diff options
authorNeil Williams <>2015-08-15 14:18:05 +0200
committerNeil Williams <>2015-08-16 14:28:35 +0200
commitca8829488c49ae4801ef91eed6d17f7bad892eef (patch)
parent8063a5bcaf28421c33881aab5af3df987303bf1a (diff)
initial handler layout
7 files changed, 783 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2799e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ Base for common utility functions
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import crypt
+import cliapp
+import logging
+import subprocess
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
+def runcmd(argv, stdin='', ignore_fail=False, env=None, **kwargs):
+ logging.debug('runcmd: %s %s %s', argv, env, kwargs)
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ env=env, **kwargs)
+ out, err = proc.communicate(stdin)
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ msg = 'command failed: %s\n%s\n%s' % (argv, out, err)
+ logging.error(msg)
+ if not ignore_fail:
+ raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
+ return out
+def mount_wrapper(rootdir):
+ runcmd(['mount', '/dev', '-t', 'devfs', '-obind',
+ '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
+ runcmd(['mount', '/proc', '-t', 'proc', '-obind',
+ '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
+ runcmd(['mount', '/sys', '-t', 'sysfs', '-obind',
+ '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
+def umount_wrapper(rootdir):
+ runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
+ runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
+ runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
+def cleanup_apt_cache(rootdir):
+ out = runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', 'clean'])
+ logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
+def set_password(rootdir, user, password):
+ encrypted = crypt.crypt(password, '..')
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'usermod', '-p', encrypted, user])
+def delete_password(rootdir, user):
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-d', user])
+class Base(object):
+ name = 'base'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Base, self).__init__()
+ self.settings = None
+ def define_settings(self, settings):
+ self.settings = settings
+ def message(self, msg):
+ if self.settings['verbose']:
+ print msg
+ def create_empty_image(self):
+ self.message('Creating disk image')
+ runcmd(['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw',
+ self.settings['image'],
+ str(self.settings['size'])])
+ def create_tarball(self, rootdir):
+ # Create a tarball of the disk's contents
+ # shell out to runcmd since it more easily handles rootdir
+ self.message('Creating tarball of disk contents')
+ runcmd(['tar', '-cf', self.settings['tarball'], '-C', rootdir, '.'])
+ def mkfs(self, device, fstype):
+ self.message('Creating filesystem %s' % fstype)
+ runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, device])
+ def set_root_password(self, rootdir):
+ if self.settings['root-password']:
+ self.message('Setting root password')
+ set_password(rootdir, 'root', self.settings['root-password'])
+ elif self.settings['lock-root-password']:
+ self.message('Locking root password')
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-l', 'root'])
+ else:
+ self.message('Give root an empty password')
+ delete_password(rootdir, 'root')
+ def create_users(self, rootdir):
+ def create_user(vmuser):
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', '--gecos', vmuser,
+ '--disabled-password', vmuser])
+ if self.settings['sudo']:
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', vmuser, 'sudo'])
+ for userpass in self.settings['user']:
+ if '/' in userpass:
+ user, password = userpass.split('/', 1)
+ create_user(user)
+ set_password(rootdir, user, password)
+ else:
+ create_user(userpass)
+ delete_password(rootdir, userpass)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335c474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ Wrapper for distro information
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import datetime
+from base import Base
+from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo, UbuntuDistroInfo
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
+class Codenames(Base):
+ name = 'codenames'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Codenames, self).__init__()
+ self.debian_info = DebianDistroInfo()
+ self.ubuntu_info = UbuntuDistroInfo()
+ def define_settings(self, settings):
+ self.settings = settings
+ def suite_to_codename(self, distro):
+ suite = self.debian_info.codename(distro,
+ if not suite:
+ return distro
+ return suite
+ def was_oldstable(self, limit):
+ suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
+ # this check is only for debian
+ if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
+ return False
+ return suite == self.debian_info.old(limit)
+ def was_stable(self, limit):
+ suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
+ # this check is only for debian
+ if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
+ return False
+ return suite == self.debian_info.stable(limit)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e88fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import re
+import os
+import time
+import cliapp
+import logging
+from base import Base
+class ExtLinux(Base):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ExtLinux, self).__init__()
+ def install_extlinux(self, rootdev, rootdir):
+ if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/extlinux"):
+ self.message("extlinux not installed, skipping.")
+ return
+ self.message('Installing extlinux')
+ def find(pattern):
+ dirname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot')
+ basenames = os.listdir(dirname)
+ logging.debug('find: %s', basenames)
+ for basename in basenames:
+ if, basename):
+ return os.path.join('boot', basename)
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Cannot find match: %s' % pattern)
+ try:
+ kernel_image = find('vmlinuz-.*')
+ initrd_image = find('initrd.img-.*')
+ except cliapp.AppException as exc:
+ self.message("Unable to find kernel. Not installing extlinux.")
+ logging.debug("No kernel found. %s. Skipping install of extlinux.", exc)
+ return
+ out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
+ '-s', 'UUID', rootdev])
+ uuid = out.splitlines()[0].strip()
+ conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'extlinux.conf')
+ logging.debug('configure extlinux %s', conf)
+ kserial = 'console=ttyS0,115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
+ extserial = 'serial 0 115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
+ msg = '''
+default linux
+timeout 1
+label linux
+kernel %(kernel)s
+append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
+''' % {
+ 'kernel': kernel_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ 'initrd': initrd_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ 'uuid': uuid, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ 'kserial': kserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ 'extserial': extserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ } # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+ logging.debug("extlinux config:\n%s", msg)
+ # python multiline string substitution is just ugly.
+ # use an external file or live with the mangling, no point in
+ # mangling the string to remove spaces just to keep it pretty in source.
