[[!meta title="Project"]] vmdb2 is a community project: it is developed by some people who want to do it. You could help! Information on how we do things, and help to get you started if you're interested: * Project [[governance]]. * [[Code of conduct|conduct]] * [[Development blog|blog]] (see [[feeds|blog_feed]] also). * [[consensus decisions|tag/consensus-decision]]. * [[formal decisions|tag/formal-decision]]. * [[votes|tag/vote]]. * [[Issue (bug) tracking|issues]] * [[Sending patches|patches]] or pull requests. Please note that this project is released with a [[Contributor Code of Conduct|conduct]]. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Minutes from the latest meetings (see more in [[blog]]):
[[!inline pages="page(blog/*) and tagged(meeting)" limit=3 template=titlepage archive=yes trail=no feeds=no]]