path: root/manual
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index 9df25826..805a5967 100644
--- a/manual/Makefile
+++ b/manual/Makefile
@@ -18,15 +18,19 @@
TITLE_EN = Backups with Obnam
TITLE_DE = Backups mit Obnam
+TITLE_FR = Sauvegardes avec Obnam
TRANS_DE = Übersetzung: Jan Niggemann (
AUTHOR = Lars Wirzenius (
VERSION = Version $(shell git describe || python ../ --version)
en_sources = $(shell ls en/*.mdwn)
+fr_sources = $(shell ls fr/*.mdwn)
de_sources = $(shell ls de/*.mdwn)
outputs = \
obnam-manual.en.pdf \
obnam-manual.en.html \
+ \
+ \ \
@@ -38,6 +42,12 @@ obnam-manual.en.pdf: Makefile $(en_sources)
obnam-manual.en.html: Makefile $(en_sources) ../obnam.css
./format-html $@ "$(TITLE_EN)" "$(AUTHOR)" "$(VERSION)" $(en_sources) Makefile $(fr_sources)
+ ./format-pdf $@ "$(TITLE_FR)" "$(AUTHOR)" "$(VERSION)" $(fr_sources)
+ Makefile $(fr_sources) ../obnam.css
+ ./format-html $@ "$(TITLE_FR)" "$(AUTHOR)" "$(VERSION)" $(fr_sources)
+ Makefile $(de_sources)
./format-de-pdf $@ \
"$(TITLE_DE)" "$(AUTHOR)" "$(VERSION)" "$(TRANS_DE)" \
diff --git a/manual/fr/.gitignore b/manual/fr/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/manual/fr/010-introduction.mdwn b/manual/fr/010-introduction.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3ef4f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/010-introduction.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+> ... des sauvegardes ? Quelqu'un a parlé de sauvegardes ? Je suis sûr
+> d'avoir entendu quelqu'un mentionner "sauvegarde" par ici.
+Ceci est une citation issue de l'historique de mon IRC. Je trouve les
+sauvegardes particulièrement intéressantes, en particulier du point de
+vue de l'implémentation, à en faire une obsession parfois. C'est pourquoi
+j'ai développé mon propre logiciel. Il s'appelle Obnam. Ceci est son
+Je suis original : la pluspart des gens trouvent les sauvegardes ennuyeuses
+au mieux, pénibles plus fréquemment.
+Lorsque j'échange avec d'autre au sujet des sauvegardes, la réaction
+habituelle est "Moui, je sais que je devrais". Il ya de nombreuses
+raisons à cela. L'une d'elle est très semblable à l'assurance : vous devez dépenser du temps, de l'énergie et de l'argent pour ne rien en faire.
+Une autre raison est que le sujet est effrayant : vous avez à envisager que tout vas mal, et cela ne met pas les gens à l'aise. Enfin, malgrès les nombreus outils et méthodes existants, ce n'est pas toujours facile de choisir parmi elles.
+Ce manuel est pour le programme Obnam, mais il essaie d'être utile à tout un chacun qui réfléchit sur les sauvegardes.
diff --git a/manual/fr/015-quick-tour.mdwn b/manual/fr/015-quick-tour.mdwn
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+++ b/manual/fr/015-quick-tour.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+TL;DR: LISEZ-MOI D'ABORD : Un tour rapide de Obnam
+Vous n'aurez certainement que ce chapître à lire.
+Ce chapître donne un aperçu rapide des parties principales d'Obnam.
+Le reste du manuel n'est qu'une version approfondie. Vous devriez
+commencer par lire ce chapître puis feindre de tout avoir lu ; et
+tout le monde vous regardera avec admiration en soirée. Je vous
+assure, personne d'autre n'aura lu l'ensemble et il n'y aura donc
+aucun risque de vous faire prendre.
+Obnam ne nécessite pas de fichier de configuration. Vous pouvez tout faire en utilisant les options en ligne de commande. Toutefois, vous pouvez utiliser un fichier de configuration : enregistrez le sous `~/.obnam.conf` et écrivez-y ce qui suit :
+ [config]
+ repository = sftp://votre.serveur/home/votreutilisateur/sauvegardes/
+ log = /home/votreutilisateur/obnam.log
+En créant un fichier comme dans cet exemple, vous n'aurez pas à répéter les options à chaque fois.
+Vous souhaitez probablement activer les log. Ainsi, si Obnam rencontre un problème vous pourrez y retrouver toutes les informations disponibles pour le régler.
+Première sauvegarde
+Votre première sauvegarde sera plutôt imposante et prendra un bon moment.
+Une longue sauvegarde peut crasher, mais ce n'est pas un problème : Obnam fait des **checkpoint** tous les 100 Mb.
+ obnam backup $HOME
+Sauvegardes incrémentales
+Lorsque vous avez fait votre première sauvegarde, complète (possiblement par étapes), vous pourrez sauvegarder tout changement en lançant encore Obnam :
+ obnam backup $HOME
+Cela sauvegardera tous les nouveaux fichiers, et ceux qu iont changé. Il enregistrera aussi la liste des fichiers supprimés depuis la dernière sauvegarde.
+Vous pouvez exécuter Obnam autant de fois que vous le souhaitez. Seuls les changements depuis la sauvegarde précédente sont enregistrés.
+Plusieurs clients dans un dépôt (ndt : repository)
+Vous pouvez sauvegarder plusieurs clients dans un seul dépôt en spécifiant l'option --client-name=<identifiant> lorsque vous exécutez le programme. Les ensembles de sauvegardes seront maintenus séparés, mais les donnés dupliquées seront partagées par tous.
+Effacer de vielles sauvegardes
+Il est possible que votre dépôt de sauvegarde occupe tant de place que vous soyez obligé de supprimer quelques vielles générations de sauvegarde. L'action Obnam correspondante est forget:
+ obnam forget --keep=30d
+Cela maintiendrait les sauvegardes des 30 derniers jours calendaires, comptés depuis la date de la dernière sauvegarde (pas la date actuelle).
+Si vous sauvegardez plusieurs fois par jour, seule la dernière génération du jour est conservée.
+Toute donnée qui appartient à une génération restera sur le dépôt. Toute donnée qui est uniquement dans la génération supprimée est détruite.
