path: root/create-vm
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2021-08-20 19:32:08 +0300
committerLars Wirzenius <>2021-08-20 19:32:08 +0300
commitcb437c9e3a1f7b25e1306e504656286c24186e4c (patch)
treec8314be1f48e51b0f145450c3a91a8b79390499e /create-vm
parentd6789ab0b7175173ea73723fc2a686097569bf6f (diff)
drop old crap
Sponsored-by: author
Diffstat (limited to 'create-vm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/create-vm b/create-vm
deleted file mode 100755
index ecb760a..0000000
--- a/create-vm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# Create a new VM for liw.
-set -eu
- echo "INFO: $@"
- echo "$@" 1>&2
- exit 1
- python -c '
-import sys, json
-leases = json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))
-for lease in leases:
- if lease["mac-address"] == sys.argv[2]:
- print lease["ip-address"]
-' "$1" "$2" || true
- xz --robot --verbose --list "$1" | awk '/^file/ { print $5 }'
- stat -c %s "$1"
-# Check parameters.
-if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]
- die "Usage: $0 NAME BASE [virt-install-options]"
-verbose "Command line args OK"
-# Config variables.
-. "$HOME/.config/ansibleness/vm.conf"
-verbose "Loaded config file"
-# Command line parameters: name of VM and base image (no .img.xz suffix).
-case "$2" in
- */*) basepath="$2" ;;
- *) basepath="$imagedir/base-$2.img.xz" ;;
-verbose "basepath=$basepath"
-shift 2
-# Does the base image exist?
-if [ ! -e "$basepath" ]
- echo "$basepath does not exist" 1>&2
- exit 1
-verbose "$basepath exists"
-# Is base image compressed?
-case "$basepath" in
- *.xz) xz=true ;;
- *) xz=false ;;
-# How large is the (uncompressed) image? In bytes.
-if $xz
- size="$(xz_uncompressed_size "$basepath")"
- size="$(raw_uncompressed_size "$basepath")"
-verbose "Image is $size bytes"
-# Create new LV.
-verbose "Creating LV /dev/$vg/$name"
-sudo lvcreate --name "$name" --size "${size}b" \
- --zero y --wipesignatures n --activate y "$vg"
-verbose "lvpath=$lvpath"
-#sudo lvchange -ay "$lvpath"
-# Copy uncompressed image to LV.
-if $xz
- verbose "Uncompressing and copying image to LV"
- unxz < "$basepath" |
- pv --size "$size" |
- sudo ionice -c3 tee "$lvpath" > /dev/null
- verbose "Copying uncompressed imagew to LV"
- pv "$basepath" |
- sudo ionice -c3 tee "$lvpath" > /dev/null
-# Edit /etc/hostname
-verbose "Set hostname on new system to $name"
-mnt="$(mktemp -d)"
-for part in $(sudo kpartx -asv "$lvpath" | awk '/^add map / { print $3 }')
- sudo mount "/dev/mapper/$part" "$mnt"
- if [ -e "$mnt/etc/hostname" ]
- then
- echo "$name" | sudo tee "$mnt/etc/hostname"
- fi
- sudo umount "$mnt"
-sudo kpartx -dsv "$lvpath"
-# Create VM.
-verbose "Creating VM"
-virt-install --connect qemu:///system \
- --quiet \
- --name="$name" \
- --memory=1024 \
- --cpu=host-passthrough \
- --import \
- --os-variant=debian9 \
- --disk="path=$lvpath,cache=none" \
- --network="$vmnetwork" \
- --graphics=spice \
- --noautoconsole \
- "$@"
-# If we're using the virtual network "default", wait for the VM to get
-# a DHCP response and add it to /etc/hosts. We don't do it for other
-# types of network (e.g., bridge=br0), since we ... can't.
-if [ "$vmnetwork" = "network=default" ]
- verbose "Waiting for VM to boot and get IP"
- # Get the MAC address.
- mac="$(virsh -c qemu:///system dumpxml "$name" |
- sed -n "/<mac address=/s/^.*'\(.*\)'.*/\1/p")"
- verbose "MAC: $mac"
- # Get IP address related to the MAC address. Append that to /etc/hosts.
- leases=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/virbr0.status
- ip=""
- while [ "$ip" = "" ]
- do
- sleep 1
- if [ -s "$leases" ]
- then
- ip="$(get_ip "$leases" "$mac")"
- fi
- done
- echo "$ip $name" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
- # Done.
- echo "Virtual machine $name ($ip) has been created and started."
- echo "Virtual machine $name has been created and started, and may be ready soon."