- name: "install VCSWorker dependencies and useful tools" apt: name: - screen - git - haproxy - psmisc - python3 - python3-bottle - python3-jwt - python3-crypto state: present - name: "install VCSWorker source" git: repo: git://git.liw.fi/wmf-ci-arch dest: /srv/wmf-ci-arch - name: "create user for VCSWorker" user: name: _wmf comment: "WMF CI" - name: "install key for checking incoming access tokens" copy: src: token.pub dest: /etc/wmf_ci_token.pub owner: root group: root mode: '0644' - name: "create ~_wmf/.ssh" file: state: directory dest: /home/_wmf/.ssh owner: _wmf group: _wmf mode: '0700' - name: "install SSH public key for _wmf" copy: content: | {{ vcsworker_ssh_pub }} dest: /home/_wmf/.ssh/vcsworker.pub owner: _wmf group: _wmf mode: '0644' - name: "install SSH private key for _wmf" copy: content: | {{ vcsworker_ssh }} dest: /home/_wmf/.ssh/vcsworker owner: _wmf group: _wmf mode: '0600' # FIXME: This is clearly not OK for production. - name: "configure ssh to not check for new host keys" copy: src: ssh_config dest: /home/_wmf/.ssh/config owner: _wmf group: _wmf mode: '0644' - name: "install API access token for GitLab" copy: content: "{{ gitlab_token }}" dest: /etc/wmf_gitlab_token owner: _wmf group: _wmf mode: '0600'