path: root/emacs.d
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2021-08-16 14:54:40 +0300
committerLars Wirzenius <>2021-08-16 14:54:40 +0300
commitb941ae304c0dbfeeab539bd8331361231632659e (patch)
treeee1a7ed34bf85b242585ab11c8e582cc99b0309c /emacs.d
parent4c148a8a4d51e5f9903525b0475ecfd5ee325983 (diff)
bashrc: tell Python to not write bytecode files
Sponsored-by: author
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs.d')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 976 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-autoloads.el b/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-autoloads.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 348592a..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-autoloads.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-;;; racer-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Code:
-(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
- (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
-;;;### (autoloads nil "racer" "racer.el" (0 0 0 0))
-;;; Generated autoloads from racer.el
-(autoload 'racer-find-definition "racer" "\
-Run the racer find-definition command and process the results.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'racer-find-definition-other-window "racer" "\
-Run the racer find-definition command and process the results.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'racer-find-definition-other-frame "racer" "\
-Run the racer find-definition command and process the results.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'racer-mode "racer" "\
-Minor mode for racer.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "racer" '("racer-")))
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
-;; End:
-;;; racer-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-pkg.el b/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-pkg.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ffa2d8..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer-pkg.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
-(define-package "racer" "20191001.2344" "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" '((emacs "25.1") (rust-mode "0.2.0") (dash "2.13.0") (s "1.10.0") (f "0.18.2") (pos-tip "0.4.6")) :commit "a0bdf778f01e8c4b8a92591447257422ac0b455b" :keywords '("abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "rust" "tools") :authors '(("Phil Dawes")) :maintainer '("Phil Dawes") :url "")
diff --git a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer.el b/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 305e20b..0000000
--- a/emacs.d/elpa/racer-20191001.2344/racer.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,932 +0,0 @@
-;;; racer.el --- code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (c) 2014 Phil Dawes
-;; Author: Phil Dawes
-;; URL:
-;; Package-Version: 20191001.2344
-;; Package-Commit: a0bdf778f01e8c4b8a92591447257422ac0b455b
-;; Version: 1.3
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (rust-mode "0.2.0") (dash "2.13.0") (s "1.10.0") (f "0.18.2") (pos-tip "0.4.6"))
-;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, matching, rust, tools
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any
-;; person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
-;; documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
-;; Software without restriction, including without
-;; limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-;; publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
-;; the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
-;; is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-;; conditions:
-;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice
-;; shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
-;; of the Software.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Please see the readme for full documentation:
-;;; Quickstart:
-;; You will need to configure Emacs to find racer:
-;; (setq racer-rust-src-path "<path-to-rust-srcdir>/src/")
-;; (setq racer-cmd "<path-to-racer>/target/release/racer")
-;; To activate racer in Rust buffers, run:
-;; (add-hook 'rust-mode-hook #'racer-mode)
-;; You can also use racer to find definition at point via
-;; `racer-find-definition', bound to `M-.' by default.
-;; Finally, you can also use Racer to show the signature of the
-;; current function in the minibuffer:
-;; (add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'eldoc-mode)
-;;; Code:
-(require 'dash)
-(require 'etags)
-(require 'rust-mode)
-(require 's)
-(require 'f)
-(require 'thingatpt)
-(require 'button)
-(require 'help-mode)
-(autoload 'pos-tip-show-no-propertize "pos-tip")
-(defgroup racer nil
- "Code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer."
- :link '(url-link "")
- :group 'rust-mode)
-(defcustom racer-cmd
- (or (executable-find "racer")
- (f-expand "~/.cargo/bin/racer")
- "/usr/local/bin/racer")
- "Path to the racer binary."
- :type 'file
- :group 'racer)
-(defcustom racer-rust-src-path
- (or
- (getenv "RUST_SRC_PATH")
- (when (executable-find "rustc")
- (let* ((sysroot (s-trim-right
- (shell-command-to-string
- (format "%s --print sysroot" (executable-find "rustc")))))
- (src-path (f-join sysroot "lib/rustlib/src/rust/src")))
- (when (file-exists-p src-path)
- src-path)
- src-path))
- "/usr/local/src/rust/src")
- "Path to the rust source tree.