+ ext_f = open(conf, 'w')
+ ext_f.write(msg)
+ self.runcmd(['extlinux', '--install', rootdir])
+ self.runcmd(['sync'])
+ time.sleep(2)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b40519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ Wrapper for filesystem utilities
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from base import Base
+class Filesystem(Base):
+ name = 'filesystem'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Filesystem, self).__init__()
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c55ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ Wrapper for Grub operations
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import cliapp
+import logging
+from base import (
+ Base,
+ runcmd,
+ mount_wrapper,
+ umount_wrapper
+from uefi import Uefi, arch_table
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
+def grub_serial_console(rootdir):
+ cmdline = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=tty1 console=ttyS0,38400n8"'
+ terminal = 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial gfxterm"'
+ command = 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=38400 --unit=0 --parity=no --stop=1"'
+ grub_cfg = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'default', 'grub')
+ logging.debug("Allowing serial output in grub config %s", grub_cfg)
+ with open(grub_cfg, 'a+') as cfg:
+ cfg.write("# %s serial support\n" % os.path.basename(__file__))
+ cfg.write("%s\n" % cmdline)
+ cfg.write("%s\n" % terminal)
+ cfg.write("%s\n" % command)
+class GrubHandler(Base):
+ name = 'grub'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(GrubHandler, self).__init__()
+ self.uefi = Uefi()
+ def install_grub2(self, rootdev, rootdir):
+ self.message("Configuring grub2")
+ # rely on kpartx using consistent naming to map loop0p1 to loop0
+ grub_opts = os.path.join('/dev', os.path.basename(rootdev)[:-2])
+ if self.settings['serial-console']:
+ grub_serial_console(rootdir)
+ logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
+ mount_wrapper(rootdir)
+ try:
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
+ except cliapp.AppException as exc:
+ logging.warning(exc)
+ self.message("Failed. Is grub2-common installed? Using extlinux.")
+ self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir) # FIXME!
+ umount_wrapper(rootdir)
+ def install_grub_uefi(self, rootdir):
+ self.message("Configuring grub-uefi")
+ target = arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['target']
+ grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
+ logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
+ mount_wrapper(rootdir)
+ try:
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
+ except cliapp.AppException as exc:
+ logging.warning(exc)
+ self.message(
+ "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" %
+ self.settings['arch'])
+ umount_wrapper(rootdir)
+ self.uefi.configure_efi() # FIXME
+ extra = str(arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
+ if extra:
+ target = arch_table[extra]['target']
+ grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
+ try:
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
+ except cliapp.AppException as exc:
+ logging.warning(exc)
+ self.message(
+ "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" % extra)
+ self.uefi.configure_extra_efi() # FIXME
+ umount_wrapper(rootdir)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37731ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ Wrapper for UEFI operations
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Neil Williams <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import cliapp
+import logging
+from base import Base
+# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
+arch_table = { # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+ 'amd64': {
+ 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi', # destination location
+ 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi', # package location
+ 'package': 'grub-efi-amd64', # bootstrap package
+ 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-amd64-bin', # binary only
+ 'extra': 'i386', # architecture to add binary package
+ 'exclusive': False, # only EFI supported for this arch.
+ 'target': 'x86_64-efi', # grub target name
+ },
+ 'i386': {
+ 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootia32.efi',
+ 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubia32.efi',
+ 'package': 'grub-efi-ia32',
+ 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-ia32-bin',
+ 'extra': None,
+ 'exclusive': False,
+ 'target': 'i386-efi',
+ },
+ 'arm64': {
+ 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootaa64.efi',
+ 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubaa64.efi',
+ 'package': 'grub-efi-arm64',
+ 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-arm64-bin',
+ 'extra': None,
+ 'exclusive': True,
+ 'target': 'arm64-efi',
+ }
+class Uefi(Base):
+ name = 'uefi'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Uefi, self).__init__()
+ self.bootdir = None
+ def efi_packages(self):
+ packages = []
+ pkg = arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['package']
+ self.message("Adding %s" % pkg)
+ packages.append(pkg)
+ extra = arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra']
+ if extra and isinstance(extra, str):
+ bin_pkg = arch_table[str(extra)]['bin_package']
+ self.message("Adding support for %s using %s" % (extra, bin_pkg))
+ packages.append(bin_pkg)
+ return packages
+ def copy_efi_binary(self, efi_removable, efi_install):
+ logging.debug("using bootdir=%s", self.bootdir)
+ logging.debug("moving %s to %s", efi_removable, efi_install)
+ if efi_removable.startswith('/'):
+ efi_removable = efi_removable[1:]
+ if efi_install.startswith('/'):
+ efi_install = efi_install[1:]
+ efi_output = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_removable)
+ efi_input = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_install)
+ if not os.path.exists(efi_input):
+ logging.warning("%s does not exist (%s)", efi_input, efi_install)
+ raise cliapp.AppException("Missing %s" % efi_install)
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(efi_output)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(efi_output))
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Moving UEFI support: %s -> %s', efi_input, efi_output)
+ if os.path.exists(efi_output):
+ os.unlink(efi_output)
+ os.rename(efi_input, efi_output)
+ def configure_efi(self):
+ """
+ Copy the bootloader file from the package into the location
+ so needs to be after grub and kernel already installed.
