path: root/trunk/dimbola/
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2019-03-25 09:21:12 +0200
committerLars Wirzenius <>2019-03-25 09:21:12 +0200
commitf35245d746080f4e8ba020eff66375e1a938ce52 (patch)
tree736bc347655cdf84fb2608e7cdfbfa7d5bdbf0c9 /trunk/dimbola/
Add: initial commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/dimbola/')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/dimbola/ b/trunk/dimbola/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..705b7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/dimbola/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Lars Wirzenius <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import math
+import os
+import StringIO
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import gio
+import gtk
+def abswalk(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''Like os.walk, but return absolute pathnames for dirs, filenames.
+ Arguments are as for os.walk.
+ For example, abswalk might return the tuple
+ ('/etc', ['/etc/default'], ['/etc/passwd', '/etc/group']) where
+ os.walk might return ('/etc', ['default'], ['passwd', 'group']).
+ abswalk os convenient when the caller wants to handle full pathnames
+ anyway, as it saves the caller from having to do os.path.join itself.
+ '''
+ def abs(dirname, list):
+ return [os.path.join(dirname, x) for x in list]
+ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(*args, **kwargs):
+ yield dirname, abs(dirname, dirnames), abs(dirname, filenames)
+def filterabswalk(is_ok, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''Like abswalk, but filenames (not dirnames) can be filtered.
+ The is_ok argument is a function that gets the fully qualified name of
+ a file (not directory) and returns True/False to indicate whether it
+ should be included in the results.
+ All other arguments are as for os.walk.
+ '''
+ for dirname, dirnames, pathnames in abswalk(*args, **kwargs):
+ filenames = [x for x in pathnames if is_ok(x)]
+ yield dirname, dirnames, filenames
+def safe_copy(input_name, output_name, callback):
+ """Copy contents of input_name to new file called output_name.
+ If the output_name already exists, fail. If anything else goes
+ wrong, fail. Ensure the data is on disk using fsync on the output
+ name and on the directory containing the output.
+ The permissions and other stat information for the input are NOT
+ copied to the output.
+ """
+ infd =, os.O_RDONLY)
+ outfd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
+ total_copied = 0
+ while True:
+ data =, 1024**2)
+ if not data:
+ break
+ os.write(outfd, data)
+ total_copied += len(data)
+ if callback:
+ callback(input_name, output_name, total_copied)
+ os.close(infd)
+ os.fsync(outfd)
+ os.close(outfd)
+ output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_name) or "."
+ dirfd =, os.O_RDONLY)
+ os.fsync(dirfd)
+ os.close(dirfd)
+def filter_cmd(argv, input_data):
+ '''Filter input data through an external command.'''
+ fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.write(fd, input_data)
+ os.lseek(fd, 0, 0)
+ os.remove(name)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=fd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ if p.returncode:
+ raise Exception('command %s failed: exit code %s\n%s' %
+ (argv, p.returncode, stderr or ''))
+ return stdout
+def image_data_to_pixbuf(image_data):
+ '''Create a gdk.Pixbuf out of some image data.'''
+ loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader()
+ loader.write(image_data)
+ loader.close()
+ return loader.get_pixbuf()
+def pixbuf_to_image_data(pixbuf, format, options=None): # pragma: no cover
+ f = StringIO.StringIO()
+ def save_func(buf):
+ f.write(buf)
+ return True
+ pixbuf.save_to_callback(save_func, format, options=options)
+ return f.getvalue()
+def image_data_to_image_data(data, format, options=None): # pragma: no cover
+ pixbuf = image_data_to_pixbuf(data)
+ return pixbuf_to_image_data(pixbuf, format, options=options)
+def scale_pixbuf(pixbuf, maxw, maxh):
+ '''Scale a pixbuf so it fits within maxw and maxh.
+ Keep aspect ratio.
+ '''
+ w = pixbuf.get_width()
+ h = pixbuf.get_height()
+ fw = float(maxw) / float(w)
+ fh = float(maxh) / float(h)
+ f = min(fw, fh)
+ w2 = int(f * w)
+ h2 = int(f * h)
+ assert w2 <= maxw
+ assert h2 <= maxh
+ return pixbuf.scale_simple(w2, h2, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR)
+def rotate_pixbuf(pixbuf, angle):
+ '''Rotate pixbuf in 90 degree angles.'''
+ values = {
+ }
+ return pixbuf.rotate_simple(values.get(angle, gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_NONE))
+def encode_dnd_tagids(tagids):
+ '''Encode a list of tagids for drag-and-drop.'''
+ return ' '. join(str(tagid) for tagid in tagids)
+def decode_dnd_tagids(encoded):
+ '''Reverse operation of encode_dnd_tagids.'''
+ return [int(s) for s in encoded.split()]
+class TreeBuilder(object):
+ '''Build a tree out of a sequence of nodes.
