[[!meta title="Debian image builder"]] vmdb2 builds disk image with Debian installed. [[About]] — [[Project]] — [[Download]] — [[Documentation|docs]] — [[Contact]] — [[News]] Latest news from the project:
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# Example .vmdb file A .vmdb file defines how an image is built: steps: - mkimg: "{{ output }}" size: 4G - mklabel: msdos device: "{{ output }}" - mkpart: primary device: "{{ output }}" start: 1M end: 10M tag: unused - mkpart: primary device: "{{ output }}" start: 10M end: 100% tag: rootfs - kpartx: "{{ output }}" - mkfs: ext4 partition: rootfs label: smoke - mount: rootfs - unpack-rootfs: rootfs - debootstrap: stretch mirror: http://deb.debian.org/debian target: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked - apt: install packages: - linux-image-amd64 tag: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked - cache-rootfs: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked - chroot: rootfs shell: | sed -i '/^root:[^:]*:/s//root::/' /etc/passwd echo pc-vmdb2 > /etc/hostname - grub: bios tag: rootfs console: serial