+Restoration des données
+Espérons que vous n'ayez jamais besoin de cela, mais c'est bien l'intérêt d'avoir des sauvegardes en cas de désastre.
+ obnam restore --to=/var/tmp/my-recovery $HOME
+La commande ci-dessu va restorer tout votre home dans /var/tmp/my-recovery`, à partir de la dernière génération de sauvegarde.
+Si vous avez juste besoin de répertoires ou fichiers spécifiques, vous pouvez utiliser ceci à la place :
+ obnam restore --to=/var/tmp/my-recover $HOME/Archive/receipts
+Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous rememorer le fichier dont vous avez besoin, utilisez `obnam ls`:
+ obnam ls > /var/tmp/my-recovery.list
+Cela redirigera les contenus des générations de sauvegarde, dans un format similaire au `ls -lAR`This will output the contents of the backup generation, in a format
+similar to `ls -lAR`. Save it into a file and browse that.
+(c'est une commande plutôt lente c'est pourquoi il est pluspratique de l'enregistrer dans un fichier)
+Utiliser le chiffrement
+Obnam peut utiliser GnuPG pour chiffrer les sauvegardes. Pour activer ceci,
+vous devez avoir ou créer une clé GPG puis configurer obnam pour l'utiliser :
+ [config]
+ encrypt-with = CAFEBABE
+Ici `CAFEBABE` est l'**identifiant de clé** (ndt : key identifier) pour votre
+clé, telle que GPG la connaît. Vous devez avoir `gpg-agent` ou un programme équivalent
+configuré, car Obnam n'a pas la possibilité de vous demander ou configurer votre passphrase.
+Après cela, Obnam chiffrera et déchiffrera automatiquement les données.
+Notez que si vous chiffrez vos sauvegardes, vous devrez sauvegarder votre clé GPG
+d'une autre manière. Sans elle, vous ne pourrez récupérer aucun fichier
+depuis une sauvegarde Obnam. Aussi, vous ne pouvez pas vous reposer sur la même
+sauvegarde obnam pour la clé GPG elle-même.
+Sauvegardez votre clé GPG ailleurs et assurez-vous que votre passphrase est
+suffisament forte pour résister à une attaque par brutforce hors-ligne.
+Rappelez-vous que si vous perdez votre clé GPG, l'ensemble de vos sauvegardes
+chiffrées devient totalement inutile.
+Si vous activez le chiffrement après avoir déjà fait des sauvegardes, vous
+devez recommencer avec un nouveau dépôt.
+Vous ne pouvez mélanger des données chiffrées et en clair dans le même dépôt.
+(Il existe tout un ensemble de commandes Obnam pour administrer le chiffrement.
+Vous n'aurez pas besoin d'elles, à moins que vous ne partagiez un même
+dépôt pour plusieurs machines. Dans ce cas, vous devriez lire le manuel.)
diff --git a/manual/fr/020-concepts.mdwn b/manual/fr/020-concepts.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46cb5d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/020-concepts.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+You know you should
+This chapter is philosophical and theoretical about backups.
+It discusses why you should back up, various concepts around backups,
+what kinds of things you should think about when setting up backups
+and what to do in the long term (verification, etc). It also discusses
+some assumptions Obnam makes and some constraints it imposes.
+Why backup?
+FIXME: Add some horror stories here about why backups are important.
+With references/links.
+Backup concepts
+This section covers core concepts in backups, and defines some
+terminology used in this book.
+**Live data** is the data you work with or keep. It's the files on
+your hard drive: the documents you write, the photos you save, the
+unfinished novels you wish you'd finish.
+Most live data is **precious** in that you'll be upset if you lose it.
+Some live data is not precious: your web browser cache probably isn't,
+for example. This distinction can let you limit the amount of data
+you need to back up, which can significantly reduce your backup costs.
+A **backup** is a spare copy of your live data. If you lose some
+or all of your live data, you can get it back ("**restore**") from
+your backup. The backup copy is, by practical necessity, older than
+your live data, but if you made the backup recently enough, you won't
+lose much.
+Sometimes it's useful to have more than one old backup copy of your
+live data. You can have a sequence of backups, made at different
+times, giving you a **backup history**. Each copy of your live data
+in your backup history is a **generation**. This lets you retrieve a
+file you deleted a long time ago, but didn't realise you needed until
+now. If you only keep one backup version, you can't get it back,
+but if you keep, say, a daily backup for a month, you have a month
+to realise you need it, before it's lost forever.
+The place your backups are stored is the **backup repository**. You can
+use many kinds of **backup media** for backup storage: hard drives,
+tapes, optical disks (DVD-R, DVD-RW, etc), USB flash drives, online
+storage, etc. Each type of medium has different characteristics:
+size, speed, convenience, reliability, price, which you'll need to
+balance for a backup solution that's reasonable for you.
+You may need multiple backup repositories or media, with one of
+them located **off-site**, away from where your computers normally
+live. Otherwise, if you house burns down, you'll lose all your
+backups too.
+You need to **verify** that your backups work. It would be awkward to
+go to the effort and expense of making backups and then not be able
+to restore your data when you need to. You may even want to test
+your **disaster recovery** by pretending that all your computer stuff
+is gone, except for the backup media. Can you still recover? You'll
+want to do this periodically, to make sure your backup system keeps
+There is a very large variety of **backup tools**. They can be
+very simple and manual: you can copy files to a USB drive using
+your file manager, once a blue moon. They can also be very complex:
+enterprise backup products that cost huge amounts of money and come
+with a multi-day training package for your sysadmin team, and which
+require that team to function properly.
+You'll need to define a **backup strategy** to tie everything
+together: what live data to back up, to what medium, using what
+tools, what kind of backup history to keep, and how to verify
+that they work.
+Backup strategies
+You've set up a backup repository, and you have been backing up to
+it every day for a month now: your backup history is getting long
+enough to be useful. Can you be happy now?
+Welcome to the world of threat modelling. Backups are about
+insurance, of mitigating small and large disasters, but disasters
+can strike backups as well. When are you so safe that no disaster
+will harm you?
+There is always a bigger disaster waiting to happen. If you backup
+to a USB drive on your work desk, and someone breaks in and steals
+both your computer and the USB drive, the backups did you no good.
+You fix that by having two USB drives, and you keep one with your
+computer and the other in a bank vault. That's pretty safe, unless
+there's an earth quake that destroys both your home and the bank.