+ The caller provides zero or more node descriptions (see add method).
+ After the caller is done (see done method), they can access the
+ tree built out of the nodes as the tree property. The tree is
+ represented as a list of node tuples (nodeid, data, child_nodes).
+ If a node should have a parent, but the parent is not added, the
+ node becomes a root node.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ # We store nodes in a dictionary indexed by the nodeid.
+ # The value is a tuple of (data, parentid, childids).
+ # Childids is initially an empty set, it'll be used by
+ # the done method.
+ self.nodes = dict()
+ def add(self, nodeid, data, sortkey, parentid):
+ '''Add a node to tree.
+ nodeid is the identifier of the node itself.
+ sortkey is used when sorting children with the same parent.
+ parentid is the identifier of its parent, or None.
+ data is the data associated with the node.
+ '''
+ self.nodes[nodeid] = (data, sortkey, parentid, set())
+ def done(self):
+ '''Caller is done adding nodes, compute the tree.
+ Caller MUST call this; until this is called, self.tree does not
+ exist.
+ '''
+ # First we put each node into its parents' childids.
+ # If parent is missing, we pretend it was always None.
+ for nodeid in self.nodes:
+ data, sortkey, parentid, children = self.nodes[nodeid]
+ if parentid in self.nodes:
+ self.nodes[parentid][3].add(nodeid)
+ else:
+ self.nodes[nodeid] = (data, sortkey, None, children)
+ # Next we find all root nodes: all nodes whose parentid is None.
+ roots = [nodeid
+ for nodeid in self.nodes
+ if self.nodes[nodeid][2] is None]
+ # Next we build the tree for each root node, and add those
+ # to the tree.
+ rootlist = [(self.nodes[rootid][1], rootid) for rootid in roots]
+ rootlist.sort()
+ roots = [rootid for sortkey, rootid in rootlist]
+ self.tree = [self.build_one_tree(rootid) for rootid in roots]
+ def build_one_tree(self, rootid):
+ data, sortkey, parentid, childids = self.nodes[rootid]
+ childlist = [(self.nodes[kid][1], kid) for kid in childids]
+ childlist.sort()
+ childids = [kid for sortkey, kid in childlist]
+ return (rootid, data,
+ [self.build_one_tree(childid) for childid in childids])
+class DcrawTypeCache(object):
+ '''Cache 'dcraw -i' results.
+ dcraw does not export a list of MIME types it recognizes, but it does
+ have an option to test whether it supports the format of a particular
+ file. That's slow, so we cache the results using this class.
+ The results are stored in a format compatible with what
+ gtk.gdk.pixbuf_get_formats returns: a list of dictionaries with
+ keys 'name', 'mime_types', and 'extension'. (This is a subset of
+ the keys for pixbufs.)
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.formats = []
+ self.fail_extensions = set()
+ self.fail_mime_types = set()
+ def update(self, format, mime_type, extension):
+ if mime_type not in format['mime_types']:
+ format['mime_types'].append(mime_type)
+ for ext in [extension, extension.lower(), extension.upper()]:
+ if ext not in format['extensions']:
+ format['extensions'].append(ext)
+ def add_format(self, name, mime_type, extension):
+ for format in self.formats:
+ if format['name'] == name:
+ self.update(format, mime_type, extension)
+ return
+ elif mime_type in format['mime_types']:
+ self.update(format, mime_type, extension)
+ return
+ elif extension in format['extensions']:
+ self.update(format, mime_type, extension)
+ return
+ format = {
+ 'name': name,
+ 'mime_types': [],
+ 'extensions': [],
+ }
+ self.update(format, mime_type, extension)
+ self.formats.append(format)
+ def extension_is_known(self, ext):
+ return [x for x in self.formats if ext in x['extensions']]
+ def mime_type_is_known(self, mimetype):
+ return [x for x in self.formats if mimetype in x['mime_types']]
+ def get_mime_type(self, filename):
+ f = gio.File(path=filename)
+ return gio.content_type_get_mime_type(fi.get_content_type())
+ def get_dcraw(self, filename):
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['dcraw', '-i', filename],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate('')
+ except OSError, e: # pragma: no cover
+ logging.debug('Cannot run dcraw: %s' % str(e))
+ return None
+ if p.returncode == 0:
+ prefix = '%s is a ' % filename
+ if stdout.startswith(prefix):
+ stdout = stdout[len(prefix):]
+ suffix = ' image.\n'
+ if stdout.endswith(suffix):
+ stdout = stdout[:-len(suffix)]
+ return stdout
+ else:
+ return None
+ def add_from_file(self, filename):
+ prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext.startswith('.'):
+ ext = ext[1:]
+ if self.extension_is_known(ext):
+ return
+ if ext in self.fail_extensions:
+ return
+ mime_type = self.get_mime_type(filename)
+ if self.mime_type_is_known(mime_type):
+ return
+ if mime_type in self.fail_mime_types:
+ return
+ desc = self.get_dcraw(filename)
+ if desc is None:
+ self.fail_extensions.add(ext)
+ self.fail_mime_types.add(mime_type)
+ else:
+ self.add_format(ext, mime_type, ext)
+ def supported(self, filename):
+ self.add_from_file(filename)
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext.startswith('.'):
+ ext = ext[1:]
+ if self.extension_is_known(ext):
+ return True
+ mime_type = self.get_mime_type(filename)
+ return self.mime_type_is_known(mime_type)
+def draw_star(drawable, gc, x, y, dim): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Draw a five-pointed star.