+ """
+ self.message('Configuring EFI')
+ efi_removable = str(arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['removable'])
+ efi_install = str(arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['install'])
+ self.message('Installing UEFI support binary')
+ self.copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
+ def configure_extra_efi(self):
+ extra = str(arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
+ if extra:
+ efi_removable = str(arch_table[extra]['removable'])
+ efi_install = str(arch_table[extra]['install'])
+ self.message('Copying UEFI support binary for %s' % extra)
+ self.copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
+ def partition_esp(self):
+ espsize = self.settings['esp-size'] / (1024 * 1024)
+ self.message("Using ESP size: %smib %s bytes" % (espsize, self.settings['esp-size']))
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat32',
+ '1', str(espsize)])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'set', '1', 'esp', 'on'])
+ def prepare_esp(self, rootdir, bootdev):
+ bootdir = '%s/%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot', 'efi')
+ logging.debug("bootdir:%s", self.bootdir)
+ self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype='vfat')
+ os.makedirs(bootdir)
+ return bootdir
diff --git a/vmdebootstrap b/vmdebootstrap
index e44fe1e..0b169bb 100755
--- a/vmdebootstrap
+++ b/vmdebootstrap
@@ -16,23 +16,30 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import cliapp
-import crypt
-import logging
import os
-import re
import sys
+import time
import shutil
+import cliapp
+import logging
import datetime
-import subprocess
import tempfile
-import time
-from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo, UbuntuDistroInfo
+import subprocess
+from base import (
+ Base,
+ runcmd,
+ cleanup_apt_cache,
+from grub import GrubHandler
+from extlinux import ExtLinux
+from codenames import Codenames
+from filesystem import Filesystem
+from uefi import Uefi, arch_table
-__version__ = '0.9'
+__version__ = '1.0'
-# pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long,missing-docstring,too-many-branches
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name,line-too-long,missing-docstring
class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
@@ -41,37 +48,14 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
super(VmDebootstrap, self).__init__(progname, version, description, epilog)
self.remove_dirs = []
self.mount_points = []
- self.debian_info = DebianDistroInfo()
- self.ubuntu_info = UbuntuDistroInfo()
self.bootdir = None
- self.efi_arch_table = {
- 'amd64': {
- 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi', # destination location
- 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi', # package location
- 'package': 'grub-efi-amd64', # bootstrap package
- 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-amd64-bin', # binary only
- 'extra': 'i386', # architecture to add binary package
- 'exclusive': False, # only EFI supported for this arch.
- 'target': 'x86_64-efi', # grub target name
- },
- 'i386': {
- 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootia32.efi',
- 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubia32.efi',
- 'package': 'grub-efi-ia32',
- 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-ia32-bin',
- 'extra': None,
- 'exclusive': False,
- 'target': 'i386-efi',
- },
- 'arm64': {
- 'removable': '/EFI/boot/bootaa64.efi',
- 'install': '/EFI/debian/grubaa64.efi',
- 'package': 'grub-efi-arm64',
- 'bin_package': 'grub-efi-arm64-bin',
- 'extra': None,
- 'exclusive': True,
- 'target': 'arm64-efi',
- }
+ self.handlers = {
+ Base(),
+ Uefi(),
+ Codenames(),
+ GrubHandler(),
+ ExtLinux(),
+ Filesystem(),
def add_settings(self):
@@ -84,170 +68,150 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
['image'], 'put created disk image in FILE',
- ['size'],
- 'create a disk image of size SIZE (%default)',
- metavar='SIZE',
- default='1G')
+ ['size'], 'create a disk image of size SIZE (%default)',
+ metavar='SIZE', default='1G')
- ['bootsize'],
- 'create boot partition of size SIZE (%default)',
- metavar='BOOTSIZE',
- default='0%')
+ ['bootsize'], 'create boot partition of size '
+ 'SIZE (%default)',
+ metavar='BOOTSIZE', default='0%')
- ['boottype'],
- 'specify file system type for /boot/',
+ ['boottype'], 'specify file system type for /boot/',
- ['bootoffset'],
- 'Space to leave at start of the image for bootloader',
+ ['bootoffset'], 'Space to leave at start of the '
+ 'image for bootloader',
- ['use-uefi'],
- 'Setup image for UEFI boot',
+ ['use-uefi'], 'Setup image for UEFI boot',
- ['esp-size'],
- 'Size of EFI System Partition - requires use-uefi',
+ ['esp-size'], 'Size of EFI System Partition - '
+ 'requires use-uefi',
- ['part-type'],
- 'Partition type to use for this image',
+ ['part-type'], 'Partition type to use for this image',
- ['roottype'],
- 'specify file system type for /',
+ ['roottype'], 'specify file system type for /',
- ['swap'],
- 'create swap space of size SIZE (min 256Mb)')
+ ['swap'], 'create swap space of size SIZE (min 256Mb)')
- ['foreign'],
- 'set up foreign debootstrap environment using provided program (ie binfmt handler)')
+ ['foreign'], 'set up foreign debootstrap environment '
+ 'using provided program (ie binfmt handler)')
- ['variant'],
- 'select debootstrap variant it not using the default')
+ ['variant'], 'select debootstrap variant it not using '
+ 'the default')
- ['extlinux'],
- 'install extlinux?',
+ ['extlinux'], 'install extlinux?',
- ['tarball'],
- "tar up the disk's contents in FILE",
+ ['tarball'], "tar up the disk's contents in FILE",
- ['apt-mirror'],
- 'configure apt to use MIRROR',
+ ['apt-mirror'], 'configure apt to use MIRROR',
- ['mirror'],
- 'use MIRROR as package source (%default)',
+ ['mirror'], 'use MIRROR as package source (%default)',
- ['arch'],
- 'architecture to use (%default)',
+ ['arch'], 'architecture to use (%default)',
- ['distribution'],
- 'release to use (%default)',
+ ['distribution'], 'release to use (%default)',
- ['package'],
- 'install PACKAGE onto system')
+ ['package'], 'install PACKAGE onto system')
- ['custom-package'],
- 'install package in DEB file onto system (not from mirror)',
+ ['custom-package'], 'install package in DEB file '
+ 'onto system (not from mirror)',
- ['no-kernel'],
- 'do not install a linux package')
+ ['no-kernel'], 'do not install a linux package')
- ['kernel-package'],
- 'install PACKAGE instead of the default kernel package',
+ ['kernel-package'], 'install PACKAGE instead of '
+ 'the default kernel package',
- ['enable-dhcp'],
- 'enable DHCP on eth0')
+ ['enable-dhcp'], 'enable DHCP on eth0')
- ['root-password'],
- 'set root password',
+ ['root-password'], 'set root password',
- ['lock-root-password'],
- 'lock root account so they cannot login?')
