# Overview This a description of two authentication and authorization protocols, and a sketch of acceptance criteria for an implementation of them. This is very much work in progress. ## Concepts Some basic concepts in this document: * **identity** – data about who you are to tell you apart from everyone else * **authentication** – proving your identity * **authorization** – giving you permission to do something FIXME: These could do with citations. ## The protocols: OAuth and OpenID Connect [OpenID Connect]: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html [OAuth]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749 The [OAuth][] 2.0 protocol is for authorization, not authentication, and assumes an already existing way to authenticate users. It's mainly for giving a service or application permission to do something on your behalf. The [OpenID Connect][] 1.0 (OIDC) protocol is for authenticating yourself to one service or application by using a third party service. This allows one authentication service (or identity provider) be used for any number of other services or applications. Further, since the identity provider can keep a login session open independently of the other services and applications, this provides a single sign-on experience. FIXME: add examples of what each protocol is suited for. We discuss here only these specific versions of these protocols, and even then only subsets chosen based mainly from the point of security. ## Entities involved in the protocols The protocols involves the following entities: * the **end user**, who is trying to do something; also known as the resource owner * the **web browser**, used by the user; might be a mobile or command line application instead of a browser as such; also know as the user agent * the **application**, which the user uses to do things, and as part of that access resources; also know as the requesting party and the facade * the **resource provider**, where the resources are, and which allows access to them via a web API * the **identity provider** (IDP), which authenticates the user FIXME: references for these # The OAuth 2.0 protocol: client credentials grant FIXME: give a very high level overview of the protocol, and what grants are FIXME: reference some other sources of information FIXME: explain why only this grant is chosen See [@rfc8252] for a description of the client credentials grant. # The OIDC 1.0 protocol: authorization code FIXME: write this # References --- title: "OAuth2 and OpenID Connect: protocols and acceptance criteria" author: Lars Wirzenius documentclass: report bibliography: yuck.bib bindings: - yuck.yaml classes: - json ...