-If nil, we will query $RUST_SRC_PATH at runtime.
-If $RUST_SRC_PATH is not set, look for rust source in rustup's install directory."
- :type 'file
- :group 'racer)
-(defcustom racer-cargo-home
- (or
- (getenv "CARGO_HOME")
- "~/.cargo")
- "Path to your current cargo home. Usually `~/.cargo'.
-If nil, we will query $CARGO_HOME at runtime."
- :type 'file
- :group 'racer)
-(defun racer--cargo-project-root ()
- "Find the root of the current Cargo project."
- (let ((root (locate-dominating-file (or (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) default-directory)
- "Cargo.toml")))
- (and root (file-truename root))))
-(defun racer--header (text)
- "Helper function for adding text properties to TEXT."
- (propertize text 'face 'racer-help-heading-face))
-(defvar racer--prev-state nil)
-(defun racer-debug ()
- "Open a buffer describing the last racer command run.
-Helps users find configuration issues, or file bugs on
-racer or racer.el."
- (interactive)
- (unless racer--prev-state
- (user-error "Must run a racer command before debugging"))
- (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*racer-debug*"))
- (inhibit-read-only t))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (erase-buffer)
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (let* ((process-environment
- (plist-get racer--prev-state :process-environment))
- (rust-src-path-used
- (--first (s-prefix-p "RUST_SRC_PATH=" it) process-environment))
- (cargo-home-used
- (--first (s-prefix-p "CARGO_HOME=" it) process-environment))
- (stdout (plist-get racer--prev-state :stdout))
- (stderr (plist-get racer--prev-state :stderr)))
- (insert
- ;; Summarise the actual command that we run.
- (racer--header "The last racer command was:\n\n")
- (format "$ cd %s\n"
- (plist-get racer--prev-state :default-directory))
- (format "$ export %s\n" cargo-home-used)
- (format "$ export %s\n" rust-src-path-used)
- (format "$ %s %s\n\n"
- (plist-get racer--prev-state :program)
- (s-join " " (plist-get racer--prev-state :args)))
- ;; Describe the exit code and outputs.
- (racer--header
- (format "This command terminated with exit code %s.\n\n"
- (plist-get racer--prev-state :exit-code)))
- (if (s-blank? stdout)
- (racer--header "No output on stdout.\n\n")
- (format "%s\n\n%s\n\n"
- (racer--header "stdout:")
- (s-trim-right stdout)))
- (if (s-blank? stderr)
- (racer--header "No output on stderr.\n\n")
- (format "%s\n\n%s\n\n"
- (racer--header "stderr:")
- (s-trim-right stderr)))
- ;; Give copy-paste instructions for reproducing any errors
- ;; the user has seen.
- (racer--header
- (s-word-wrap 60 "The temporary file will have been deleted. You should be able to reproduce the same output from racer with the following command:\n\n"))
- (format "$ %s %s %s %s\n\n" cargo-home-used rust-src-path-used
- (plist-get racer--prev-state :program)
- (s-join " "
- (-drop-last 1 (plist-get racer--prev-state :args))))
- ;; Tell the user what to do next if they have problems.
- (racer--header "Please report bugs ")
- (racer--url-button "on GitHub" "")
- (racer--header "."))))
- (switch-to-buffer buf)
- (goto-char (point-min))))
-(defun racer--call (command &rest args)
- "Call racer command COMMAND with args ARGS.
-Return stdout if COMMAND exits normally, otherwise show an
- (let ((rust-src-path (or (when racer-rust-src-path (expand-file-name racer-rust-src-path))
- (getenv "RUST_SRC_PATH")))
- (cargo-home (or (when racer-cargo-home (expand-file-name racer-cargo-home))
- (getenv "CARGO_HOME"))))
- (when (null rust-src-path)
- (user-error "You need to set `racer-rust-src-path' or `RUST_SRC_PATH'"))
- (unless (file-exists-p rust-src-path)
- (user-error "No such directory: %s. Please set `racer-rust-src-path' or `RUST_SRC_PATH'"
- rust-src-path))
- (let ((default-directory (or (racer--cargo-project-root) default-directory))
- (process-environment (append (list
- (format "RUST_SRC_PATH=%s" rust-src-path)
- (format "CARGO_HOME=%s" cargo-home))
- process-environment)))
- (-let [(exit-code stdout _stderr)
- (racer--shell-command racer-cmd (cons command args))]
- ;; Use `equal' instead of `zero' as exit-code can be a string
- ;; "Aborted" if racer crashes.
