path: root/arch
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2017-08-10 17:56:49 +0300
committerLars Wirzenius <>2017-08-10 17:56:49 +0300
commit308f4db410e3c68eac453be107f8d6207814280d (patch)
tree5de939a42bc0e91246f7c424565edb644f29fe91 /arch
parent4a9db190bea38a6577c15950fefc939b1f52c6ef (diff)
Add: some architecture documentation for ALPHA-1
Diffstat (limited to 'arch')
4 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arch/ b/arch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60be05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import cliapp
+def parse_markdown(f, tmpdir):
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ result = []
+ uml_filenames = []
+ while lines:
+ prefix, uml, lines = extract_uml(lines)
+ result.extend(prefix)
+ if uml:
+ filename = create_uml_file(tmpdir, uml)
+ uml_filenames.append(filename)
+ result.extend(include(uml, filename))
+ return result, uml_filenames
+def extract_uml(lines):
+ start = find_line(lines, '@startuml\n')
+ if start is None:
+ return lines, None, []
+ end = find_line(lines, '@enduml\n')
+ if end is None:
+ return lines, None, []
+ return lines[:start], lines[start:end+1], lines[end+1:]
+def find_line(lines, pattern):
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if line.startswith(pattern):
+ return i
+ return None
+def create_uml_file(tmpdir, lines):
+ fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=tmpdir)
+ os.write(fd, ''.join(lines))
+ os.close(fd)
+ return filename
+def include(uml, filename):
+ title = get_title(uml)
+ return [
+ '![{}]({}.png)\\ \n'.format(title, filename),
+ '\n',
+ ]
+def get_title(uml):
+ i = find_line(uml, 'title ')
+ if i is not None:
+ return uml[i].split(' ', 1)[1]
+def plantuml(filename):
+ cliapp.runcmd(['plantuml', '-tpng', '-output', '.', filename])
+def main():
+ tmpdir = sys.argv[1]
+ lines, filenames = parse_markdown(sys.stdin, tmpdir)
+ sys.stdout.write(''.join(lines))
+ for filename in filenames:
+ plantuml(filename)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/arch/ b/arch/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..034bd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+set -eu
+output="$(dirname "$1")/$(basename "$1" .mdwn)"
+tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
+ rm -rf "$tmp"
+#trap clean EXIT
+cat -- "$@" | python2 ./ "$tmp" > "$tmp/foo.mdwn"
+pandoc --toc -V documentstyle:report --chapters -o "$output.pdf" "$tmp/foo.mdwn"
+pandoc --toc -o "$output.html" --number-sections --standalone -H ick2.css "$tmp/foo.mdwn"
diff --git a/arch/ick2-arch.mdwn b/arch/ick2-arch.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3234756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/ick2-arch.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+title: Ick2 architecture
+author: Lars Wirzenius
+date: work-in-progress for ALPHA-1
+Ick2 consists of many micro services. This document describes how they
+are used individually and together.
+* The controller keeps track of projects, build pipelines, workers,
+ and the current state of each. It decides what build step is next,
+ and who should execute it.
+* Worker-manager represents a build host. It queries the controller
+ for work, and makes the build host (the actual worker) execute it,
+ and then reports results back to the worker.
+* The trigger service decides when a build should start.
+* The controller and trigger services provide an API. The identity
+ provider (IDP) takes care of the authentication of each API client,
+ and what privileges each should have. The API client authenticates
+ itself to the IDP, and receives an access token. The API provider
+ gets the token in each request, validates it, and inspects it to see
+ what the client is allowed to do.
+A major point of the IDP is to have just a single place where
+authentication and authorisation is configured.
+Individual API interactions
+This chapter covers interactions with individual APIs.
+Getting an access token
+The API client (user's command line tool, a putative web app, git
+server, worker-manager, etc) authenticates itself to the IDP, and if
+successful, gets back a signed JSON Web Token. It will include the
+token in all requests to all APIs so that the API provider will know
+what the client is allowed to do.
+The privileges for each API client are set by the sysadmin who
+installs the CI system, or a user who's been given IDP admin
+privileges by the sysadmin.
+hide footbox
+title Get an access token
+client -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> client : signed JWT token
+All API calls need a token. Getting a token happen the same way for
+every API client.
+Worker (worker-manager) registration
+The sysadmin arranges to start a worker-manager for every build host.
+They may run on the same host, or not: the Ick2 architecture doesn't
+really care. If they run on the same host, the worker manager will
+start a subprocess. If on different hosts, the subprocess will be
+started using ssh.
+The CI admin may define tags for each worker. Attributes may include
+things like whether the worker can be trusted with credentials for
+logging into other workers, or for retrieving source code from the git
+server. Workers may not override such tags. Workers may, however,
+provide other tags, to e.g., report their CPU architecture or Debian
+release. The controller will eventually be able to use the tags to
+choose which worker should execute which pipeline steps.
+hide footbox
+title Register worker
+worker_manager -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> worker_manager : token A
+worker_manager -> controller : POST /workers (token A)
+controller --> worker_manager : success
+The worker manager runs a very simple state machine.
