# Scenario step implementations This chapter has implementations of scenario steps used elsewhere in this document. ## Should a scenario be run? We provide a way to control which classes of scenarios get run. This is done by passing in an environment variable `TESTS` to vmdebootstrap (`--env` option), with a comma-separated list of classes: * `fast`---run fast tests * `build`---run scenarios that do builds If `TESTS` is not set, everything gets run. Scenarios can use the ASSUMING statements defined here to let the user to allow them to run or not to run. IMPLEMENTS ASSUMING (fast|build) tests are requested support_required test_requested "$MATCH_1" if `MIRROR` is set, use the default http mirror IMPLEMENTS ASSUMING (local|http) tests are requested support_required build_support_required mirror_requested "$MATCH_1" ## Building an image, or attempting to To keep individual steps shorter, we provide some steps to set common parts, such as the name of the image being built. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN user wants to build an image (\S+) that is (\S+) in size remember_setting IMAGE "$MATCH_1" remember_setting IMAGE_SIZE "$(size_in_bytes "$MATCH_2")" Actually build an image. This looks like it can invoke any command, but it's actually restricted to vmdebootstrap in the source tree. IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user runs vmdebootstrap (.*) PYTHONPATH="$SRCDIR" "$SRCDIR/bin/vmdebootstrap" \ --image "$IMAGE" \ --mirror ${MIRROR:=http://httpredir.debian.org/debian/} \ --size "$IMAGE_SIZE" \ $MATCH_1 Attempt to run vmdebootstrap, but allow it it to fail. Capture exit code and stderr. IMPLEMENTS WHEN user attempts to run vmdebootstrap (.*) if PYTHONPATH="$SRCDIR" "$SRCDIR/bin/vmdebootstrap" \ $MATCH_1 2> vmdebootstrap.stderr 1>vmdebootstrap.stdout then echo 0 > vmdebootstrap.exit else echo $? > vmdebootstrap.exit fi Check for whether the attempted vmdebootstrap run had the desired exit code. IMPLEMENTS THEN vmdebootstrap exited with a non-zero exit code grep -vFx 0 vmdebootstrap.exit IMPLEMENTS THEN vmdebootstrap exited with a zero exit code grep -Fx 0 vmdebootstrap.exit Check the stderr of the attempted vmdebootstrap run. IMPLEMENTS THEN vmdebootstrap wrote an error message matching (.+) grep -P -e "$MATCH_1" vmdebootstrap.stderr Check the stdout of the dry-run vmdebootstrap run. IMPLEMENTS THEN vmdebootstrap wrote a message matching (.+) grep -P -e "$MATCH_1" vmdebootstrap.stdout Exclude a pattern from the stdout of the dry-run vmdebootstrap run. IMPLEMENTS THEN vmdebootstrap wrote a message not matching (.+) grep -P -v -e "$MATCH_1" vmdebootstrap.stdout ## Static tests on disk images The steps in this section do static tests of disk image. These all operate on the image specified in the step "GIVEN user wants to build...". Test the size of an image. This tests the length, not disk usage, of the image. IMPLEMENTS THEN the image has the correct size actual="$(stat -c %s "$IMAGE")" [ "$actual" = "$IMAGE_SIZE" ] Check the partition table on the image. IMPLEMENTS THEN the partition count of the image is (\d+) parted --script "$IMAGE" print | sed '1,/^Number/d' | grep -c . | grep -Fx $MATCH_1 Check partition boot flag. IMPLEMENTS THEN partition (\d+) has the boot flag set parted --script "$IMAGE" print | awk -v "PART=$MATCH_1" '/^ [0-9]+ / && $1 == PART && $7 ~ "^boot,?$"' | grep . IMPLEMENTS THEN partition (\d+) has the lba flag set parted --script "$IMAGE" print | awk -v "PART=$MATCH_1" '/^ [0-9]+ / && $1 == PART && $8 ~ "^lba?$"' | grep . Check filesystem on a partition. This checks the actual filesystem, not a type declared in the partition table. IMPLEMENTS THEN partition (\d+) has an? (\S+) filesystem device="$(kpartx_image_partition "$IMAGE" "$MATCH_1")" trap "unkpartx_image \"$IMAGE\"" EXIT blkid "$device" | grep "TYPE=\"$MATCH_2\"" Check that the partition contains a file with some content matching a regular expression. IMPLEMENTS THEN partition (\d+) has file (\S+) matching (.+) device="$(kpartx_image_partition "$IMAGE" "$MATCH_1")" trap "unkpartx_image \"$IMAGE\"" EXIT mp="$(mktemp -d)" mount -r "$device" "$mp" trap "umount \"$mp\"; unkpartx_image \"$IMAGE\"" EXIT grep -P -e "$MATCH_3" "$mp/$MATCH_2"