""" Wrapper for Grub operations """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # grub.py # # Copyright 2015 Neil Williams # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,duplicate-code import os import cliapp import logging from vmdebootstrap.base import ( Base, runcmd, mount_wrapper, umount_wrapper ) from vmdebootstrap.uefi import arch_table def grub_serial_console(rootdir): cmdline = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 console=tty1 console=ttyS0,38400n8"' terminal = 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial gfxterm"' command = 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=38400 --unit=0 --parity=no --stop=1"' grub_cfg = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'default', 'grub') logging.debug("Allowing serial output in grub config %s", grub_cfg) with open(grub_cfg, 'a+') as cfg: cfg.write("# %s serial support\n" % os.path.basename(__file__)) cfg.write("%s\n" % cmdline) cfg.write("%s\n" % terminal) cfg.write("%s\n" % command) def link_uuid(rootdev): """ This is mainly to fix a problem in update-grub where /etc/grub.d/10_linux Checks if the $GRUB_DEVICE_UUID exists in /dev/disk/by-uuid and falls back to $GRUB_DEVICE if it doesn't. $GRUB_DEVICE is /dev/mapper/loopXpY (on docker) Creating the symlink ensures that grub consistently uses $GRUB_DEVICE_UUID when creating /boot/grub/grub.cfg """ if os.path.exists('/.dockerenv'): logging.info("Running in docker container") runcmd(['mkdir', '-p', '/dev/disk/by-uuid']) uuid = runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'UUID', rootdev]) uuid = uuid.splitlines()[0].strip() os.symlink(rootdev, os.path.join('/dev/disk/by-uuid', uuid)) def unlink_uuid(rootdev): """ Reset the link created with link_uuid. """ if os.path.exists('/.dockerenv'): uuid = runcmd(['blkid', '-c', '/dev/null', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'UUID', rootdev]) uuid = uuid.splitlines()[0].strip() os.remove(os.path.join('/dev/disk/by-uuid', uuid)) class GrubHandler(Base): name = 'grub' def __init__(self): super(GrubHandler, self).__init__() def install_grub2(self, rootdev, rootdir): self.message("Configuring grub2") # rely on kpartx using consistent naming to map loop0p1 to loop0 grub_opts = os.path.join('/dev', os.path.basename(rootdev)[:-2]) if self.settings['serial-console']: grub_serial_console(rootdir) logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts) mount_wrapper(rootdir) link_uuid(rootdev) try: runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub']) runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts]) except cliapp.AppException as exc: logging.warning(exc) self.message("Failed. Is grub2-common installed? Using extlinux.") umount_wrapper(rootdir) return False unlink_uuid(rootdev) umount_wrapper(rootdir) return True def install_grub_uefi(self, rootdir): ret = True self.message("Configuring grub-uefi") target = arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['target'] grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target logging.debug("Running grub-install with options: %s", grub_opts) mount_wrapper(rootdir) try: runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub']) runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts]) except cliapp.AppException as exc: logging.warning(exc) ret = False self.message( "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" % self.settings['arch']) finally: umount_wrapper(rootdir) if not ret: raise cliapp.AppException("Failed to install grub uefi") def install_extra_grub_uefi(self, rootdir): ret = True extra = arch_table[self.settings['arch']]['extra'] if extra: logging.debug("Installing extra grub support for %s", extra) mount_wrapper(rootdir) target = arch_table[extra]['target'] grub_opts = "--target=%s" % target self.message("Adding grub target %s" % grub_opts) try: runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'update-grub']) runcmd(['chroot', rootdir, 'grub-install', grub_opts]) except cliapp.AppException as exc: logging.warning(exc) ret = False self.message( "Failed to configure grub-uefi for %s" % extra) finally: umount_wrapper(rootdir) if not ret: raise cliapp.AppException("Failed to install extra grub uefi") def grub_packages(self): if self.settings['grub'] and not self.settings['use-uefi']: return ['grub-pc'] return []