path: root/ansible/web.yml
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-06-19icktool, web: remote_user is debianLars Wirzenius1-1/+2
2022-04-15fix: use root account for VMsLars Wirzenius1-2/+1
2022-04-07drop: authorized_keys from my local VMsLars Wirzenius1-4/+1
2021-11-02web: addLars Wirzenius1-0/+3
2021-09-13use new personal ssh key for web, icktoolLars Wirzenius1-3/+2
2021-08-20change web VM to be based on bullseyeLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2021-07-26drop ewww.service from web.ymlLars Wirzenius1-9/+0
2021-07-22change the web VM to run ewww instead of apache2Lars Wirzenius1-12/+100
2021-07-08change web VM so it runs on e1Lars Wirzenius1-1/+2
2021-04-03chore: bump sane_debian_system_version for current debian-ansibleLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2021-03-08add vmadm/e2-web.yamlLars Wirzenius1-1/+2
2021-01-03add web VM for playing with local copies of my websitesLars Wirzenius1-0/+30
2020-05-05Drop: obsolete playbooks and stuffLars Wirzenius1-24/+0
2017-12-28Add: web.yml for a web server for testing thingsLars Wirzenius1-0/+24