# This is a sample VMDB2 input file to specify a simple # system that boots on a PC with BIOS. Uses LVM2. steps: - mkimg: "{{ output }}" size: 4G - mklabel: msdos device: "{{ output }}" - mkpart: primary device: "{{ output }}" start: 1M end: 100M tag: /boot - mkpart: primary device: "{{ output }}" start: 100M end: 2G tag: rootpv - kpartx: "{{ output }}" - vgcreate: rootvg physical: - rootpv - lvcreate: rootvg name: rootfs size: 1G - mkfs: ext2 partition: /boot - mkfs: ext4 partition: rootfs - mount: /boot - mount: rootfs - unpack-rootfs: rootfs - debootstrap: stretch mirror: http://deb.debian.org/debian target: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked - apt: install packages: - linux-image-amd64 tag: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked - cache-rootfs: rootfs unless: rootfs_unpacked # - apt: install # packages: # - lvm2 # tag: rootfs - chroot: rootfs shell: | sed -i '/^root:[^:]*:/s//root::/' /etc/passwd echo pc-vmdb2 > /etc/hostname # vgdisplay # lvdisplay - grub: bios tag: rootfs image-dev: "{{ output }}" console: serial