+ ['lock-root-password'], 'lock root account so they '
+ 'cannot login?')
- ['customize'],
- 'run SCRIPT after setting up system',
+ ['customize'], 'run SCRIPT after setting up system',
- ['hostname'],
- 'set name to HOSTNAME (%default)',
+ ['hostname'], 'set name to HOSTNAME (%default)',
- ['user'],
- 'create USER with PASSWORD',
+ ['user'], 'create USER with PASSWORD',
- ['serial-console'],
- 'configure image to use a serial console')
+ ['serial-console'], 'configure image to use a serial console')
- ['serial-console-command'],
- 'command to manage the serial console, appended to /etc/inittab (%default)',
+ ['serial-console-command'], 'command to manage the '
+ 'serial console, appended to /etc/inittab (%default)',
default='/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100')
- ['sudo'],
- 'install sudo, and if user is created, add them to sudo group')
+ ['sudo'], 'install sudo, and if user is created, '
+ 'add them to sudo group')
- ['owner'],
- 'the user who will own the image when the build is complete.')
+ ['owner'], 'the user who will own the image when '
+ 'the build is complete.')
- ['squash'],
- 'use squashfs on the final image.')
+ ['squash'], 'use squashfs on the final image.')
- ['configure-apt'],
- 'Create an apt source based on the distribution and mirror selected.')
+ ['configure-apt'], 'Create an apt source based on '
+ 'the distribution and mirror selected.')
- ['mbr'],
- 'Run install-mbr (default if extlinux used)')
+ ['mbr'], 'Run install-mbr (default if extlinux used)')
- ['grub'],
- 'Install and configure grub2 - disables extlinux.')
+ ['grub'], 'Install and configure grub2 - '
+ 'disables extlinux.')
- ['sparse'],
- 'Do not fill the image with zeros to keep a sparse disk image',
+ ['sparse'], 'Do not fill the image with zeros to '
+ 'keep a sparse disk image',
- ['pkglist'],
- 'Create a list of package names included in the image.')
+ ['pkglist'], 'Create a list of package names '
+ 'included in the image.')
- ['no-acpid'],
- 'do not install the acpid package',
+ ['no-acpid'], 'do not install the acpid package',
def process_args(self, args): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
+ for _, handler in self.handlers.items():
+ handler.define_settings(self.settings)
+ distro = self.handlers[]
if not self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['tarball']:
raise cliapp.AppException(
'You must give disk image filename, or tarball filename')
if self.settings['image'] and not self.settings['size']:
raise cliapp.AppException(
'If disk image is specified, you must give image size.')
- if not self.debian_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
- if not self.ubuntu_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
+ if not distro.debian_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
+ if not distro.ubuntu_info.valid(self.settings['distribution']):
raise cliapp.AppException(
'%s is not a valid Debian or Ubuntu suite or codename.'
% self.settings['distribution'])
if not self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['esp-size'] != 5242880:
raise cliapp.AppException(
'You must specify use-uefi for esp-size to have effect')
- if self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['exclusive'] and\
+ if arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['exclusive'] and\
not self.settings['use-uefi']:
raise cliapp.AppException(
'Only UEFI is supported on %s' % self.settings['arch'])
- elif self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['arch'] not in self.efi_arch_table:
+ elif self.settings['use-uefi'] and self.settings['arch'] not in arch_table:
raise cliapp.AppException(
'%s is not a supported UEFI architecture' % self.settings['arch'])
if self.settings['use-uefi'] and (
@@ -261,84 +225,94 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
'UEFI without Grub is not supported.')
# wheezy (which became oldstable on 04/25/2015) only had amd64 uefi
- if self.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
+ if distro.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
if self.settings['arch'] != 'amd64':
raise cliapp.AppException(
'Only amd64 supports UEFI in Wheezy')
if os.geteuid() != 0:
sys.exit("You need to have root privileges to run this script.")