+You fix that by renting online storage space from another country.
+That's quite good, except there's a bug in the operating system
+that you use, which happens to be the same operating system the
+storage provider uses, and hackers happen to break into both your
+and their systems, wiping all files.
+You fix that by hiring a 3D printer that prints slabs of concrete on
+which your data is encoded using QR codes. You're safe until there's a
+meteorite hits Earth and destroys the entire civilisation.
+You fix that by sending out satellites with copies of your data,
+into stable orbits around all nine planets (Pluto is too a planet!)
+in the solar system. Your data is safe, even though you yourself
+are dead from the meteorite, until the Sun goes supernova and
+destroys everything in the system.
+There is always a bigger disaster. You have to decide which
+ones are likely enough that you want to consider them, and also
+decide what the acceptable costs are for protecting against them.
+A short list of scenarios for thinking about threats:
+* What if you lose your computer?
+* What if you lose your home and all of its contents?
+* What if the area in which you live is destroyed?
+* What if you have to flee your country?
+These questions do not cover everything, but they're a start. For each
+one, think about:
+* Can you live with your loss of data? If you don't restore your
+ data, does it cause a loss of memories, or some inconvenience in your
+ daily life, or will it make it nearly impossible to go back to living
+ and working normally? What data do you care most about?
+* How much is it worth to you to get your data back, and how fast do
+ you want that to happen? How much are you willing to invest money
+ and effort to do the initial backup, and to continue backing up
+ over time? And for restores, how much are you willing to pay for
+ that? Is it better for you to spend less on backups, even if that
+ makes restores slower, more expensive, and more effort? Or is the
+ inverse true?
+The threat modelling here is about safety against accidents and
+natural disasters. Threat modelling against attacks and enemies
+is similar, but also different, and will be the topic of the
+next episode in the adventures of Bac-Kup.
+Backups and security
+You're not the only one who cares about your data. A variety of
+governments, corporations, criminals, and overly curious snoopers are
+probably also interested. (It's sometimes hard to tell them apart.)
+They might be interested to find evidence against you, blackmail you,
+or just curious about what you're talking about with your other
+They might be interested in your data from a statistical point of view,
+and don't particularly care about you specifically. Or they might be
+interested only in you.
+Instead of reading your files and e-mail, or looking at your photos and
+videos, they might be interested in preventing your access to them,
+or to destroy your data. They might even want to corrupt your data,
+perhaps by planting child porn in your photo archive.
+You protect your computer as well as you can to prevent these and other
+bad things from happening. You need to protect your backups with equal
+If you back up to a USB drive, you should probably make the drive be
+encrypted. Likewise, if you back up to online storage. There are many
+forms of encryption, and I'm unqualified to give advice on this, but any
+of the common, modern ones should suffice except for quite determined
+Instead of, or in addition to, encryption, you could ensure the physical
+security of your backup storage. Keep the USB drive in a safe, perhaps,
+or a safe deposit box.
+The multiple backups you need to protect yourself against earthquakes,
+floods, and roving gangs of tricycle-riding clowns, are also useful
+against attackers. They might corrupt your live data, and the backups at
+your home, but probably won't be able to touch the USB drive encased in
+concrete and buried in the ground at a secret place only you know about.
+The other side of the coin is that you might want to, or need to, ensure
+others do have access to your backed up data. For example, if the clown
+gang kidnaps you, your spouse might need access to your backups to be
+able to contact your MI6 handler to ask them to rescue you. Arranging
+safe access to (some) backups is an interesting problem to which there
+are various solutions. You could give your spouse the encryption passphrase,
+or give the passphrase to a trusted friend or your lawyer. You could also
+use something like [libgfshare] to escrow encryption keys more safely.
+Backup storage media considerations
+This section discusses possibilities for backup storage media, and
+their various characteristics, and how to choose the suitable one
+for oneself.
+There are a lot of different possible storage media. Perhaps the most
+important ones are:
+* Magnetic tapes of various kinds.
+* Hard drives: internal vs external, spinning magnetic surfaces vs
+ SSDs vs memory sticks.
+* Optical disks: CD, DVD, Blu-ray.
+* Online storage of various kinds.
+* Paper.
+We'll skip more exotic or unusual forms, such as microfilm.
+**Magnetic tapes** are traditionally probably the most common form of
+backup storage. They can be cheap per gigabyte, but tend to require a
+fairly hefty initial investment in the tape drive. Much backup
+terminology comes from tape drives: full backup vs incremental backup,
+especially. Obnam doesn't support tape drives at all.
+**Hard drives** are a common modern alternative to tapes, especially for
+those who do not wish pay for a tape drive. Hard drives have the
+benefit of every bit of backup being accessible at the same speed as any
+other bit, making finding a particular old file easier and faster.
+This also enables **snapshot backups**, which is the model Obnam uses.
+Different types of hard drives have different characteristics for
+reliability, speed, and price, and they may fluctuate fairly quickly
+from week to week and year to year. We won't go into detailed
+comparisons of all the options. From Obnam's point of view, anything
+that can look like a hard drive (spinning rust, SSD, USB flash memory
+stick, or online storage) is usable for storing backups, as long as
+it is re-writable.
+**Optical disks**, particularly the kind that are write-once and can't
+be updated, can be used for backup storage, but they tend to be best
+for full backups that are stored for long periods of time, perhaps
+archived permanently, rather than for a actively used backup
+repository. Alternatively, they can be used as a kind of tape backup,
+where each tape is only ever used once. Obnam does not support optical
+drives as backup storage.
+**Paper** likewise works better for archival purposes, and only for
+fairly small amounts of data. However, a backup printed on good paper
+with archival ink can last decades, even centuries, and is a good
+option for small, but very precious data. As an example, personal
+financial records, secret encryption keys, and love letters from your
+spouse. These can be printed either normally (preferably in a font
+that is easy to OCR), or using two-dimensional barcode (e.g, QR).
+Obnam doesn't support these, either.
+Obnam only works with hard drives, and anything that can simulate a
+read/writable hard drive, such as online storage. By amazing
+co-incidence, this seems to be sufficient for most people.
