTjp2MgFD8oF8XxzfXWtFJP9UuDUJrLcQD8hOunUrPQbnazpxOHw 0vvF7K7B9l0mLJX7UmQlBW8Op+tv1jJugJ29rDjT3FcRAAAAgFtDhZCLc2ihQiOK2zEqb5 bUk4x9a42othQQNOvMEkwCLxmKTVjoYrClSp+9j6blkKESiGCxAu8MC7Hc8JV2NOkIrorl K35KgwCiLyEXPedQ/+ZPoO1a4ZIGHPfxosbmh9byJYgvDQ4E8gqRUlEhtYSOzyeObfXh7T 7QcNtKOvo+AAAAgQDVK194Jl97URrb23+jgFPfWeNb1daeLUc/DYCDaJgHVom8zAxKPsHP sYdy5dPGNTiMttdk2JpzqAmo7G1/QDPB5sHNcWEAQE0PGagYGFJhBMhB9Ug6iJek14h9nS /m6BfVy3fQW062sztE7dw5lzGTTQajJWX7z4VDm4VSaraHXQAAAIEAwdW4Xk8xS2Jdp3Gr /+0YG4+90rLpidS1z0SgT+a8NeLA3KXwDhdunHDxGn9QKgSCZ8ogHmcGN4x07jI3+3ajdK 7Xe/QIlNLAnXEX7Kkrx3+FmakCXs/aN5xTA0J6s2Hyj9MwJIX0C+EmAzxEcIbHvbKxKVBp V4cecTlFJGBtUOUAAAAMbGl3QGV4b2xvYmUxAQIDBAUGBw== -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ~~~ Note that we use *tilde expansion* in filenames to indicate they go into the home directory. The Subplot test runner sets the `HOME` environment variable to a suitable directory, so that the files don't go into the actual home directory of the person running the generated test program ~~~{#config.yaml .file .yaml} image_directory: ~/images default_base_image: ~/base.qcow2 default_image_gib: 5 default_memory_mib: 2048 default_cpus: 1 default_generate_host_certificate: true default_autostart: true ca_key: ~/ca_key user_ca_pubkey: ~/user_ca_pubkey authorized_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~~~ ~~~{#fullconfig.json .file .json} { "image_directory": "~/images", "default_base_image": "~/base.qcow2", "default_image_gib": 5, "default_memory_mib": 2048, "default_cpus": 1, "default_generate_host_certificate": true, "default_autostart": true, "default_networks": [ "network=default" ], "default_allow_authorized_keys": null, "ca_key": "~/ca_key", "user_ca_pubkey": "~/user_ca_pubkey", "authorized_keys": [ "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" ] } ~~~ ~~~{#spec.yaml .file .yaml} foo: ca_key: ~/other_ca ~~~ ~~~{#fullspec.json .file .json} [ { "name": "foo", "ssh_keys": [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQChZ6mVuGLBpW7SarFU/Tu6TemquNxatbMUZuTk8RqVtbkvTKeWFZ5h5tntWPHgST8ykYFaIrr8eYuKQkKdBxHW7H8kejTNwRu/rDbRYX5wxTn4jw4RVopGTpxMlGrWeu5CkWPoLAhQtIzzUAnrDGp9sqG6P1G4ohI61wZMFQta9R2uNxXnnes+e2r4Y78GxmlQH/o0ouI8fBnsxRK0IoSfFs2LutO6wjyzR59FdC9TT7wufd5kXMRzxsmPGeXzNcaqvHGxBvRucGFclCkqSRwk3GNEpXZQhlCIoTIoRu0IPAp/430tlx9zJMhhwDlZsOOXRrFYpdWVMSTAAKECLSYx liw@exolobe1" ], "networks": ["network=default"], "rsa_host_key": null, "rsa_host_cert": null, "dsa_host_key": null, "dsa_host_cert": null, "ecdsa_host_key": null, "ecdsa_host_cert": null, "ed25519_host_key": null, "ed25519_host_cert": null, "base": "~/base.qcow2", "image": "~/images/foo.qcow2", "image_size_gib": 5, "memory_mib": 2048, "cpus": 1, "generate_host_certificate": true, "autostart": true, "ca_key": "~/other_ca", "user_ca_pubkey": "~/user_ca_pubkey", "allow_authorized_keys": true } ] ~~~ ~~~{#ssh_key_pub .file} ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQChZ6mVuGLBpW7SarFU/Tu6TemquNxatbMUZuTk8RqVtbkvTKeWFZ5h5tntWPHgST8ykYFaIrr8eYuKQkKdBxHW7H8kejTNwRu/rDbRYX5wxTn4jw4RVopGTpxMlGrWeu5CkWPoLAhQtIzzUAnrDGp9sqG6P1G4ohI61wZMFQta9R2uNxXnnes+e2r4Y78GxmlQH/o0ouI8fBnsxRK0IoSfFs2LutO6wjyzR59FdC9TT7wufd5kXMRzxsmPGeXzNcaqvHGxBvRucGFclCkqSRwk3GNEpXZQhlCIoTIoRu0IPAp/430tlx9zJMhhwDlZsOOXRrFYpdWVMSTAAKECLSYx liw@exolobe1 ~~~ ~~~{#ca_key .file} -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW QyNTUxOQAAACABAgbX2ZOvZUO42nZDbKYOaovzfaSH1uiXKjBFydy2igAAAJBWl8ZtVpfG bQAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACABAgbX2ZOvZUO42nZDbKYOaovzfaSH1uiXKjBFydy2ig AAAECD6VUD9Cl/oDBtGumplYGWkbYCWXTFDAb6CaeXyf1ErQECBtfZk69lQ7jadkNspg5q i/N9pIfW6JcqMEXJ3LaKAAAADGxpd0BleG9sb2JlMQE= -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ~~~ ~~~{#ssh_config .file} host * userknownhostsfile=ssh/known_hosts stricthostkeychecking=accept-new identityfile=.ssh/id_rsa identitiesonly=yes passwordauthentication=no ~~~ ~~~{#known_hosts .file} @cert-authority * ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAECBtfZk69lQ7jadkNspg5qi/N9pIfW6JcqMEXJ3LaK ~~~ # Cloud-init configuration This scenario verifies that vmadm creates the cloud-init configuration correctly. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given file init.yaml given file config.yaml given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from init_ssh_key_pub given file user_ca_pubkey from ssh_key_pub given file expected/init-test/meta-data from init-metadata given file expected/init-test/user-data from init-userdata when I run vmadm cloud-init --config config.yaml init.yaml actual then directories actual/init-test and expected/init-test are identical ~~~ ~~~{#init.yaml .file .yaml} init-test: ssh_key_files: - .ssh/id_rsa.pub rsa_host_key: rsa-private rsa_host_cert: rsa-certificate dsa_host_key: dsa-private dsa_host_cert: dsa-certificate ecdsa_host_key: ecdsa-private ecdsa_host_cert: ecdsa-certificate ed25519_host_key: ed25519-private ed25519_host_cert: ed25519-certificate base: /home/liw/tmp/debian-10-openstack-amd64.qcow2 image: images/init.qcow2 image_size_gib: 5 memory_mib: 2048 cpus: 1 ~~~ ~~~{#init_ssh_key_pub .file} init-authz-key ~~~ ~~~{#init-metadata .file} # Amazon EC2 style metadata local-hostname: init-test ~~~ ~~~{#init-userdata .file} #cloud-config ssh_authorized_keys: - init-authz-key ssh_keys: rsa_private: rsa-private rsa_certificate: rsa-certificate dsa_private: dsa-private dsa_certificate: dsa-certificate ecdsa_private: ecdsa-private ecdsa_certificate: ecdsa-certificate ed25519_private: ed25519-private ed25519_certificate: ed25519-certificate user_ca_pubkey: > ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQChZ6mVuGLBpW7SarFU/Tu6TemquNxatbMUZuTk8RqVtbkvTKeWFZ5h5tntWPHgST8ykYFaIrr8eYuKQkKdBxHW7H8kejTNwRu/rDbRYX5wxTn4jw4RVopGTpxMlGrWeu5CkWPoLAhQtIzzUAnrDGp9sqG6P1G4ohI61wZMFQta9R2uNxXnnes+e2r4Y78GxmlQH/o0ouI8fBnsxRK0IoSfFs2LutO6wjyzR59FdC9TT7wufd5kXMRzxsmPGeXzNcaqvHGxBvRucGFclCkqSRwk3GNEpXZQhlCIoTIoRu0IPAp/430tlx9zJMhhwDlZsOOXRrFYpdWVMSTAAKECLSYx liw@exolobe1 allow_authorized_keys: true ~~~ # Create a virtual machine This scenario verifies that vmadm can create a virtual machine and that the user can log into it as root via SSH after it has booted. This requires that the environment it set up so that virtual machines can be addressed by name. First some setup. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file smoke.yaml given file config.yaml given file ca_key given file user_ca_pubkey from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts when I run chmod -R u=rwX,go= .ssh ~~~ Then we create the VM, and verify that we can log in. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm new --config config.yaml smoke.yaml when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke hostname then stdout contains "smoke" when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke df -h / then stdout matches regex 4\.\dG when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke free -m then stdout matches regex Mem:\s+19\d\d\s ~~~ Then we shut it down, twice. The second time is to verify shutting down works even if the VM is already shut down. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm shutdown --config config.yaml smoke.yaml when I run vmadm shutdown --config config.yaml smoke.yaml ~~~ Then we start it back up again and verify we can log in. Then we start it again, while it's already running, to verify that that works. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm start --config config.yaml smoke.yaml when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke hostname when I run vmadm start --config config.yaml smoke.yaml ~~~ Finally, we delete it twice. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm delete --config config.yaml smoke.yaml when I run vmadm delete --config config.yaml smoke.yaml ~~~ # Manage several specs at once This scenario verifies that vmadm can manage virtual machines from several specifications at once. First some setup. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file smoke.yaml given file other.yaml given file config.yaml given file ca_key given file user_ca_pubkey from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts when I run chmod -R u=rwX,go= .ssh ~~~ Then we create the VMs. We don't verify that each works, beyond that we can log in. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm new --config config.yaml smoke.yaml other.yaml when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke hostname then stdout contains "smoke" when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@other hostname then stdout contains "other" ~~~ Then we shut them all down. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm shutdown --config config.yaml smoke.yaml other.yaml ~~~ Then we start them back up again and verify we can log in. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm start --config config.yaml smoke.yaml other.yaml when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke hostname when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@other hostname ~~~ Then we recreate them. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm recreate --config config.yaml smoke.yaml other.yaml when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@smoke hostname when I run ssh -F .ssh/config debian@other hostname ~~~ Finally, we delete them. ~~~scenario when I run vmadm delete --config config.yaml smoke.yaml other.yaml ~~~ # Give useful error if image for new VM already exists This scenario verifies that if the VM image file already exists, vmadm gives a useful error message. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file smoke.yaml given file config.yaml given file ca_key given file user_ca_pubkey from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts given file images/smoke.qcow2 from dummy.qcow2 when I try to run vmadm new --config config.yaml smoke.yaml then exit code is 1 then stderr contains "images/smoke.qcow2" then stderr contains "exists" ~~~ ~~~{#dummy.qcow2 .file} This dummy file pretends to be a QCOW2 image file. ~~~ # Dump config This scenario verifies that vmadm can show its actual configuration. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file .config/vmadm/config.yaml from config.yaml given file fullconfig.json when I run vmadm config then stdout, as JSON, matches file fullconfig.json with tilde expansion ~~~ # Dump specification This scenario verifies that vmadm can show the actual specification it will use. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file .config/vmadm/config.yaml from config.yaml given file ca_key given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts given file spec.yaml given file fullspec.json when I run vmadm spec spec.yaml then stdout, as JSON, matches file fullspec.json with tilde expansion ~~~ # Configure networks vmadm must allow the user to specify any kind of network that `virt-install` supports, including bridge ones. This scenario verifies that a bridge can be specified. ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file .config/vmadm/config.yaml from bridgeconfig.yaml given file ca_key given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts given file bridgespec.yaml when I run vmadm config then stdout contains "bridge=br0" when I run vmadm spec bridgespec.yaml then stdout contains "bridge=br1" ~~~ ~~~{#bridgeconfig.yaml .file .yaml} image_directory: ~/images default_base_image: ~/base.qcow2 default_image_gib: 5 default_memory_mib: 2048 default_cpus: 1 default_generate_host_certificate: true default_autostart: true ca_key: ~/ca_key authorized_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub default_networks: - bridge=br0 ~~~ ~~~{#bridgespec.yaml .file .yaml} foo: networks: - bridge=br1 ~~~ # Check that network name is OK vmadm must check that the virtual network name is OK. The scenarios in this chapter verify that for the configuration and spec files. ## Check network name in config ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file .config/vmadm/config.yaml from bad-network-config.yaml given file ca_key given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts when I try to run vmadm config then command fails then stderr contains ": br0" ~~~ ~~~{#bad-network-config.yaml .file .yaml} image_directory: ~/images default_base_image: ~/base.qcow2 default_image_gib: 5 default_memory_mib: 2048 default_cpus: 1 default_generate_host_certificate: true default_autostart: true ca_key: ~/ca_key authorized_keys: - ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub default_networks: - br0 ~~~ ## Check network name in spec ~~~scenario given an installed vmadm given a Debian 10 OpenStack cloud image given file .config/vmadm/config.yaml from config.yaml given file ca_key given file .ssh/id_rsa from ssh_key given file .ssh/id_rsa.pub from ssh_key_pub given file .ssh/config from ssh_config given file .ssh/known_hosts from known_hosts given file bad-network-spec.yaml when I try to run vmadm spec bad-network-spec.yaml then command fails then stderr contains ": br0" ~~~ ~~~{#bad-network-spec.yaml .file .yaml} foo: networks: - br0 ~~~ # Colophon This is a document meant to be processed with [Subplot][] into an HTML document, a PDF document, and an executable program.