- (unless (equal 0 exit-code)
- (user-error "%s exited with %s. `M-x racer-debug' for more info"
- racer-cmd exit-code))
- stdout))))
-(defmacro racer--with-temporary-file (path-sym &rest body)
- "Create a temporary file, and bind its path to PATH-SYM.
-Evaluate BODY, then delete the temporary file."
- (declare (indent 1) (debug (symbolp body)))
- `(let ((,path-sym (make-temp-file "racer")))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn ,@body)
- (delete-file ,path-sym))))
-(defun racer--slurp (file)
- "Return the contents of FILE as a string."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-file-contents-literally file)
- (buffer-string)))
-(defmacro racer--with-temp-buffers (stdout-sym stderr-sym &rest body)
- (declare (indent 2) (debug (symbolp body)))
- `(let ((kill-buffer-query-functions nil)
- (,stdout-sym (generate-new-buffer " *racer-stdout*"))
- (,stderr-sym (generate-new-buffer " *racer-stderr*")))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn ,@body)
- (when (buffer-name ,stdout-sym)
- (kill-buffer ,stdout-sym))
- (when (buffer-name ,stderr-sym)
- (kill-buffer ,stderr-sym)))))
-(defcustom racer-command-timeout nil
- "Abandon completion if racer process fails to respond for that
-many seconds (maybe float). nil means wait indefinitely."
- :type 'number
- :group 'racer)
-(defun racer--shell-command (program args)
- "Execute PROGRAM with ARGS. Return a list (exit-code stdout
- (racer--with-temp-buffers stdout stderr
- (let (exit-code
- stdout-result
- stderr-result
- (proc (make-process :name "*async-racer*"
- :buffer stdout
- :command (cons program args)
- :connection-type 'pipe
- :stderr stderr)))
- (while
- (and (process-live-p proc)
- (with-local-quit
- (accept-process-output proc racer-command-timeout))))
- (when (process-live-p proc) (kill-process proc))
- (setq exit-code (process-exit-status proc)
- stderr-result (with-current-buffer stderr (buffer-string))
- stdout-result (with-current-buffer stdout (buffer-string)))
- (setq racer--prev-state
- (list
- :program program
- :args args
- :exit-code exit-code
- :stdout stdout-result
- :stderr stderr-result
- :default-directory default-directory
- :process-environment process-environment))
- (list exit-code stdout-result stderr-result))))
-(defun racer--call-at-point (command)
- "Call racer command COMMAND at point of current buffer.
-Return a list of all the lines returned by the command."
- (racer--with-temporary-file tmp-file
- (write-region nil nil tmp-file nil 'silent)
- (let ((racer-args (list
- command
- (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos))
- (number-to-string (racer--current-column)))))
- ;; If this buffer is backed by a file, pass that to racer too.
- (-when-let (file-name (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
- (setq racer-args
- (append racer-args (list file-name))))
- (setq racer-args (append racer-args (list tmp-file)))
- (s-lines
- (s-trim-right
- (apply #'racer--call racer-args))))))
-(defun racer--read-rust-string (string)
- "Convert STRING, a rust string literal, to an elisp string."
- (when string
- ;; Remove outer double quotes.
- (setq string (s-chop-prefix "\"" string))
- (setq string (s-chop-suffix "\"" string))
- ;; Translate escape sequences.
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- (rx "\\" (group anything))
- (lambda (whole-match)
- (let ((escaped-char (match-string 1 whole-match)))
- (if (equal escaped-char "n")
- "\n"
- escaped-char)))
- string
- t t)))
-(defun racer--split-parts (raw-output)
- "Given RAW-OUTPUT from racer, split on semicolons and doublequotes.
-Unescape strings as necessary."