+* **backup**: a separate, safe copy of your live data that will remain
+ intact even if the primary copy gets destroyed, deleted, or wrongly
+ modified
+* **corruption**: unwanted modification to (backup) data
+* **disaster recovery**: what you do when something goes wrong
+* **full backup**: a fresh backup of all precious live data
+* **generation**: a backup in a series of backups of the same live
+ data, to give historical insight
+* **history**: all the backup generations
+* **incremental backup**: a backup of any changes (new files, modified
+ files, deletions) compared to a previous backup generation (either
+ the previous full backup, or the previous incremental backup); usually, you can't remove a full backup without removing all of the
+ incremental backups that depend on it
+* **live data**: all the data you have
+* **local backup**: a backup repository stored physically close to the
+ live data
+* **media**, **backup media**, **storage media**: where a backup
+ repository is stored
+* **off-site backup**: a backup repository stored physically far away
+ from the live data
+* **precious data**: all the data you care about; cf. live data
+* **repository**: the location where are backups are stored
+* **restore**: retrieving data from a backup repository
+* **root**, **backup root**: a directory that is to be backed up,
+ including all files in it, and all its subdirectories
+* **snapshot backup**: an alternative to full/incremental backups,
+ where every backup generation is effectively a full backup of all
+ the precious live data, and can be restored and removed as easily as
+ any other generation
+* **strategy**, **backup strategy**: a plan for how to make sure your
+ data is safe even if the dinosaurs return in space ships to re-take
+ world now that the ice age is over
+* **verification**: making sure a backup system works and that data
+ actually can be restored from backups and that the backups have not
+ become corrupted
diff --git a/manual/fr/040-installing.mdwn b/manual/fr/040-installing.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7c70c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/040-installing.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Installing Obnam
+This chapter explains how to install Obnam. It is not a very extensive
+set of instructions, yet. In particular, it really only caters to
+Debian users. Instructions for other systems would be very much welcome.
+It is easiest to install Obnam on a Debian system. If you're running
+Debian `wheezy` or a later release, Obnam is included and you can just
+install it:
+ apt-get install obnam
+There may be a newer version of Obnam on the author's site. The rest
+of this section explains how to install from there.
+Add the following line to your `/etc/apt/sources.list` file:
+ deb squeeze main
+Then run the following commands as root:
+* `apt-get update`
+* `apt-get install obnam`
+The commands will complain that the PGP key used to sign the archive
+is not known to apt. You can either ignore this, or add the key from
+<> to your key, after suitable verification.
+Other systems
+For other systems, you need to install from sources. See the `README`
+file in the source tree for instructions.
diff --git a/manual/fr/060-backing-up.mdwn b/manual/fr/060-backing-up.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16ccc5d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/060-backing-up.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+Backing up
+This chapter discusses the various aspects of making backups with
+Your first backup
+Let's make a backup! To walk through the examples in this directory,
+you need to have some live data to backup. The examples use specific
+filenames for this. You'll need to adapt the examples to your own
+files. The examples assume your home directory is `/home/tomjon`, and
+that you have a directory called `Documents` in your home directory
+for your documents. Further, it assumes you have a USB drive mounted
+at `/media/backups`, and that you will be using a directory
+`tomjon-repo` on that drive as the backup repository.
+With those assumptions, here's how you would backup your documents:
+ obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents
+That's all. It will take a little while, if you have a lot of
+documents, but eventually it'll look something like this:
+ Backed up 11 files (of 11 found),
+ uploaded 97.7 KiB in 0s at 647.2 KiB/s average speed
+(In reality, the above text will be all on one line, but that didn't
+fit in this manual's line width.)
+This tells you that Obnam found a total of eleven files, of which it
+backed up all eleven. The files contained a total of about a hundred
+kilobytes of data, and that the upload speed for that data was over
+six hundred kilobytes per second. The actual units are using IEC
+prefixes, which are base-2, to avoid ambiguity. See
+[Wikipedia on kibibytes] for more information.
+[Wikipedia on kibibytes]:
+Your first backup run should probably be quite small to see that
+all settings are right without having to wait a long time. You may
+want to choose a small directory to start with, instead of your entire
+home directory.
+Your second backup
+Once you've run your first backup, you'll want to run a second one.
+It's done the same way:
+ obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents
+Note that you don't need to tell Obnam whether you want a full backup
+or an incremental backup. Obnam makes each backup generation be a
+snapshot of the data at the time of the backup, and doesn't make a
+difference between full and incremental backups. Each backup
+generation is equal to each other backup generation. This doesn't mean
+that each generation will store all the data separately. Obnam makes
+sure each new generation only backs up data that isn't already in the
+repository. Obnam finds that data in any file in any previous
+generation, amongst all the clients sharing the same repository.
+We'll later cover how to remove backup generations, and you'll learn
+that Obnam can remove any generation, even if it shares some of the
+data with other generations, without those other generations losing
+any data.
+After you've your second backup generation, you'll want to see the
+generations you have:
+ $ obnam generations -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo
+ 2 2014-02-05 23:13:50 .. 2014-02-05 23:13:50 (14 files, 100000 bytes)
+ 5 2014-02-05 23:42:08 .. 2014-02-05 23:42:08 (14 files, 100000 bytes)
+This lists two generations, which have the identifiers 2 and 5. Note
+that generation identifiers are not necessarily a simple sequence like
+1, 2, 3. This is due to how some of the internal data structures of
+Obnam are implemented, and not because its author in any way thinks
+it's fun to confuse people.
+The two time stamps for each generation are when the backup run
+started and when it ended. In addition, for each generation is a count
+of files in that generation (total, not just new or changed files),
+and the total number of bytes of file content data they have.
+Choosing what to backup, and what not to backup
+Obnam needs to be told what to back up, by giving it a list of
+directories, known as backup roots. In the examples in this chapter so
+far, we've used the directory `~/Documents` (that is, the directory
+`Documents` in your home directory) as the backup root. There can be
+multiple backup roots:
+ obnam -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents ~/Photos
+Everything in the backup root directories gets backed up -- unless it's
+explicitly excluded. There are several ways to exclude things from
+* The `--exclude` setting uses regular expressions that match the full
+ pathname of each file or directory: if the pathname matches, the
+ file or directory is not backed up. In fact, Obnam pretends it
+ doesn't exist. If a directory matches, then any files and
+ sub-directories also get excluded. This can be used, for example, to
+ exclude all MP3 files (`--exclude='\.mp3$'`).