+ self.start_ops()
+ def _image_preparations(self, rootdir):
+ uefi = self.handlers[]
+ base = self.handlers[]
+ roottype = self.settings['roottype']
+ base.create_empty_image()
+ self.partition_image()
+ if self.settings['mbr'] or self.settings['extlinux']:
+ self.install_mbr()
+ (rootdev, bootdev, swapdev) = self.setup_kpartx()
+ if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
+ self.message("Creating swap space")
+ runcmd(['mkswap', swapdev])
+ self.mkfs(rootdev, fstype=roottype)
+ rootdir = self.mount(rootdev)
+ if self.settings['use-uefi']:
+ self.mount(bootdev, uefi.prepare_esp(rootdir, bootdev))
+ elif bootdev:
+ if self.settings['boottype']:
+ boottype = self.settings['boottype']
+ else:
+ boottype = 'ext2'
+ self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype=boottype)
+ self.bootdir = '%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot/')
+ os.mkdir(self.bootdir)
+ self.mount(bootdev, self.bootdir)
+ def _image_operations(self, rootdir, rootdev):
+ if not self.settings['image']:
+ return
+ grub = self.handlers[]
+ extlinux = self.handlers[]
+ if self.settings['use-uefi']:
+ grub.install_grub_uefi(rootdir)
+ elif self.settings['grub']:
+ grub.install_grub2(rootdev, rootdir)
+ elif self.settings['extlinux']:
+ extlinux.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir)
+ self.append_serial_console(rootdir)
+ self.optimize_image(rootdir)
+ if self.settings['squash']:
+ self.squash()
+ def start_ops(self):
+ base = self.handlers[]
rootdir = None
+ rootdev = None
+ roottype = self.settings['roottype']
+ bootdev = None
+ boottype = None
- rootdev = None
- roottype = self.settings['roottype']
- bootdev = None
- boottype = None
if self.settings['image']:
- self.create_empty_image()
- self.partition_image()
- if self.settings['mbr'] or self.settings['extlinux']:
- self.install_mbr()
- (rootdev, bootdev, swapdev) = self.setup_kpartx()
- if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
- self.message("Creating swap space")
- self.runcmd(['mkswap', swapdev])
- self.mkfs(rootdev, fstype=roottype)
- rootdir = self.mount(rootdev)
- if self.settings['use-uefi']:
- self.bootdir = '%s/%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot', 'efi')
- logging.debug("bootdir:%s", self.bootdir)
- self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype='vfat')
- os.makedirs(self.bootdir)
- self.mount(bootdev, self.bootdir)
- elif bootdev:
- if self.settings['boottype']:
- boottype = self.settings['boottype']
- else:
- boottype = 'ext2'
- self.mkfs(bootdev, fstype=boottype)
- self.bootdir = '%s/%s' % (rootdir, 'boot/')
- os.mkdir(self.bootdir)
- self.mount(bootdev, self.bootdir)
+ self._image_preparations(rootdir)
rootdir = self.mkdtemp()
self.create_fstab(rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype)
- self.set_root_password(rootdir)
- self.create_users(rootdir)
+ base.set_root_password(rootdir)
+ base.create_users(rootdir)
if self.settings['configure-apt'] or self.settings['apt-mirror']:
- self.cleanup_apt_cache(rootdir)
+ cleanup_apt_cache(rootdir)
- if self.settings['image']:
- if self.settings['use-uefi']:
- self.install_grub_uefi(rootdir)
- elif self.settings['grub']:
- self.install_grub2(rootdev, rootdir)
- elif self.settings['extlinux']:
- self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir)
- self.append_serial_console(rootdir)
- self.optimize_image(rootdir)
- if self.settings['squash']:
- self.squash()
- if self.settings['pkglist']:
- self.list_installed_pkgs(rootdir)
+ self._image_operations(rootdir, rootdev)
+ self.list_installed_pkgs(rootdir)
if self.settings['foreign']:
- os.unlink('%s/usr/bin/%s' %
- (rootdir, os.path.basename(self.settings['foreign'])))
+ os.unlink(
+ '%s/usr/bin/%s' %
+ (rootdir, os.path.basename(self.settings['foreign'])))
if self.settings['tarball']:
- self.create_tarball(rootdir)
+ base.create_tarball(rootdir)
+ self.chown()
- if self.settings['owner']:
- self.chown()
except BaseException as e:
self.message('EEEK! Something bad happened...')
if rootdir:
@@ -381,17 +355,11 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
mount_point = path
self.message('Mounting %s on %s' % (device, mount_point))
- self.runcmd(['mount', device, mount_point])
+ runcmd(['mount', device, mount_point])
logging.debug('mounted %s on %s', device, mount_point)
return mount_point
- def create_empty_image(self):
- self.message('Creating disk image')
- self.runcmd(['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw',
- self.settings['image'],
- str(self.settings['size'])])
def partition_image(self):
Uses fat16 (msdos) partitioning by default, use part-type to change.
@@ -400,8 +368,8 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
put bootloader images into the space, e.g. u-boot.
self.message('Creating partitions')
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mklabel', self.settings['part-type']])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mklabel', self.settings['part-type']])
partoffset = 0
extent = '100%'
swap = 256 * 1024 * 1024
@@ -414,15 +382,8 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
extent = "%s%%" % int(100 * (self.settings['size'] - swap) / self.settings['size'])
if self.settings['use-uefi']:
- espsize = self.settings['esp-size'] / (1024 * 1024)
- self.message("Using ESP size: %smib %s bytes" % (espsize, self.settings['esp-size']))
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat32',
- '1', str(espsize)])
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'set', '1', 'esp', 'on'])
+ uefi = self.handlers[]
+ uefi.partition_esp()
if self.settings['bootoffset'] and self.settings['bootoffset'] is not '0':
# turn v.small offsets into something at least possible to create.
@@ -441,35 +402,35 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
bootsize += partoffset
self.message("Using bootsize %smib: %s bytes" % (bootsize, self.settings['bootsize']))
logging.debug("Starting boot partition at %sMb", bootsize)
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat16', str(partoffset), str(bootsize)])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', 'fat16', str(partoffset), str(bootsize)])
logging.debug("Starting root partition at %sMb", partoffset)
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
elif self.settings['use-uefi']:
bootsize = self.settings['esp-size'] / (1024 * 1024) + 1
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', str(bootsize), extent])
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', '0%', extent])
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', '0%', extent])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'set', '1', 'boot', 'on'])
if self.settings['swap'] > 0:
logging.debug("Creating swap partition")
- self.runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
- 'mkpart', 'primary', 'linux-swap', extent, '100%'])
+ runcmd(['parted', '-s', self.settings['image'],
+ 'mkpart', 'primary', 'linux-swap', extent, '100%'])
def update_initramfs(self, rootdir):
cmd = os.path.join('usr', 'sbin', 'update-initramfs')
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(rootdir, cmd)):
self.message("Updating the initramfs")
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, cmd, '-u'])
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, cmd, '-u'])
def install_mbr(self):
if os.path.exists("/sbin/install-mbr"):
self.message('Installing MBR')
- self.runcmd(['install-mbr', self.settings['image']])
+ runcmd(['install-mbr', self.settings['image']])
msg = "mbr enabled but /sbin/install-mbr not found" \
" - please install the mbr package."