- (let ((parts nil)
- (current "")
- (i 0))
- (while (< i (length raw-output))
- (let ((char (elt raw-output i))
- (prev-char (and (> i 0) (elt raw-output (1- i)))))
- (cond
- ;; A semicolon that wasn't escaped, start a new part.
- ((and (equal char ?\;) (not (equal prev-char ?\\)))
- (push current parts)
- (setq current ""))
- (t
- (setq current (concat current (string char))))))
- (setq i (1+ i)))
- (push current parts)
- (mapcar #'racer--read-rust-string (nreverse parts))))
-(defun racer--split-snippet-match (line)
- "Given LINE, a string \"MATCH ...\" from complete-with-snippet,
-split it into its constituent parts."
- (let* ((match-parts (racer--split-parts line))
- (docstring (nth 7 match-parts)))
- (when (and match-parts (equal (length match-parts) 8))
- (list :name (s-chop-prefix "MATCH " (nth 0 match-parts))
- :line (string-to-number (nth 2 match-parts))
- :column (string-to-number (nth 3 match-parts))
- :path (nth 4 match-parts)
- ;; Struct or Function:
- :kind (nth 5 match-parts)
- :signature (nth 6 match-parts)
- :docstring (if (> (length docstring) 0) docstring nil)))))
-(defun racer--order-descriptions (descriptions)
- (sort descriptions
- (lambda (a b)
- (let ((a (or (plist-get a :docstring) ""))
- (b (or (plist-get b :docstring) "")))
- (> (length a) (length b))))))
-(defun racer--describe-at-point (name)
- "Get a descriptions of the symbols matching symbol at point and
-NAME. If there are multiple possibilities with this NAME, prompt
-the user to choose. Return a list of all possibilities that
-start with the user's selection."
- (let* ((output-lines (save-excursion
- ;; Move to the end of the current symbol, to
- ;; increase racer accuracy.
- (skip-syntax-forward "w_")
- (racer--call-at-point "complete-with-snippet")))
- (all-matches (--map (when (s-starts-with-p "MATCH " it)
- (racer--split-snippet-match it))
- output-lines))
- (relevant-matches (--filter (equal (plist-get it :name) name)
- all-matches)))
- (racer--order-descriptions
- (if (> (length relevant-matches) 1)
- ;; We might have multiple matches with the same name but
- ;; different types. E.g. Vec::from.
- (let ((signature
- (completing-read "Multiple matches: "
- (--map (plist-get it :signature) relevant-matches))))
- (-filter
- (lambda (x)
- (let ((sig (plist-get x :signature)))
- (equal (substring sig 0 (min (length sig) (length signature)))
- signature)))
- relevant-matches))
- relevant-matches))))
-(defun racer--help-buf (contents)
- "Create a *Racer Help* buffer with CONTENTS."
- (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*Racer Help*"))
- ;; If the buffer already existed, we need to be able to
- ;; override `buffer-read-only'.
- (inhibit-read-only t))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert contents)
- (setq buffer-read-only t)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (racer-help-mode))
- buf))
-(defface racer-help-heading-face
- '((t :weight bold))
- "Face for markdown headings in *Racer Help* buffers.")
-(defun racer--url-p (target)
- "Return t if TARGET looks like a fully qualified URL."
- (not (null
- (string-match-p (rx bol "http" (? "s") "://") target))))
-(defun racer--propertize-links (markdown)
- "Propertize links in MARKDOWN."
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- ;; Text of the form [foo](
- (rx "[" (group (+? (not (any "]")))) "](" (group (+? anything)) ")")
- ;; For every match:
- (lambda (whole-match)
- ;; Extract link and target.
- (let ((link-text (match-string 1 whole-match))
- (link-target (match-string 2 whole-match)))
- ;; If it's a web URL, use a clickable link.
- (if (racer--url-p link-target)
- (racer--url-button link-text link-target)
- ;; Otherwise, just discard the target.
- link-text)))
- markdown
- t t))
-(defun racer--propertize-all-inline-code (markdown)
- "Given a single line MARKDOWN, replace all instances of `foo` or
-\[`foo`\] with a propertized string."