+* The `--exclude-caches` setting excludes directories that contain a
+ special "cache tag" file called `CACHEDIR.TAG`, that starts with a
+ specific sequence of bytes. Such a tag file can be created in, for
+ example, a Firefox or other web browser cache directory. Those files
+ are usually not important to back up, and tagging the directory
+ can be easier than constructing a regular expression for
+ `--exclude`.
+* The `--one-file-system` setting excludes any mount points and the
+ contents of the mounted filesystem. This is useful for skipping,
+ for example, virtual filesystems such as `/proc`, remote filesystems
+ mounted over NFS, and Obnam repositories mounted with `obnam mount`
+ (which we'll cover in the next chapter).
+In general it is better to back up too much rather than too little.
+You should also make sure you know what is and isn't backed up. The
+`--pretend` option tells Obnam to run a backup, except it doesn't
+change anything in the backup repository, so it's quite fast. This way
+you can see what would be backed up, and tweak exclusions as needed.
+Storing backups remotely
+You probably want to store at least one backup remotely, or "off
+site". Obnam can make backups over a network, using the SFTP
+protocol (part of SSH). You need the following to achieve this:
+* A **server** that you can access over SFTP. This can be a server you
+ own, a virtual machine ("VPS") you rent, or some other arrangement.
+ You could, for example, have a machine at a friends' place, in
+ exchange for having one of their machines at your place, so that you
+ both can backup remotely.
+* An **ssh key** for logging into the server. You _can_ log in using
+ passwords too, but it is quite cumbersome.
+* Enough disk space on the server to hold your backups.
+Obnam only uses the SFTP part of the SSH connection to access the
+server. To test whether it will work, you can run this command:
+Change `USER@SERVER` to be your actual user and address for your
+server. This should say something like `Connected to localhost.` and
+you should be able to run the `ls -la` command to see a directory list
+of files on the remote side.
+Once all of that is set up correctly, to get Obnam to use the server
+as a backup repository, you only need to give an SFTP URL:
+ obnam -r sftp://USER@SERVER/~/my-precious-backups
+For details on SFTP URLs, see the next section.
+URL syntax
+Whenever obnam accepts a URL, it can be either a local pathname, or an
+SFTP URL. An SFTP URL has the following form:
+ sftp://[user@]domain[:port]/path
+where `domain` is a normal Internet domain name for a server, `user`
+is your username on that server, `port` is an optional numeric port
+number, and `path` is a pathname on the server side. Like **bzr**(1),
+but unlike the SFTP URL standard, the pathname is absolute, unless it
+starts with `/~/` in which case it is relative to the user's home
+directory on the server.
+* `s` is the directory
+ `backup-repo` in the home directory of the user `liw` on the server
+ ``. Note that we don't need to know the absolute
+ path of the home directory.
+* `s` is the directory `/home`
+ (note absolute path) on the server ``, and the
+ `root` user is used to access the server.
+* `s` is the directory
+ `/anti-clown-society` on the server ``, accessed via
+ the port 12765.
+You can use SFTP URLs for the repository, or the live data (`--root`),
+but note that due to limitations in the protocol, and its
+implementation in the paramiko library, some things will not work very
+well for accessing live data over SFTP. Most importantly, the handling
+of of hardlinks is rather suboptimal. For live data access, you should
+not end the URL with /~/ and should append a dot at the end in this
+special case.
+Pull backups
+Obnam can also access the live data over SFTP, instead of via the
+local filesystem. This means you can run Obnam on, say, your desktop
+machine to backup your server, or on your laptop to backup your phone
+(assuming you can get an SSH server installed on your phone).
+Sometimes it is not possible to install Obnam on the machine where the
+live data resides, and then it is useful to do a **pull backup**
+instead: you run Obnam on a different machine, and read the live data
+over the SFTP protocol.
+To do this, you specify the live data location (the `root` setting, or
+as a command line argument to `obnam backup`) using an SFTP URL. You
+should also set the client name explicitly. Otherwise Obnam will use
+the hostname of the machine on which it runs as the name, and this can
+be highly confusing: the client name is `my-laptop` and the server is
+`down-with-clowns` and Obnam will store the backups as if the data
+belongs to `my-laptop`.
+It gets worse if you backup your laptop as well to the same backup
+repository. Then Obnam will store both the server and the laptop
+backups using the same client name, resulting in much confusion to
+ obnam backup -r /mnt/backups s \
+Configuration files: a quick intro
+By this time you may have noticed that Obnam has a number of
+configurable settings you can tweak in a number of ways. Doing it on
+the command line is always possible, but then you get quite long
+command lines. You can also put them into a configuration file.
+Every command line option Obnam knows can be set in a configuration
+file. Later in this manual there is a whole chapter that covers all
+the details of configuration files, and all the various settings you
+can use. For now, we'll give a quick introduction.
+An Obnam configuration looks like this:
+ [config]
+ repository = /media/backup/tomjon-repo
+ root = /home/liw/Documents, /home/liw/Photos
+ exclude = \.mp3$
+ exclude-caches = yes
+ one-file-system = no
+This form of configuration file is commonly known as an "INI file",
+from Microsoft Windows `.INI` files. All the Obnam settings go into a
+section titles `[config]`, and each setting has the same name as the
+command line option, but without the double dash prefix. Thus, it's
+`--exclude` on the command line and `exclude` in the configuration
+Some settings can have multiple values, such as `exclude` and `root`.
+The values are comma separated. If there's a lot of values, you can
+split them on multiple lines, where the second and later lines are
+indented by space or TAB characters.
+That should get you started, and you can reference the "Obnam
+configuration files and settings" chapter for all the details.
+When your precious data is very large
+When your precious data is very large, the first backup may a very
+long time. Ditto, if you get a lot of new precious data for a later
+backup. In these cases, you may need to be very patient, and just let
+the backup take its time, or you may choose to start small and add to
+the backups a bit at a time.
+The patient option is easy: you tell Obnam to backup everything, set
+it running, and wait until it's done, even if it takes hours or days.
+If the backup terminates prematurely, e.g., because of a network link
+going down, you won't have to start from scratch thanks to Obnam's
+checkpoint support. Every gigabyte or so (by default) Obnam stops a
+backup run to create a checkpoint generation. If the backup later
+crashes, you can just re-run Obnam and it will pick up from the latest
+checkpoint. This is all fully automatic, you don't need to do anything
+for it to happen. See the `--checkpoint` setting for choosing how
+often the checkpoints should happen.
