path: root/Cargo.lock
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-07-17chore: bump tokio and warp dependenciesLars Wirzenius1-619/+442
Use full feature set of tokio, for now. Might winnow it down later. Sponsored-by: author
2020-10-07feat: add logging, mostly of requestsLars Wirzenius1-0/+88
2020-07-19feat: check that TLS cert and key files exist, with error messageLars Wirzenius1-0/+21
2020-05-08Change: let port be specified by configLars Wirzenius1-0/+198
Have tests specify a random port.
2020-05-03Add: Cargo.lockLars Wirzenius1-0/+1397