+title Worker-manager state machine
+Querying : ask controller for work
+Running : run subprocess
+[*] -down-> Idle : start
+Idle -down-> Querying : short timeout has expired
+Querying -up-> Idle : nothing to do
+Querying --> Running : something to do
+Running --> Running : get output, report to controller
+Running --> Idle : subprocess finished, report to controller
+Add project to controller
+The CI admin (or a user authorised by the CI admin) adds projects to
+the controller to allow them to be built. This is done using an "CI
+administration application", which initially will be a command line
+tool, but may later become a web application as well. Either way, the
+controller provides API endpoints for this.
+hide footbox
+title Add project to controller
+adminapp -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> adminapp : token B
+adminapp -> controller : POST /projects (token B)
+controller --> adminapp : success or failure indication
+A full build
+Next we look at how the various compontens interact during a complete
+build, using two workers: one trusted with credentials, one doing the
+actual heavy work. We assume that workers have been registered and
+projects added.
+The sequence diagrams in this chapter have been split into stages, to
+make them easier to view and read. Each diagram after the first one
+continues where the previous one left off.
+Trigger build by pushing changes to git server
+hide footbox
+title Build triggered by git change
+developer -> gitano : git push
+gitano -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> gitano : token C
+gitano -> trigger : GET /git/website.git (token C)
+note right
+ Git server notifies
+ trigger service that
+ a git repo has changed
+end note
+trigger -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> trigger : token D
+trigger -> controller : GET /projects (token D)
+note right
+ trigger service queries
+ controller to get list
+ of all projects, so it
+ knows which builds to
+ start
+end note
+controller --> trigger : list of projects
+trigger -> controller : GET /projects/website (token D)
+note right
+ trigger service
+ gets project config
+ so it knows what
+ pipelines project has
+end note
+controller --> trigger : project description, incl. pipelines
+trigger -> controller : POST /projects/website/pipelines/getsource/+start (token D)
+The first pipeline has now been started by the trigger service.
+Pipeline 1: get sources
+The first pipeline uses the trusted worker to fetch source code from
+the git server (we assume that requires credentials), and push them
+to the powerful worker.
+hide footbox
+title Build pipeline: get source
+trusty -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> trusty : token E
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller --> trusty : "clone website source into workspace"
+trusty -> gitano : git clone
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller --> trusty : "rsync to beefy"
+trusty -> beefy : rsync
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller -> trusty : "notify trigger service pipeline is finished"
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+note right
+ note that we need to tell controller this last step is finished
+ **before** telling the trigger service the pipeline is finished
+end note
+trusty -> trigger : GET /pipelines/website/getsource (token E)
+trigger -> controller : GET /projects/website/pipelines/getsource (token D)
+note right
+ Trigger service checks
+ status of pipeline
+end note
+trigger -> controller : POST /projects/website/pipelines/ikiwiki/+start (token D)
+The first pipeline finished, and the website building can start.
+That's the second pipeline, which has just been started.
+Pipeline 2: Build static web site
+The second pipeline runs on the beefy worker. The source is already
+there and it just needs to perform the build.
+hide footbox
+title Build static website
+beefy -> IDP : GET /auth, with Basic Auth, over https
+IDP --> beefy : token F
+beefy -> controller : GET /worker/beefy (token F)
+controller -> beefy : "build static website"
+beefy -> beefy : run ikiwiki to build site
+beefy -> controller : POST /worker/beefy, exit=0 (token F)
+beefy -> controller : GET /worker/beefy (token F)
+controller -> beefy : "notify trigger service pipeline is finished"
+beefy -> controller : POST /worker/beefy, exit=0 (token F)
+beefy -> trigger : GET /pipelines/website/ikiwiki (token F)
+trigger -> controller : GET /projects/website/pipelines/ikiwiki (token D)
+trigger -> controller : POST /projects/website/pipelines/publish/+start (token D)
+At the end of the second pipeline, we start the third one.
+Pipeline 3: Publish web site to web server
+The third pipeline copies the built static website from the beefy
+worker, via the trusted worker, to the actual web server.
+hide footbox
+title Copy built site from beefy to web server
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller -> trusty : "rsync workspace from beefy"
+trusty -> beefy : rsync
+beefy --> trusty : workspace updates
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller -> trusty : "rsync static website to web server"
+trusty -> webserver : rsync
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+trusty -> controller : GET /worker/trusty (token E)
+controller --> trusty : "notify trigger service pipeline is finished"
+trusty -> controller : POST /worker/trusty, exit=0 (token E)
+trusty -> trigger : GET /pipelines/website/publish (token E)
+trigger -> controller : GET /projects/website/pipelines/ikiwiki (token D)
+note right
+ There are no further pipelines.
+end note
+The website is now built and published.
diff --git a/arch/ick2.css b/arch/ick2.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78cd374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/ick2.css
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+html {
+ background: white;
+ font-family: serif;
+ margin-left: 3em;
+ margin-right: 2em;
+ margin-top: 2em;
+form#searchform {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ text-align: right;
+div.actions {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ text-align: right;
+div.actions ul, div.actions li {
+ display: inline;
+div.pageheader {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ margin-bottom: 2em;
+div.pageheader span.title {
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 200%;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ margin-top: 0.5em;
+div#pagebody {
+div.pagefooter {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ margin-top: 3em;
+div#pagebody {
+div#TOC ul {
+ list-style: none;
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 2em;
+h1 {
+ font-size: 150%;
+h2 {
+ font-size: 120%;
+h3 {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ul li, ol li {
+ margin-top: 0.5em;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em;
+pre {
+ margin-left: 4em;