+Note that if Obnam doesn't get to finish, and you have to re-start it,
+the scanning starts over from the beginning. The checkpoint generation
+does not contain enough state for Obnam to continue scanning from the
+latest file in the checkpoint: it'd be very complicated state, and
+easily invalidated by filesystem changes. Instead, Obnam scans all
+files, but most files will hopefully not have changed since the
+checkpoint was made, so the scanning should be relatively fast.
+The only problem with the patient option is that your most precious
+data doesn't get backed up while all your large, but less precious
+data is being backed up. For example, you may have a large amount of
+downloaded videos of conference presentations, which are nice, but not
+hugely important. While those get backed up, your own documents do not
+get backed up.
+You can work around this by initially excluding everything except the
+most precious data. When that is backed up, you gradually reduce the
+excludes, re-running the backup, until you've backed up everything.
+As an example, your first backup might have the following
+ obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
+ --exclude ~/Downloads
+This would exclude all downloaded files. The next backup run might
+exclude only video files:
+ obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
+ --exclude ~/Downloads/'.*\.mp4$'
+After this, you might reduce excludes to allow a few videos, such as
+those whose name starts with a specific letter:
+ obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
+ --exclude ~/Downloads/'[^b-zB-Z].*\.mp4$'
+Continue allowing more and more videos until they've all been backed
+Obnam de-duplicates the data it backs up, across all files in all
+generations for all clients sharing the repository. It does this by
+breaking up all file data into bits called chunks. Every time Obnam
+reads a file and gets a chunk together, it looks into the backup
+repository to see if an identical chunk already exists. If it does,
+Obnam doesn't need to upload the chunk, saving space, bandwidth, and
+De-duplication in Obnam is useful in several situations:
+* When you have two identical files, obviously. They might have
+ different names, and be in different directories, but contain the
+ same data.
+* When a file keeps growing, but all the new data is added at the end.
+ This is typical for log files, for example. If the leading chunks
+ are unmodified, only the new data needs to be backed up.
+* When a file or directory is renamed or moved. If you decide that the
+ English name for the `Photos` directory is annoying and you want to
+ use the Finnish `Valokuvat` instead, you can rename that in an
+ instant. However, without de-duplication, you then have to backup
+ all your photos again.
+* When all a team works on the same things, and everyone has copies of
+ the same files, the backup repository only needs one copy of each
+ file, rather than one per team member.
+De-duplication in Obnam isn't perfect. The granularity of finding
+duplicate data is quite coarse (see the `--chunk-size` setting), and
+so Obnam often doesn't find duplication when it exists, when the
+changes are small.
+De-duplication and safety against checksum collisions
+This is a bit of a scary topic, but it would be dishonest to not
+discuss it at all. Feel free to come back to this section later.
+Obnam uses the MD5 checksum algorithm for recognising duplicate data
+chunks. MD5 has a reputation for being unsafe: people have constructed
+files that are different, but result in the same MD5 checksum. This is
+true. MD5 is not considered safe for security critical applications.
+Every checksum algorithm can have collisions. Changing Obnam to use,
+say, SHA1, SHA2, or the as new SHA3 algorithm would not remove the
+chance of collisions. It would reduce the chance of accidental
+collisions, but the chance of those is already so small with MD5 that
+it can be disregarded. Or put in another way, if you care about the
+chance of accidental MD5 collisions, you should be caring about
+accidental SHA1, SHA2, or SHA3 collisions as well.
+Apart from accidental collisions, there are two cases where you should
+worry about checksum collisions (regardless of algorithm).
+First, if you have an enemy who wishes to corrupt your backed up data,
+they may replace some of the backed up data with other data that has
+the same checksum. This way, when you restore, your data is corrupted
+without Obnam noticing.
+Second, if you're into researching checksum collisions, you're likely
+to have files that cause checksum collisions, and in that case, if you
+restore after a catastrophe, you probably want to get the files back
+intact, rather having Obnam confuse one with the other.
+To deal with these situations, Obnam has three de-duplication modes,
+set using the `--deduplicate` setting:
+* The default mode, `fatalist`, assumes checksum collisions do not
+ happen. This is a reasonable compromise between performance, safety,
+ and security for most people.
+* The `verify` mode assumes checksum collisions do happen, and
+ verifies that the already backed up chunk is identical to the chunk
+ to be backed up, by comparing the actual data. Doing this requires
+ downloading the chunk from the backup repository, which can be quite
+ slow, since checksums will often match. This is a useful mode if you
+ have very fast access to the backup repository, and want to
+ de-duplicate, such as when the backup repository is on a locally
+ connected hard drive.
+* The `never` mode turns off de-duplication completely. This is
+ useful if you're worried about checksum collisions, and do not
+ require de-duplication.
+There is, unfortunately, no way to get both de-duplication that is
+invulnerable to checksum collision and is fast even when accessing the
+backup repository is slow. The only way to be invulnerable is to
+compare the data, and if downloading the data from the repository is
+slow, then the comparison will take significant time.
+Multiple clients can share a repository, and to prevent them from
+trampling on each other, they lock parts of the repository while
+working. The "Sharing a repository between multiple clients" chapter
+will discuss this in more detail.
+If Obnam terminates abruptly, even if there's only one client ever
+using the repository, the lock may stay around and prevent that one
+client for making new backups. The termination may be due to the
+network connection breaking, or due to a bug in Obnam. It can also
+happen if Obnam is interrupted by the user before it's finished.
+The Obnam command `force-lock` deals with this situation. It is
+dangerous, though. If you force open a lock that is in active use by
+a running Obnam instance, there will likely to be some stepping of
+toes. The result may, in extreme cases, even result in repository
+corruption. So be careful.
+If you've decided you can safely do it, this is an example of how to
+do it:
+ obnam -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo force-lock
+Note that some of the locks are per-client, to prevent you from
+accidentally running Obnam twice for the same client, which would
+result in standing on your own toes: kind of impressive, but
+uncomfortable and not recommended.
+If you need to force open a lock for specific client, you can specify
+the client name explicitly:
+ obnam --client-name magrat \
+ -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo force-lock
+(Long line broken to two for typographical reasons.)