@@ -478,7 +439,7 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
def setup_kpartx(self):
bootindex = None
swapindex = None
- out = self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-avs', self.settings['image']])
+ out = runcmd(['kpartx', '-avs', self.settings['image']])
if self.settings['bootsize'] and self.settings['swap'] > 0:
bootindex = 0
rootindex = 1
@@ -511,7 +472,7 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
if line.startswith('add map ')]
if len(devices) != parts:
msg = 'Surprising number of partitions - check output of losetup -a'
- logging.debug("%s", self.runcmd(['losetup', '-a']))
+ logging.debug("%s", runcmd(['losetup', '-a']))
logging.debug("%s: devices=%s parts=%s", msg, devices, parts)
raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
root = '/dev/mapper/%s' % devices[rootindex]
@@ -521,87 +482,13 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
swap = '/dev/mapper/%s' % devices[swapindex]
return root, boot, swap
- def _efi_packages(self):
- packages = []
- pkg = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['package']
- self.message("Adding %s" % pkg)
- packages.append(pkg)
- extra = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra']
- if extra and isinstance(extra, str):
- bin_pkg = self.efi_arch_table[str(extra)]['bin_package']
- self.message("Adding support for %s using %s" % (extra, bin_pkg))
- packages.append(bin_pkg)
- return packages
- def _copy_efi_binary(self, efi_removable, efi_install):
- logging.debug("using bootdir=%s", self.bootdir)
- logging.debug("moving %s to %s", efi_removable, efi_install)
- if efi_removable.startswith('/'):
- efi_removable = efi_removable[1:]
- if efi_install.startswith('/'):
- efi_install = efi_install[1:]
- efi_output = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_removable)
- efi_input = os.path.join(self.bootdir, efi_install)
- if not os.path.exists(efi_input):
- logging.warning("%s does not exist (%s)", efi_input, efi_install)
- raise cliapp.AppException("Missing %s" % efi_install)
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(efi_output)):
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(efi_output))
- logging.debug(
- 'Moving UEFI support: %s -> %s', efi_input, efi_output)
- if os.path.exists(efi_output):
- os.unlink(efi_output)
- os.rename(efi_input, efi_output)
- def configure_efi(self):
- """
- Copy the bootloader file from the package into the location
- so needs to be after grub and kernel already installed.
- """
- self.message('Configuring EFI')
- efi_removable = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['removable'])
- efi_install = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['install'])
- self.message('Installing UEFI support binary')
- self._copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
- def configure_extra_efi(self):
- extra = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
- if extra:
- efi_removable = str(self.efi_arch_table[extra]['removable'])
- efi_install = str(self.efi_arch_table[extra]['install'])
- self.message('Copying UEFI support binary for %s' % extra)
- self._copy_efi_binary(efi_removable, efi_install)
def mkfs(self, device, fstype):
self.message('Creating filesystem %s' % fstype)
- self.runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, device])
- def suite_to_codename(self, distro):
- suite = self.debian_info.codename(distro,
- if not suite:
- return distro
- return suite
- def was_oldstable(self, limit):
- suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
- # this check is only for debian
- if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
- return False
- return suite == self.debian_info.old(limit)
- def was_stable(self, limit):
- suite = self.suite_to_codename(self.settings['distribution'])
- # this check is only for debian
- if not self.debian_info.valid(suite):
- return False
- return suite == self.debian_info.stable(limit)
- def debootstrap(self, rootdir): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
- msg = "(%s)" % self.settings['variant'] if self.settings['variant'] else ''
- self.message(
- 'Debootstrapping %s [%s] %s' % (
- self.settings['distribution'], self.settings['arch'], msg))
+ runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', fstype, device])
+ def _bootstrap_packages(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+ uefi = self.handlers[]
+ distro = self.handlers[]
include = self.settings['package']
if not self.settings['foreign'] and not self.settings['no-acpid']:
@@ -609,7 +496,7 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
if self.settings['grub']:
if self.settings['use-uefi']:
- include.extend(self._efi_packages())
+ include.extend(uefi.efi_packages())
@@ -619,7 +506,7 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
if self.settings['arch'] == 'i386':
# wheezy (which became oldstable on 04/25/2015) used '486'
- if self.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
+ if distro.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
kernel_arch = '486'
kernel_arch = '586'
@@ -633,6 +520,33 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
if self.settings['sudo'] and 'sudo' not in include:
+ return include
+ def _debootstrap_second_stage(self, rootdir):
+ # set a noninteractive debconf environment for secondstage
+ env = {
+ "DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive",
+ "LC_ALL": "C"
+ }
+ # add the mapping to the complete environment.
+ env.update(os.environ)
+ # First copy the binfmt handler over
+ self.message('Setting up binfmt handler')
+ shutil.copy(self.settings['foreign'], '%s/usr/bin/' % rootdir)
+ # Next, run the package install scripts etc.
