AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
6 daystests: adding classes to an elementHEADmainLars Wirzenius1-2/+33
6 daysfeat: export Content from the crateLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
6 daysfeat! rename Document to HtmlPage0.3.0Lars Wirzenius3-8/+8
6 daysdocs: make it clear that Element::push_html should b eavoidedLars Wirzenius1-1/+3
14 dayschore: drop unused dependency line-col0.2.1Lars Wirzenius2-10/+2
2024-04-11chore: bump version number due to API change0.2.0Lars Wirzenius2-4/+4
2024-04-10feat! make callers pass in elements, not references to themLars Wirzenius1-9/+9
2023-04-26Merge branch 'checks' into 'main'Lars Wirzenius2-0/+31
2023-04-26tests: add a script to run various tests and QA stuffLars Wirzenius1-0/+8
2023-04-26tests: add a config for "cargo deny"Lars Wirzenius1-0/+23
2023-04-10feat: manipulate classes0.1.0Lars Wirzenius1-0/+65
2023-04-10docs: add an example to the top level crate documentationLars Wirzenius1-1/+26
2023-04-10feat: add Element::attribute_valueLars Wirzenius1-0/+7
2023-04-10feat: return attribute value as a stringLars Wirzenius1-0/+12
2023-04-10feat: set attribute when creating an elementLars Wirzenius1-0/+27
2023-04-10chore: add metadata to Cargo.toml for an eventual cargo publishLars Wirzenius1-2/+6
2023-04-10docs: add a READMELars Wirzenius1-0/+47
2023-04-10feat: retrieve text content of an elementLars Wirzenius1-0/+20
2023-04-10feat: clear an element of its childrenLars Wirzenius1-0/+5
2023-04-09fix: quote attribute valuesLars Wirzenius1-3/+3
2023-04-09feat: allow raw HTMLLars Wirzenius1-3/+19
2023-04-09feat: allow appending clones of an element's children to bodyLars Wirzenius1-0/+7
2023-04-09feat: add a representation of a full HTML documentLars Wirzenius3-4/+185
2023-04-09feat: add convenience functions for creating elements with childrenLars Wirzenius1-5/+15
2023-04-09feat: add a visitor to an element and its childrenLars Wirzenius1-1/+86
2023-04-09docs: add doc comments for all public symbolsLars Wirzenius1-15/+60
2023-04-09feat: initial versionLars Wirzenius4-3/+435
2023-04-09chore: initial commit, output of "cargo init"Lars Wirzenius3-0/+12