path: root/yarns/000.yarn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yarns/000.yarn')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/yarns/000.yarn b/yarns/000.yarn
index 9225c70..adff964 100644
--- a/yarns/000.yarn
+++ b/yarns/000.yarn
@@ -42,19 +42,31 @@ member, to update and retrieve it, and to search memberships.
WHEN admin requests GET /status
THEN HTTP status is 200
- AND HTTP body matches { "resources": 0 }
+ AND body matches { "resources": 0 }
WHEN admin requests POST /memb with body { "fullname": "James Bond" }
THEN HTTP status is 201
- AND the member id is ID
+ AND remember header Muck-Id as ID
+ AND remember header Muck-Revision as REV1
WHEN admin requests GET /status
THEN HTTP status is 200
- AND HTTP body matches { "resources": 1 }
+ AND body matches { "resources": 1 }
WHEN admin requests GET /memb with header Muck-Id: ${ID}
THEN HTTP status is 200
- AND HTTP body matches { "fullname": "James Bond" }
+ AND body matches { "fullname": "James Bond" }
+ AND header Muck-Revision is ${REV1}
+ WHEN admin requests PUT /memb with id ${ID}, revision ${REV1},
+ ... and body { "fullname": "Alfred Pennyworth" }
+ THEN HTTP status is 200
+ AND remember header Muck-Revision as REV2
+ WHEN admin requests GET /memb with header Muck-Id: ${ID}
+ THEN HTTP status is 200
+ AND body matches { "fullname": "Alfred Pennyworth" }
+ AND header Muck-Revision is ${REV2}
FINALLY Effiapi is terminated
@@ -86,6 +98,19 @@ TODO:
IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin requests GET /status
effiapi.GET('/status', {}, None)
+ IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin requests PUT /memb with id (\S+), revision (\S+), and body (.+)
+ rid = get_expanded_match()
+ rev = get_expanded_match()
+ body = get_json_match()
+ print('rid', repr(rid))
+ print('rev', repr(rev))
+ print('body', repr(body))
+ headers = {
+ 'Muck-Id': rid,
+ 'Muck-Revision': rev,
+ }
+ effiapi.PUT('/memb', headers, body)
IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin requests GET /memb with header (\S+): (\S+)
header = get_next_match()
print('header', repr(header))
@@ -102,14 +127,6 @@ TODO:
## Inspect HTTP responses
- IMPLEMENTS THEN the member id is (\S+)
- print('member id')
- name = get_next_match()
- print 'name', repr(name), name
- value = effiapi.get_header('Muck-Id')
- print 'value', repr(value)
- save_for_expansion(name, value)
IMPLEMENTS THEN HTTP status is (\d+)
expected = int(get_next_match())
actual = effiapi.get_status_code()
@@ -117,7 +134,25 @@ TODO:
print 'expecting:', repr(expected)
assertEqual(effiapi.get_status_code(), expected)
- IMPLEMENTS THEN HTTP body matches (.+)
+ IMPLEMENTS THEN remember header (\S+) as (.+)
+ header = get_next_match()
+ varname = get_next_match()
+ value = effiapi.get_header(header)
+ print 'header:', repr(header)
+ print 'value:', repr(value)
+ print 'varname:', repr(varname)
+ save_for_expansion(varname, value)
+ IMPLEMENTS THEN header (\S+) is (.+)
+ header = get_next_match()
+ expected = get_expanded_match()
+ actual = effiapi.get_header(header)
+ print 'header:', repr(header)
+ print 'expected:', repr(expected)
+ print 'actual:', repr(actual)
+ assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ IMPLEMENTS THEN body matches (.+)
expected = get_json_match()
actual = effiapi.get_json_body()
print 'expected:', expected