+ self.message('Running debootstrap second stage')
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
+ '/debootstrap/debootstrap', '--second-stage'],
+ env=env)
+ def debootstrap(self, rootdir):
+ msg = "(%s)" % self.settings['variant'] if self.settings['variant'] else ''
+ self.message(
+ 'Debootstrapping %s [%s] %s' % (
+ self.settings['distribution'], self.settings['arch'], msg))
+ include = self._bootstrap_packages()
args = ['debootstrap', '--arch=%s' % self.settings['arch']]
if self.settings['package']:
@@ -646,24 +560,9 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
args += [self.settings['distribution'],
rootdir, self.settings['mirror']]
logging.debug(" ".join(args))
- self.runcmd(args)
+ runcmd(args)
if self.settings['foreign']:
- # set a noninteractive debconf environment for secondstage
- env = {
- "DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive",
- "LC_ALL": "C"
- }
- # add the mapping to the complete environment.
- env.update(os.environ)
- # First copy the binfmt handler over
- self.message('Setting up binfmt handler')
- shutil.copy(self.settings['foreign'], '%s/usr/bin/' % rootdir)
- # Next, run the package install scripts etc.
- self.message('Running debootstrap second stage')
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
- '/debootstrap/debootstrap', '--second-stage'],
- env=env)
+ self._debootstrap_second_stage(rootdir)
def set_hostname(self, rootdir):
hostname = self.settings['hostname']
@@ -684,8 +583,8 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
def create_fstab(self, rootdir, rootdev, roottype, bootdev, boottype): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def fsuuid(device):
- out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
- '-s', 'UUID', device])
+ out = runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
+ '-s', 'UUID', device])
return out.splitlines()[0].strip()
if rootdev:
@@ -723,49 +622,11 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
self.runcmd_unchecked(['chroot', rootdir, 'dpkg', '-i'] + filenames)
logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
logging.debug('stderr:\n%s', err)
- out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
- 'apt-get', '-f', '--no-remove', 'install'])
+ out = runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
+ 'apt-get', '-f', '--no-remove', 'install'])
logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
- def cleanup_apt_cache(self, rootdir):
- out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', 'clean'])
- logging.debug('stdout:\n%s', out)
- def set_root_password(self, rootdir):
- if self.settings['root-password']:
- self.message('Setting root password')
- self.set_password(rootdir, 'root', self.settings['root-password'])
- elif self.settings['lock-root-password']:
- self.message('Locking root password')
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-l', 'root'])
- else:
- self.message('Give root an empty password')
- self.delete_password(rootdir, 'root')
- def create_users(self, rootdir):
- def create_user(vmuser):
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', '--gecos', vmuser,
- '--disabled-password', vmuser])
- if self.settings['sudo']:
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'adduser', vmuser, 'sudo'])
- for userpass in self.settings['user']:
- if '/' in userpass:
- user, password = userpass.split('/', 1)
- create_user(user)
- self.set_password(rootdir, user, password)
- else:
- create_user(userpass)
- self.delete_password(rootdir, userpass)
- def set_password(self, rootdir, user, password):
- encrypted = crypt.crypt(password, '..')
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'usermod', '-p', encrypted, user])
- def delete_password(self, rootdir, user):
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'passwd', '-d', user])
def remove_udev_persistent_rules(self, rootdir):
self.message('Removing udev persistent cd and net rules')
for x in ['70-persistent-cd.rules', '70-persistent-net.rules']:
@@ -778,9 +639,9 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
def setup_networking(self, rootdir):
self.message('Setting up networking')
+ distro = self.handlers[]
# unconditionally write for wheezy (which became oldstable on 04/25/2015)
- if self.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
+ if distro.was_oldstable(, 4, 26)):
with open(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'network', 'interfaces'), 'w') as netfile:
netfile.write('source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*\n')
os.mkdir(os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'network', 'interfaces.d'))
@@ -808,137 +669,6 @@ class VmDebootstrap(cliapp.Application): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-meth
with open(inittab, 'a') as f:
f.write('\nS0:23:respawn:%s\n' % serial_command)
- # pylint: disable=no-self-use
- def _grub_serial_console(self, rootdir):
- cmdline = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=tty1 console=ttyS0,38400n8"'
- terminal = 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial gfxterm"'
- command = 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=38400 --unit=0 --parity=no --stop=1"'
- grub_cfg = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'default', 'grub')
- logging.debug("Allowing serial output in grub config %s", grub_cfg)
- with open(grub_cfg, 'a+') as cfg:
- cfg.write("# %s serial support\n" % os.path.basename(__file__))
- cfg.write("%s\n" % cmdline)
- cfg.write("%s\n" % terminal)
- cfg.write("%s\n" % command)
- def _mount_wrapper(self, rootdir):
- self.runcmd(['mount', '/dev', '-t', 'devfs', '-obind',
- '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
- self.runcmd(['mount', '/proc', '-t', 'proc', '-obind',
- '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
- self.runcmd(['mount', '/sys', '-t', 'sysfs', '-obind',
- '%s' % os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
- def _umount_wrapper(self, rootdir):
- self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'sys')])
- self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'proc')])
- self.runcmd(['umount', os.path.join(rootdir, 'dev')])
- def install_grub_uefi(self, rootdir):
- self.message("Configuring grub-uefi")
- target = self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['target']
- grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
- logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
- self._mount_wrapper(rootdir)
- try:
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
- except cliapp.AppException as exc:
- logging.warning(exc)
- self.message(
- "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" %
- self.settings['arch'])
- self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
- self.configure_efi()
- extra = str(self.efi_arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'])
- if extra:
- target = self.efi_arch_table[extra]['target']
- grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target
- try:
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
- except cliapp.AppException as exc:
- logging.warning(exc)
- self.message(
- "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" % extra)
- self.configure_extra_efi()
- self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
- def install_grub2(self, rootdev, rootdir):
- self.message("Configuring grub2")
- # rely on kpartx using consistent naming to map loop0p1 to loop0
- grub_opts = os.path.join('/dev', os.path.basename(rootdev)[:-2])
- if self.settings['serial-console']:
- self._grub_serial_console(rootdir)
- logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts)
- self._mount_wrapper(rootdir)
- try:
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub'])
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts])
- except cliapp.AppException as exc:
- logging.warning(exc)
- self.message("Failed. Is grub2-common installed? Using extlinux.")