- (let ((highlight-group
- (lambda (whole-match)
- (racer--syntax-highlight (match-string 1 whole-match)))))
- (setq markdown
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- (rx "[`" (group (+? anything)) "`]")
- highlight-group
- markdown
- t t))
- (setq markdown
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- (rx "`" (group (+? anything)) "`")
- highlight-group
- markdown
- t t))))
-(defun racer--indent-block (str)
- "Indent every line in STR."
- (s-join "\n" (--map (concat " " it) (s-lines str))))
-(defun racer--trim-newlines (str)
- "Remove newlines from the start and end of STR."
- (->> str
- (s-chop-prefix "\n")
- (s-chop-suffix "\n")))
-(defun racer--remove-footnote-links (str)
- "Remove footnote links from markdown STR."
- (->> (s-lines str)
- (--remove (string-match-p (rx bol "[`" (+? anything) "`]: ") it))
- (s-join "\n")
- ;; Collapse consecutive blank lines caused by removing footnotes.
- (s-replace "\n\n\n" "\n\n")))
-(defun racer--docstring-sections (docstring)
- "Split DOCSTRING into text, code and heading sections."
- (let* ((sections nil)
- (current-section-lines nil)
- (section-type :text)
- ;; Helper function.
- (finish-current-section
- (lambda ()
- (when current-section-lines
- (let ((current-section
- (s-join "\n" (nreverse current-section-lines))))
- (unless (s-blank? current-section)
- (push (list section-type current-section) sections))
- (setq current-section-lines nil))))))
- (dolist (line (s-lines docstring))
- (cond
- ;; If this is a closing ```
- ((and (s-starts-with-p "```" line) (eq section-type :code))
- (push line current-section-lines)
- (funcall finish-current-section)
- (setq section-type :text))
- ;; If this is an opening ```
- ((s-starts-with-p "```" line)
- (funcall finish-current-section)
- (push line current-section-lines)
- (setq section-type :code))
- ;; Headings
- ((and (not (eq section-type :code)) (s-starts-with-p "# " line))
- (funcall finish-current-section)
- (push (list :heading line) sections))
- ;; Normal text.
- (t
- (push line current-section-lines))))
- (funcall finish-current-section)
- (nreverse sections)))
-(defun racer--clean-code-section (section)
- "Given a SECTION, a markdown code block, remove
-fenced code delimiters and code annotations."
- (->> (s-lines section)
- (-drop 1)
- (-drop-last 1)
- ;; Ignore annotations like # #[allow(dead_code)]
- (--remove (s-starts-with-p "# " it))
- (s-join "\n")))
-(defun racer--propertize-docstring (docstring)
- "Replace markdown syntax in DOCSTRING with text properties."
- (let* ((sections (racer--docstring-sections docstring))
- (propertized-sections
- (--map (-let [(section-type section) it]
- ;; Remove trailing newlines, so we can ensure we
- ;; have consistent blank lines between sections.
- (racer--trim-newlines
- (pcase section-type
- (:text
- (racer--propertize-all-inline-code
- (racer--propertize-links
- (racer--remove-footnote-links
- section))))
- (:code
- (racer--indent-block
- (racer--syntax-highlight
- (racer--clean-code-section section))))
- (:heading
- (racer--header
- (s-chop-prefix "# " section))))))
- sections)))
- (s-join "\n\n" propertized-sections)))
-(defun racer--find-file (path line column find-file-func)
- "Open PATH and move point to LINE and COLUMN."
- (funcall find-file-func path)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line (1- line))
- (forward-char column))
-(defun racer--button-go-to-src (button)
- (racer--find-file
- (button-get button 'path)
- (button-get button 'line)
- (button-get button 'column)
- #'find-file))
-(define-button-type 'racer-src-button
- 'action 'racer--button-go-to-src
- 'follow-link t
- 'help-echo "Go to definition")
-(defun racer--url-button (text url)
- "Return a button that opens a browser at URL."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-text-button
- text
- :type 'help-url
- 'help-args (list url))
- (buffer-string)))
-(defun racer--src-button (path line column)
- "Return a button that navigates to PATH at LINE number and
-COLUMN number."