+ The star will be drawn inside a square of dim pixels, whose top left
+ corner is at (x,y). The star will be filled. The graphics context gc
+ is used for drawing and filling.
+ '''
+ # To follow this code, imagine a circle inscribed in the square.
+ # The star is a pentagram drawn inside the circle, situated so that
+ # one of its points is pointing upwards. The five points are called
+ # A through E. Inside the pentagram is an upside down pentagon. It's
+ # lowest point is directly below A (same x co-ordinate), and is called
+ # F. We draw the pentagram by drawing three filled triangles: ACF,
+ # ADF, and BEF.
+ #
+ # The co-ordinates of the six points are a bit tricky, or I am stupid.
+ # First we find the co-ordinates with the assumption that the center of
+ # the square (and circle and pentagram) is at origin, then we displace
+ # them to the right place. Note also that screen and geometrical
+ # y-axis are in opposite direction.
+ #
+ # The radius of the circle is R = dim/2.
+ #
+ # The angle AOB is 2*pi/5.
+ #
+ # A is simple: (0, R).
+ #
+ # B: angle between FB and x-axis is (pi/2 - AOB) = (pi/2 - 2*pi/5) =
+ # (5*pi/10 - 4*pi/10) = pi/10 = alpha.
+ # Thus B = (R*cos alpha, R*sin alpha).
+ #
+ # C: angle between FC and x-axis is (BOC - alpha) = (2*pi/5 - alpha) =
+ # (2*pi/5 - pi/10) = (4*pi/10 - pi/10) = 3*pi/10 = beta.
+ # Thus C = (R*cos beta, R*sin beta).
+ #
+ # D = (-Cx, Cy).
+ #
+ # E = (-Bx, By).
+ #
+ # F: Let P = (Cx, By), Z = (0, By). The triangle EZF is shaped like
+ # EPC, but smaller. EZ/ZF = EP/PC <=> ZF = EZ*PC/EP. Also,
+ # ZF = ZO + OF so OF = EZ*PC/EP - ZO. We have the co-ordinates for
+ # everything except F, and F = (0, OF). Thus:
+ # Fy = -(Bx*(By-Cy)/(Bx+Cx) - By) = Bx*(Cy-By)/(Bx+Cx)+By.
+ R = float(dim) / 2.0
+ alpha = math.pi / 10.0
+ beta = -3.0 * math.pi / 10.0
+ # These calculations are done in normal math co-ordinate system.
+ # (Y grows upwards.)
+ A = (0, R)
+ B = (R * math.cos(alpha), R * math.sin(alpha))
+ C = (R * math.cos(beta), R * math.sin(beta))
+ D = (-C[0], C[1])
+ E = (-B[0], B[1])
+ F = (0, -(B[0] * (B[1] - C[1]) / (B[0] + C[0]) - B[1]))
+ F = (0, B[0] * (C[1] - B[1]) / (B[0] + C[0]) + B[1])
+ # Transform co-ordinates to screen: move origin to center of square,
+ # and change direction of Y axis.
+ def xform(coords):
+ return int(x + R + coords[0]), int(y + R - coords[1])
+ A = xform(A)
+ B = xform(B)
+ C = xform(C)
+ D = xform(D)
+ E = xform(E)
+ F = xform(F)
+ # Draw the three triangles.
+ drawable.draw_polygon(gc, True, (A, F, C, A))
+ drawable.draw_polygon(gc, True, (A, F, D, A))
+ drawable.draw_polygon(gc, True, (B, E, F, B))
+def draw_stars(n_stars, drawable, gc, x, y, dim): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Like draw_star, but draws n_stars stars.
+ The drawable MUST be wide enough to have space for five (5) stars.
+ That area will be cleared.
+ '''
+ drawable.clear_area(x, y, 5 * dim, dim)
+ for i in range(n_stars):
+ draw_star(drawable, gc, x + i*dim, y, dim)
+def sha1(filename): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Compute SHA1 checksum of a file.
+ Return None if there were errors.
+ '''
+ try:
+ f = file(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ return None
+ c ='sha1')
+ while True:
+ data =*1024)
+ if not data:
+ break
+ c.update(data)
+ f.close()
+ return c.hexdigest()