#!/bin/sh set -e # This script is experimental and incomplete. # Expects a tarball rootfs which includes a kernel, e.g. # wandboard6q.sh --tarball wandboard.tgz # wandboard-uboot.sh /dev/mmcblk0 wandboard.tgz device=$1 tarball=$2 if [ -z "${device}" ]; then echo "Block device not specified" exit fi if [ ! -f "${device}" ]; then echo "Specified device does not exist: ${device}" exit if [ -z "${tarball}" ]; then echo "Tarball not specified" exit fi if [ ! -f '/usr/lib/u-boot/wandboard_quad/u-boot.imx' ]; then echo "Unable to find wandboard u-boot file" exit fi # u-boot needs to be dd'd to the device, not a partition # but kpartx does not setup the device, just the partitions sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=1M count=10 sudo dd if=/usr/lib/u-boot/wandboard_quad/u-boot.imx of=${device} seek=1 conv=fsync bs=1k sudo sfdisk --in-order --Linux --unit M ${device} <<-__EOF__ 1,,0x83,- __EOF__ sudo mkfs.ext4 ${device}p1 -L rootfs dir=`mktemp -d` sudo mount ${Ddevice}p1 ${dir} sudo tar -xzf ${tarball} -C ${dir} # assumes a single partition deployment to SD card ver=$(basename `find $rootdir/lib/modules/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`) sudo touch ${dir}/uEnv.txt sudo chmod 666 ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo fdt_file=/boot/dtbs/imx6q-wandboard.dtb > ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo image=/boot/vmlinuz-${ver} >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootwait rw >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo loadaddr='0x11000000' >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo initrd_addr_r='0x13000000' >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo fdt_addr='0x12000000' >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo initrd_high='0xffffffff' >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo fdt_high='0xffffffff' >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo console=ttymxc0,115200 >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo loadinitrd=load mmc ${mmcdev}:${mmcpart} ${initrd_addr_r} /boot/initrd.img-${ver}.uboot; setenv initrd_size ${filesize} >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo bootargs=console=${console},${baudrate} root=${mmcroot} >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt echo bootcmd=run loadfdt; run loadimage; run loadinitrd; bootz ${loadaddr} ${ramdisk_addr_r}:${filesize} ${fdt_addr} >> ${dir}/uEnv.txt sudo chmod 644 ${dir}/uEnv.txt sudo umount ${dir} sudo rm -rf ${dir}