- ;; Convert "/foo/bar/baz/" to "baz/"
- (let* ((filename (f-filename path))
- (parent-dir (f-filename (f-parent path)))
- (short-path (f-join parent-dir filename)))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-text-button
- short-path
- :type 'racer-src-button
- 'path path
- 'line line
- 'column column)
- (buffer-string))))
-(defun racer--kind-description (raw-kind)
- "Human friendly description of a rust kind.
-For example, 'EnumKind' -> 'an enum kind'."
- (let* ((parts (s-split-words raw-kind))
- (description (s-join " " (--map (downcase it) parts)))
- (a (if (string-match-p (rx bos (or "a" "e" "i" "o" "u")) description)
- "an" "a")))
- (format "%s %s" a description)))
-(defun racer--describe (name)
- "Return a *Racer Help* buffer for the function or type at point.
-If there are multiple candidates at point, use NAME to find the
-correct value."
- (let ((descriptions (racer--describe-at-point name)))
- (when descriptions
- (racer--help-buf
- (let ((output "")
- (first-iteration t))
- (dolist (description descriptions output)
- (unless first-iteration
- (setf output
- (concat output (format "\n---------------------------------------------------------------\n"))))
- (setf output
- (concat
- output
- (let* ((name (plist-get description :name))
- (raw-docstring (plist-get description :docstring))
- (docstring (if raw-docstring
- (racer--propertize-docstring raw-docstring)
- "Not documented."))
- (kind (plist-get description :kind)))
- (setf first-iteration nil)
- (format
- "%s is %s defined in %s.\n\n%s%s"
- name
- (racer--kind-description kind)
- (racer--src-button
- (plist-get description :path)
- (plist-get description :line)
- (plist-get description :column))
- (if (equal kind "Module")
- ;; No point showing the 'signature' of modules, which is
- ;; just their full path.
- ""
- (format " %s\n\n" (racer--syntax-highlight (plist-get description :signature))))
- docstring))))))))))
-(defun racer-describe ()
- "Show a *Racer Help* buffer for the function or type at point."
- (interactive)
- (let ((buf (racer--describe (thing-at-point 'symbol))))
- (if buf
- (temp-buffer-window-show buf)
- (user-error "No function or type found at point"))))
-(defface racer-tooltip
- '((((min-colors 16777216))
- :background "#292C33" :foreground "white")
- (t
- :background "black" :foreground "white"))
- "Face used for the tooltip with `racer-describe-tooltip'")
-(defun racer-describe-tooltip ()
- "Show the docstring in a tooltip.
-The tooltip's face is `racer-tooltip'
-See `racer-describe'."
- (interactive)
- (-some-> (symbol-at-point)
- (symbol-name)
- (racer--describe)
- (with-current-buffer (concat "\n" (buffer-string) "\n\n"))
- (pos-tip-show-no-propertize 'racer-tooltip nil nil 1000)))
-(defvar racer-help-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (set-keymap-parent map (make-composed-keymap button-buffer-map
- special-mode-map))
- map)
- "Keymap for racer help mode.")
-(define-derived-mode racer-help-mode fundamental-mode
- "Racer-Help"
- "Major mode for *Racer Help* buffers.
-(defcustom racer-complete-in-comments
- nil
- "If non-nil, query racer for completions inside comments too."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'racer)
-(defcustom racer-complete-insert-argument-placeholders
- t
- "If non-nil, insert argument placeholders after completion.
-Note that this feature is only available when `company-mode' is installed."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'racer)
-(defun racer-complete-at-point ()
- "Complete the symbol at point."
- (let* ((ppss (syntax-ppss))
- (in-string (nth 3 ppss))
- (in-comment (nth 4 ppss)))
- (when (and
- (not in-string)
- (or (not in-comment) racer-complete-in-comments))
- (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
- (beg (or (car bounds) (point)))
- (end (or (cdr bounds) (point))))
- (list beg end
- (completion-table-dynamic #'racer-complete)
- :annotation-function #'racer-complete--annotation
- :company-prefix-length (racer-complete--prefix-p beg end)
- :company-docsig #'racer-complete--docsig
- :company-doc-buffer #'racer--describe
- :company-location #'racer-complete--location
- :exit-function #'racer-complete--insert-args)))))
-(declare-function company-template-c-like-templatify 'company-template)
-(defun racer-complete--insert-args (arg &optional _finished)
- "If a ARG is the name of a completed function, try to find and insert its arguments."
