path: root/index.mdwn
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2011-07-23 19:50:22 +0100
committerLars Wirzenius <>2011-07-23 19:50:22 +0100
commitbb132ff4812d8425467a032fcac2edd1fdcbf858 (patch)
treeb80a1fba6fea112c9e4aa5d929fb31946810d5d0 /index.mdwn
parent1d9d03c5296b0ea497c52cfc014c2b4a1310c868 (diff)
Add links to chapters.
Diffstat (limited to 'index.mdwn')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/index.mdwn b/index.mdwn
index e59dccc..f6160ea 100644
--- a/index.mdwn
+++ b/index.mdwn
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ others when they're a good idea.
-* Introduction
+* [[Introduction]]
- audience: people who live on their computers and need to ways to manage
overflowing email inboxes, and to deal with excessive amounts of inputs
- something about the GTD phenomenon and its history; pointer to Allen and
his books
- refer to Mann's "Inbox Zero"
- pointer to book website/wiki
-* Quickie overview of the GTD system
+* [[Quickie overview of the GTD system|quickie-overview]]
- what is it for? what problem is GTD meant to solve?
- what is the general approach GTD uses to solve the problem?
- flowchart for information and decision making
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Outline
- archiving systems for stuff that can't be discarded, but aren't needed
at the moment
- "current files" for stuff relevant for current projects and next actions
-* Inputs and inboxes
+* [[Inputs and inboxes|inboxes]]
- keeping up with the flow: process more efficiently, stop unwanted inputs
- physical vs electronic inboxes: as few physical ones as you can get away
with, but electronic ones can be several
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Outline
- make sure you have places for the inbox items to go. If your archive or
todo system is insufficient then you'll be tempted to leave things in
your inbox until you deal with them.
-* Projects and next actions
+* [[Projects and next actions|projects-next-actions]]
- next action: physical action, well-defined, preferably less than 15 min
- project: anything that takes more than one step, but less than a year
- discuss possible contexts and categories for next actions