- self.install_extlinux(rootdev, rootdir)
- self._umount_wrapper(rootdir)
- def install_extlinux(self, rootdev, rootdir):
- if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/extlinux"):
- self.message("extlinux not installed, skipping.")
- return
- self.message('Installing extlinux')
- def find(pattern):
- dirname = os.path.join(rootdir, 'boot')
- basenames = os.listdir(dirname)
- logging.debug('find: %s', basenames)
- for basename in basenames:
- if, basename):
- return os.path.join('boot', basename)
- raise cliapp.AppException('Cannot find match: %s' % pattern)
- try:
- kernel_image = find('vmlinuz-.*')
- initrd_image = find('initrd.img-.*')
- except cliapp.AppException as e:
- self.message("Unable to find kernel. Not installing extlinux.")
- logging.debug("No kernel found. %s. Skipping install of extlinux.", e)
- return
- out = self.runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value',
- '-s', 'UUID', rootdev])
- uuid = out.splitlines()[0].strip()
- conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'extlinux.conf')
- logging.debug('configure extlinux %s', conf)
- kserial = 'console=ttyS0,115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
- extserial = 'serial 0 115200' if self.settings['serial-console'] else ''
- msg = '''
-default linux
-timeout 1
-label linux
-kernel %(kernel)s
-append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
-''' % {
- 'kernel': kernel_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- 'initrd': initrd_image, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- 'uuid': uuid, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- 'kserial': kserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- 'extserial': extserial, # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- } # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
- logging.debug("extlinux config:\n%s", msg)
- # python multiline string substitution is just ugly.
- # use an external file or live with the mangling, no point in
- # mangling the string to remove spaces just to keep it pretty in source.
- f = open(conf, 'w')
- f.write(msg)
- self.runcmd(['extlinux', '--install', rootdir])
- self.runcmd(['sync'])
- time.sleep(2)
def optimize_image(self, rootdir):
Filing up the image with zeros will increase its compression rate
@@ -946,7 +676,7 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
if not self.settings['sparse']:
zeros = os.path.join(rootdir, 'ZEROS')
self.runcmd_unchecked(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=' + zeros, 'bs=1M'])
- self.runcmd(['rm', '-f', zeros])
+ runcmd(['rm', '-f', zeros])
def squash(self):
@@ -957,12 +687,12 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
"%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
- self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
+ runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
self.message("Running mksquashfs")
suffixed = "%s.squashfs" % self.settings['image']
if os.path.exists(suffixed):
- msg = self.runcmd(
+ msg = runcmd(
['mksquashfs', self.settings['image'],
'-no-progress', '-comp', 'xz'], ignore_fail=False)
@@ -978,7 +708,7 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
self.settings['image'] = suffixed
"%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
- self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
+ runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
def cleanup_system(self):
# Clean up after any errors.
@@ -990,13 +720,13 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
for i in range(len(self.mount_points) - 1, -1, -1):
mount_point = self.mount_points[i]
- self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
+ runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
except cliapp.AppException:
logging.debug("umount failed, sleeping and trying again")
- self.runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
+ runcmd(['umount', mount_point], ignore_fail=False)
- self.runcmd(['kpartx', '-d', self.settings['image']], ignore_fail=True)
+ runcmd(['kpartx', '-d', self.settings['image']], ignore_fail=True)
for dirname in self.remove_dirs:
@@ -1015,7 +745,7 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s"rootdir=%s image=%s", rootdir, self.settings['image'])
"%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
- self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
+ runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
with open('/dev/tty', 'w') as tty:
cliapp.runcmd([script, rootdir, self.settings['image']], stdout=tty, stderr=tty)
@@ -1023,15 +753,11 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s[script, rootdir, self.settings['image']])
"%s usage: %s", self.settings['image'],
- self.runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
- def create_tarball(self, rootdir):
- # Create a tarball of the disk's contents
- # shell out to runcmd since it more easily handles rootdir
- self.message('Creating tarball of disk contents')
- self.runcmd(['tar', '-cf', self.settings['tarball'], '-C', rootdir, '.'])
+ runcmd(['du', self.settings['image']]))
def chown(self):
+ if not self.settings['owner']:
+ return
# Change image owner after completed build
if self.settings['image']:
filename = self.settings['image']
@@ -1043,10 +769,12 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s["chown", self.settings["owner"], filename])
def list_installed_pkgs(self, rootdir):
+ if not self.settings['pkglist']:
+ return
# output the list of installed packages for sources identification
self.message("Creating a list of installed binary package names")
- out = self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
- 'dpkg-query', '-W', "-f='${Package}.deb\n'"])
+ out = runcmd(['chroot', rootdir,
+ 'dpkg-query', '-W', "-f='${Package}.deb\n'"])
with open('dpkg.list', 'w') as dpkg:
@@ -1067,7 +795,7 @@ append initrd=%(initrd)s root=UUID=%(uuid)s ro %(kserial)s
# ensure the apt sources have valid lists
- self.runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', '-qq', 'update'])
+ runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'apt-get', '-qq', 'update'])
if __name__ == '__main__':