- (when (and racer-complete-insert-argument-placeholders
- (require 'company-template nil t)
- (equal "Function"
- (get-text-property 0 'matchtype arg))
- ;; Don't add arguments if the user has already added
- ;; some.
- (not (eq (char-after) ?\()))
- (let* ((ctx (get-text-property 0 'ctx arg))
- (arguments (racer-complete--extract-args ctx)))
- (insert arguments)
- (company-template-c-like-templatify arguments))))
-(defun racer-complete--extract-args (str)
- "Extract function arguments from STR (excluding a possible self argument)."
- (string-match
- (rx
- (or (seq "(" (zero-or-more (not (any ","))) "self)")
- (seq "("
- (zero-or-more (seq (zero-or-more (not (any "(")))
- "self"
- (zero-or-more space)
- ","))
- (zero-or-more space)
- (group (zero-or-more (not (any ")"))))
- ")")))
- str)
- (let ((extract (match-string 1 str)))
- (if extract
- (format "(%s)" extract)
- "()")))
-(defun racer--file-and-parent (path)
- "Convert /foo/bar/baz/q.txt to baz/q.txt."
- (let ((file (f-filename path))
- (parent (f-filename (f-parent path))))
- (f-join parent file)))
-(defun racer-complete (&optional _ignore)
- "Completion candidates at point."
- (->> (racer--call-at-point "complete")
- (--filter (s-starts-with? "MATCH" it))
- (--map (-let [(name line col file matchtype ctx)
- (s-split-up-to "," (s-chop-prefix "MATCH " it) 5)]
- (put-text-property 0 1 'line (string-to-number line) name)
- (put-text-property 0 1 'col (string-to-number col) name)
- (put-text-property 0 1 'file file name)
- (put-text-property 0 1 'matchtype matchtype name)
- (put-text-property 0 1 'ctx ctx name)
- name))))
-(defun racer--trim-up-to (needle s)
- "Return content after the occurrence of NEEDLE in S."
- (-if-let (idx (s-index-of needle s))
- (substring s (+ idx (length needle)))
- s))
-(defun racer-complete--prefix-p (beg _end)
- "Return t if a completion should be triggered for a prefix between BEG and END."
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char beg)
- ;; If we're at the beginning of the buffer, we can't look back 2
- ;; characters.
- (ignore-errors
- (looking-back "\\.\\|::" 2))))
-(defun racer-complete--annotation (arg)
- "Return an annotation for completion candidate ARG."
- (let* ((ctx (get-text-property 0 'ctx arg))
- (type (get-text-property 0 'matchtype arg))
- (pretty-ctx
- (pcase type
- ("Module"
- (if (string= arg ctx)
- ""
- (concat " " (racer--file-and-parent ctx))))
- ("StructField"
- (concat " " ctx))
- (_
- (->> ctx
- (racer--trim-up-to arg)
- (s-chop-suffixes '(" {" "," ";")))))))
- (format "%s : %s" pretty-ctx type)))
-(defun racer-complete--docsig (arg)
- "Return a signature for completion candidate ARG."
- (racer--syntax-highlight (format "%s" (get-text-property 0 'ctx arg))))
-(defun racer-complete--location (arg)
- "Return location of completion candidate ARG."
- (cons (get-text-property 0 'file arg)
- (get-text-property 0 'line arg)))
-(defun racer--current-column ()
- "Get the current column based on underlying character representation."
- (length (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (line-beginning-position) (point))))
-(defun racer--find-definition(find-file-func)
- (-if-let (match (--first (s-starts-with? "MATCH" it)
- (racer--call-at-point "find-definition")))
- (-let [(_name line col file _matchtype _ctx)
- (s-split-up-to "," (s-chop-prefix "MATCH " match) 5)]
- (if (fboundp 'xref-push-marker-stack)
- (xref-push-marker-stack)
- (with-no-warnings
- (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker))))
- (racer--find-file file (string-to-number line) (string-to-number col) find-file-func))
- (error "No definition found")))
-(defun racer-find-definition ()
- "Run the racer find-definition command and process the results."