+Consistency of live data
+Making a backup can take a good while. While the backup is running,
+the filesystem may change. This leads to the snapshot of data Obnam
+presents as a backup generation being internally inconsistent. For
+example, before a backup you might have two files, A and B, which need
+to be kept in sync. You run a backup, and while it's happening, you
+change A, and then B. However, you're unlucky, and Obnam manages to
+backup A before you save your changes, and B after you save changes to
+that. The backup generation now has versions of A and B that are not
+synchronised. This is bad.
+This can be dealt with in various ways, depending on the
+circumstances. Here's a few:
+* The Logical Volume Manager (LVM) provides snapshots. You can set up
+ your backups so that they first create a snapshot of each logical
+ volume to be backed up, run the backup, and delete the snapshot
+ afterwards. This prevents anyone from modifying the files in the
+ snapshot, but allows normal use to continue while the backup
+ happens.
+* A similar thing can be done using the btrfs filesystem and its
+ subvolumes.
+* You can shut down the system, reboot it into single user mode, and
+ run the backup, before rebooting back into normal mode. This is not
+ a good way to do it, but it is the safest way to get a consistent
+ snapshot of the filesystem.
+Note that filesystem level snapshots can't really guarantee a
+consistent view of the live data. An application may be in the middle
+of writing a file, or set of files, when the snapshot is being made.
+To some extent this indicates an application bug, but knowing that
+doesn't let you sleep better.
+Usually, though, most systems have enough idle time that a consistent
+backup snapshot can happen during that time. For a laptop, for
+example, a backup can be run while the user is elsewhere, instead of
+actively using the machine.
+Part of your backup verification suite should check that the data in a
+backup generation is internally consistent, if that can be done.
+Otherwise, you'll either have to analyse the applications you use, or
+trust they're not too buggy.
+If you didn't understand this section, don't worry and be happy and
+sleep well.
diff --git a/manual/fr/070-restoring.mdwn b/manual/fr/070-restoring.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..378b071e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/070-restoring.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Restoring from backups
+The worst has happened! Your cat got confused between its litter box
+and your hard drive! Your goat deleted your most important document
+ever! Woe be you!
+Let's stay calm. This is why you have backups. There's on need for
+exclamation marks. Take a deep breath, have a cup of tea, and all will
+be well.
+There's two different approaches for restoring data with Obnam. One
+relies on a FUSE filesystem, which is a very nice piece of technology
+that allows Obnam to let you view your backups as just another
+directory. It is the preferred way, but it is not always available, so
+Obnam also provides a more primitive, less easy to use method.
+Oh no! It's all FUSEd together
+The `obnam mount` command lets you look at your backups as if they
+were just another directory. This requires that you have FUSE setup.
+See the installation chapter for details on that. Most modern Linux
+desktops have this out of the box.
+ mkdir ~/backups
+ obnam mount --to ~/backups
+Run the above command, and then look at the `~/backups` directory.
+You'll see something like this:
+ $ ls -l ~/backups
+ total 12
+ drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Feb 11 21:41 2
+ drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Feb 11 21:41 5
+ lrwxr-xr-x 24 root root 4096 Feb 11 21:41 latest -> 5
+ $
+Each directory in `~/backups` is a backup generation, named after the
+generation identifier Obnam invents. The `latest` symbolic link points
+at the latest generation.
+After this, you can restore a single file very easily:
+ cp ~/backups/latest/home/tomjon/Documents/iloveyou.txt ~/restored.txt
+You can copy any files you want from the `~/backups` directory, from
+any generation, or all of them if you want to. You can look at files
+directly, before copying them out, too.
+ less ~/backups/2/home/tomjon/Documents/iloveyou.txt
+This is an easy way to make sure you find the right version instead of
+just the latest one.
+You can't delete anything in `~/backups`. That directory is read-only,
+and you can't accidentally, or on purpose, delete or modify anything
+there. This is intentional: the `obnam mount` command is meant to be a
+safe way for you to look at your backups, not something you need to be
+careful about.
+Once you're done looking at your backups, you can un-mount the
+ fusermount -u ~/backups
+In addition to doing these things from the command line, you can, of
+course, use your favourite file manager (graphical or textual) to look
+at your backed up files. The mounting and un-mounting (depending on
+your desktop setup) may need to be done on the command line.
+Restoring without FUSE
+When `obnam mount` isn't available, you can do restores directly with
+just Obnam. Use `obnam generations` and `obnam ls` to find the right
+generation to restore, and then run a command like this:
+ obnam restore --to /tmp/tomjon-restored /home/tomjon/Documents
+This would restore just the indicated directory. If you don't tell
+Obnam what to restore, it'll restore everything in the latest
+generation. You can choose a different generation with `--generation`:
+ obnam restore --to /tmp/tomjon-restored --generation 2
+Note that you can't restore to a directory that already exists. This
+is to prevent you from accidentally overwriting your live data with
+restored files. If you do want replace your live data with restored
+files, you should restore to a temporary location first, and then move
+the files to where you want them to be.
+Practice makes prestores painless
+You should practice doing restores. This makes you trust your backups
+more, and lets you be calmer if disaster were to strike. (In fancier
+terms, you should test your disaster recovery plan.)
+Do a trial restore of a few files, or all files, until you're sure you
+know how to do that. Then do it again, from time to time, to be sure
+your backups still work. It's much less frightening to do a real
+restore, when data has actually gone missing, if you've done it
+In extreme cases, particularly if you're an Obnam developer, you
+perhaps format your hard drive and then do complete restore, just so
+you know you can. If you're not an Obnam developer, this is perhaps a
+bit extreme: at least use a separate hard drive instead of your normal
diff --git a/manual/fr/080-forgetting.mdwn b/manual/fr/080-forgetting.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1df2ff64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/080-forgetting.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Forgetting old backup generations
+Every time you make a backup, your backup repository grows in size. To
+avoid overflowing all available storage, you need to get rid of some
+old backups. That's a bit of a dilemma, of course: you make backups in
+order to not lose data and now you have to do exactly that.
+Obnam uses the term "forget" about removing a backup generation.
+You can specify which generation to remove manually, by generation
+identifier, or you can have a schedule to forget them automatically.
+To forget a specific generation:
+ obnam forget 2
+(This example assumes you have a configuration file that Obnam finds
+automatically, and that you don't need to specify things like
+repository location or encryption on the command line.)
