NEWS for vmdb2, the Debian disk image builder ============================================================================= Version 0.6+git, not yet released --------------------------------- Version 0.6, released 2017-06-11 --------------------------------- * now installs the plugins, making the .deb package actually be usable. Version 0.5, released 2017-06-04 --------------------------------- * The "unless:" part of vmdb spec files now actually works. Previously it was entrely unimplmented (there was code to implement the check, but it was never actually called). The apt and debootstrap plugins have been fixed to not do "has rootfs tarball been unpacked" checks themselves. Version 0.4, released 2017-06-03 --------------------------------- * Add a rudimenteary smoke test yarn for vmdb2-built images. * Add a plugin to run Ansible to configure an image at build time. Doing this via Ansible saves me from having to write equivalent functionality directly into vmdb2, which would be quite a lot of work. (If someone wants puppet, a plugin for that is probably easily doable, assuming it can run against a chroot. I don't now, I've never used puppet.) Version 0.3, released 2017-05-21 --------------------------------- * Simplify progress reporting to go to stdout, plus stop logging progress reports ar as errors. * Add a BIOS flavor for installing GRUB. Version 0.2, released 2017-05-14 --------------------------------- * Add plugin to provide steps to cache the rootfs, and to unpack the rootfs from the cache, instead of running debootstrap or installing packages. This speeds up iteration time from about 9 minutes to 40 seconds on my laptop. See small.vmdb for an example. * Add a generic "unless this condition is true" functionality to steps. If a step has a field "unless: foo" it is skipped the variable foo exists and is true. The variables are set by steps, and currently only the rootfs unpacking step sets a variable (the `rootfs_unpacked` variable). This allows debootstrap to be skipped if the rootfs has already been created by unpacking a cached tarball. Version 0.1, released 2017-05-13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first release. It can build a UEFI image for the amd64 architecture. It's not meant to really be useful for other people.