- (interactive)
- (racer--find-definition #'find-file))
-(defun racer-find-definition-other-window ()
- "Run the racer find-definition command and process the results."
- (interactive)
- (racer--find-definition #'find-file-other-window))
-(defun racer-find-definition-other-frame ()
- "Run the racer find-definition command and process the results."
- (interactive)
- (racer--find-definition #'find-file-other-frame))
-(defun racer--syntax-highlight (str)
- "Apply font-lock properties to a string STR of Rust code."
- (let (result)
- ;; Load all of STR in a rust-mode buffer, and use its
- ;; highlighting.
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert str)
- (delay-mode-hooks (rust-mode))
- (if (fboundp 'font-lock-ensure)
- (font-lock-ensure)
- (with-no-warnings
- (font-lock-fontify-buffer)))
- (setq result (buffer-string)))
- ;; If we haven't applied any text properties yet, apply some
- ;; heuristics to try to find an appropriate colour.
- (when (null (text-properties-at 0 result))
- (cond
- ;; If it's a standalone symbol, then assume it's a
- ;; variable.
- ((string-match-p (rx bos (+ (any lower "_")) eos) str)
- (setq result (propertize str 'face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)))
- ;; If it starts with a backslash, treat it as a string. See
- ;; .lines() on strings.
- ((string-match-p (rx bos "\\") str)
- (setq result (propertize str 'face 'font-lock-string-face)))))
- result))
-(defun racer--goto-func-name ()
- "If point is inside a function call, move to the function name.
-foo(bar, |baz); -> foo|(bar, baz);"
- (let ((last-paren-pos (nth 1 (syntax-ppss)))
- (start-pos (point)))
- (when last-paren-pos
- ;; Move to just before the last paren.
- (goto-char last-paren-pos)
- ;; If we're inside a round paren, we're inside a function call.
- (unless (looking-at "(")
- ;; Otherwise, return to our start position, as point may have been on a
- ;; function already:
- ;; foo|(bar, baz);
- (goto-char start-pos)))))
-(defun racer--relative (path &optional directory)
- "Return PATH relative to DIRECTORY (`default-directory' by default).
-If PATH is not in DIRECTORY, just abbreviate it."
- (unless directory
- (setq directory default-directory))
- (if (s-starts-with? directory path)
- (concat "./" (f-relative path directory))
- (f-abbrev path)))
-(defcustom racer-eldoc-timeout 0.5
- "Abandon Eldoc hinting if racer process fails to respond for
-that many seconds (maybe float)."
- :type 'number
- :group 'racer)
-(defun racer-eldoc ()
- "Show eldoc for context at point."
- (save-excursion
- (racer--goto-func-name)
- ;; If there's a variable at point:
- (-when-let* ((rust-sym (symbol-at-point))
- (comp-possibilities (let ((racer-command-timeout racer-eldoc-timeout))
- (racer-complete)))
- (matching-possibility
- (--find (string= it (symbol-name rust-sym)) comp-possibilities))
- (prototype (get-text-property 0 'ctx matching-possibility))
- (matchtype (get-text-property 0 'matchtype matching-possibility)))
- (if (equal matchtype "Module")
- (racer--relative prototype)
- ;; Syntax highlight function signatures.
- (racer--syntax-highlight prototype)))))
-(defvar racer-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key map (kbd "M-.") #'racer-find-definition)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-x 4 .") #'racer-find-definition-other-window)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-x 5 .") #'racer-find-definition-other-frame)
- (define-key map (kbd "M-,") #'pop-tag-mark)
- map))
-(define-minor-mode racer-mode
- "Minor mode for racer."
- :lighter " racer"
- :keymap racer-mode-map
- (setq-local eldoc-documentation-function #'racer-eldoc)
- (set (make-local-variable 'completion-at-point-functions) nil)
- (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'racer-complete-at-point))
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'racer-turn-on-eldoc 'eldoc-mode)
-(define-obsolete-function-alias 'racer-activate 'racer-mode)
-(provide 'racer)
-;;; racer.el ends here