diff options
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/obbench b/obbench
index 2ad91a1..61148da 100755
--- a/obbench
+++ b/obbench
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
# =*= License: GPL-3+ =*=
+import glob
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
@@ -132,11 +133,145 @@ class ObnamBenchmarker(cliapp.Application):
def get_report_pathname(self, spec, benchmark, result):
return os.path.join(
- spec['reports-dir'],
+ spec['reports_dir'],
'%s_%s.yaml' % (result.get_commit_id(), benchmark['name']))
def generate_html(self, spec):
- pass
+ objs = self.read_results_files(spec)
+ for obj in objs:
+ self.write_benchmark_page(spec, obj)
+ self.write_summary_page(spec, objs)
+ def read_results_files(self, spec):
+ objs = []
+ for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(spec['reports_dir'], '*.yaml')):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ objs.append(yaml.safe_load(f))
+ return objs
+ def write_benchmark_page(self, spec, obj):
+ steps = [s for s in obj['steps'] if 'obnam' in s]
+ filename = os.path.join(
+ spec['html_dir'],
+ '{}_{}.html'.format(obj['commit_id'], obj['name']))
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('<html>\n')
+ f.write('<head>\n')
+ f.write(
+ '<title>Obnam benchmark: {commit} {name}</title>\n'.format(
+ commit=self.q(obj['commit_id']),
+ name=self.q(obj['name'])))
+ f.write('</head>\n')
+ f.write('<body>\n')
+ f.write(
+ '<h1>Obnam benchmark: {commit} {name}</h1>\n'.format(
+ commit=self.q(obj['commit_id']),
+ name=self.q(obj['name'])))
+ f.write('<table>\n')
+ f.write('<tr>\n')
+ for step in steps:
+ f.write(
+ '<th>{action}</th>\n'.format(
+ action=self.q(step['obnam'])))
+ f.write('</tr>\n')
+ f.write('<tr>\n')
+ for step in steps:
+ f.write(
+ '<td>{duration}</td>\n'.format(
+ duration=self.q(step['duration'])))
+ f.write('</tr>\n')
+ f.write('</table>\n')
+ f.write('</body>\n')
+ f.write('</html>\n')
+ def q(self, text):
+ '''Quote for HTML'''
+ text = str(text)
+ text = '&amp;'.join(text.split('&'))
+ text = '&lt;'.join(text.split('<'))
+ text = '&gt;'.join(text.split('>'))
+ return text
+ def write_summary_page(self, spec, objs):
+ benchmark_names = self.find_benchmark_names(objs)
+ runs = self.create_table_of_benchmark_runs(benchmark_names, objs)
+ filename = os.path.join(spec['html_dir'], 'index.html')
+ with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('<html>\n')
+ f.write('<head>\n')
+ f.write('<title>Obnam benchmark: summary</title>\n')
+ f.write('</head>\n')
+ f.write('<body>\n')
+ f.write('<h1>Obnam benchmark: summary</h1>\n')
+ f.write('<table>\n')
+ f.write('<tr>\n')
+ f.write('<th>date</th>\n')
+ f.write('<th>commit</th>\n')
+ for name in benchmark_names:
+ f.write('<th>{name}</th>\n'.format(name=self.q(name)))
+ f.write('</tr>\n')
+ for run in runs:
+ f.write('<tr>\n')
+ f.write('<td>{date}</td>\n'.format(date=self.q(run['date'])))
+ f.write(
+ '<td>{commit}</td>\n'.format(
+ commit=self.q(run['commit_id'])))
+ for name in benchmark_names:
+ link = '{commit}_{name}.html'.format(
+ commit=self.q(run['commit_id']),
+ name=self.q(name))
+ f.write(
+ '<td><a href="{link}">{duration}</a></td>\n'.format(
+ link=link,
+ duration=self.q(run['durations'][name])))
+ f.write('</tr>\n')
+ f.write('</table>\n')
+ f.write('</body>\n')
+ f.write('</html>\n')
+ def find_benchmark_names(self, objs):
+ return list(sorted(set(o['name'] for o in objs)))
+ def create_table_of_benchmark_runs(self, names, objs):
+ def make_key(obj):
+ return (obj['date'], obj['commit_id'])
+ def total(obj):
+ return sum(step['duration'] for step in obj['steps'])
+ sorted_objs = []
+ for obj in objs:
+ sorted_objs.append((make_key(obj), obj))
+ sorted_objs.sort()
+ runs = []
+ for key, obj in sorted_objs:
+ if not runs or make_key(runs[-1]) != key:
+ runs.append({
+ 'date': obj['date'],
+ 'commit_id': obj['commit_id'],
+ 'durations': { obj['name']: total(obj) }
+ })
+ else:
+ runs[-1]['durations'][obj['name']] = total(obj)
+ return runs
class BenchmarkResult(object):
@@ -152,7 +287,13 @@ class BenchmarkResult(object):
def collect_info_from_checkout(self, checkout):
output = cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout)
- self._dict['commit_id'] = output.strip()
+ self._dict['commit_id'] = output.strip()[:7]
+ output = cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'show', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout)
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('Date:'):
+ self._dict['date'] = line[len('Date:')].strip()
+ break
def add_step(self, step_info):
self._dict['steps'] = self._dict.get('steps', []) + [step_info]