+You can forget any individual generation. Thanks to the way Obnam
+treats every generation as an independent snapshot (except it's not
+really a full backup every time), you don't have to worry about the
+distinctions between a full and incremental backup.
+Forgetting backups manually is tedious, and you probably want to use a
+schedule to have Obnam automatically pick the generations to forget.
+A common type of schedule is something like this:
+* keep one backup for each day for the past week
+* keep one backup for each week for the past three months
+* keep one backup for each month for the past two years
+* keep one backup for each year for the past fifty seven years
+Obnam uses the `--keep` setting to specify a schedule. The setting
+for the above schedule would look like this:
+ --keep 7d,15w,24m,57y
+This isn't an exact match, due to the unfortunate ambiguity of how
+long a month is in weeks, but it's close enough. The setting "7d" is
+interpreted as "the last backup of each calendar day for the last
+seven days on which backups were made". Similarly for the other parts
+of the schedule. See the "Obnam configuration files and settings"
+chapter for exact details.
+The schedule picks a set of generations to keep. Everything else gets
+Choosing a schedule for forgetting generations
+The schedule for retiring backup generations is a bit of a guessing
+game, just like backups in general. If you could reliably tell the
+future, you'd know all the disasters that threaten your data, and you
+could backup only the things that would otherwise be lost in the
+In this reality, alas, you have to guess. You need to think about what
+risks you're facing (or your data is), and how much backup storage
+space you're willing to spend on protecting against them.
+* Are you afraid of your hard drive suddenly failing in a very
+ spectacular way, such as by catching fire or being stolen? If so,
+ you really only need one very recent backup to cover against that.
+* Do you worry about your hard drive, or filesystem, or your
+ application programs, or you yourself, slowly corrupting your data
+ over a longer period of time? How long will it take you to find that
+ out? You need a backup history that lasts longer than it takes for
+ you to detect slow corruption.
+* Likewise with accidental deletion of files. How long will it take
+ for you to notice? That's how long the backup history should be,
+ at minimum.
+There's other criteria as well. For example, would you like to see, in
+fifty years, how your files are laid out today? If so, you need a
+fifty-year-old backup, plus perhaps a backup from each year, if you
+want to compare how things were each year in between. With increasing
+storage space and nice de-duplication features, this isn't quite as
+expensive as it might be.
+There is no one schedule that fits everyone's needs and wants. You have
+to decide for yourself. That's why the default in Obnam is to keep
+everything forever. It's not Obnam's duty to decide that you should
+not keep this or that backup generation.
diff --git a/manual/fr/090-verifiying.mdwn b/manual/fr/090-verifiying.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a818d0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/090-verifiying.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Verifying backups
+It's 9 in the evening. Do you know if your backups work? Do you know
+when you last made a successful backup of all of your data? Do you
+know whether you can restore from that backup? If not, how well can
+you sleep?
+You should verify your backups, and do it regularly, not just when you
+first set up the backup system. Verification means doing whatever you
+need to do to ensure all of your precious data has been backed up
+and can be correctly restored from the backups.
+The simplest way to do that is to restore all your data, and compare it
+with your live data, and note any differences. That requires you have
+enough free disk space to restore everything, but it's almost the
+only way to be really sure.
+It's also a great way to ensure the restoring actually works. If
+you don't test that, don't expect it'll work when needed.
+If you have the disk space to do a complete restore, doing so is a
+great way to exercise your disaster recovery process in general.
+Here's one way of doing it:
+* On your main computer, do a backup.
+* On a second computer, perhaps borrowed for this, restore all your data,
+ without using your main computer at all.
+* Start using the restored data as your live data. Do real work,
+ and do all the things you normally do. Pretend your main computer
+ was eaten by your pet shark.
+* If you notice something missing, or being corrupt, or being too old,
+ get the files from your main computer, and fix your backup process so
+ that the next time you won't have that problem.
+How often should you do that? That, again, depends on how you feel about
+your data, and how much you trust your backup tools and processes. If
+it's really important that you can recover from a disaster, you need to
+verify more frequently. If data loss is merely inconvenient and not
+disastrous in a life changing way, you can verify less often.
+In addition to restoring data, Obnam provides two other ways to
+verify your backups:
+* `obnam verify` is like `obnam restore`, except it compares the
+ backed up data with live data, and reports any differences.
+ This requires you to trust that Obnam does the verification
+ correctly.
+* `obnam mount` lets you access your backed up data as if it were just
+ a directory. You can then use any tool you trust to compare the
+ backed up data with live data. This is very much like doing a
+ restore, since the comparison tool will have to extract all the data
+ and metadata from the backup; it just doesn't write it out.
+Both of these approaches have the problem that they compare a backup
+with live data, and the live data may have changed after the backup
+was made. You need to verify all differences manually, and if the live
+data changes frequently, the can be a large number of wrong reports.
diff --git a/manual/fr/100-many-clients.mdwn b/manual/fr/100-many-clients.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af841a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/fr/100-many-clients.mdwn
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+Sharing a repository between multiple clients
+Obnam lets you backup several computers to the same repository. Each
+client is identified by a name, which defaults to the system hostname:
+the name you get when you run the `hostname` command. You can also set
+the name explicitly, using the `--client-name` setting in Obnam.
+All the clients sharing a repository share the file content data (the
+chunks), and can de-duplicate across clients. Each client has its own
+backup generations, and those are fully independent from other
+clients. You can, for example, forget any generations you want for one
+client, and it doesn't affect the generations or any backed up data
+for any other client.
+Obnam takes care of locking automatically so you can run Obnam on each
+client without having to arrange it so that you only run it on one
+client at a time.
+A caveat of sharing a repository is that any client has access to all
+chunks, and can delete any other client from the repository. This
+means you should only share a repository amongst clients in the same
+security domain: all clients should be trusted equally. If one client
+gets hacked, then the intruder has access to all the data in the
+repository, and can delete the backups of all the clients using that
+To share a repository amongst clients you need to do the following:
+* Set a unique name for each client. It needs to be unique within the
+ repository.
+* Arrange for each client to have access to the repository.
+That's all.
+To see what clients are using a repository, use this:
+ obnam clients
+There is currently no way to remove a client from a repository, unless
+you're using encryption. This is to be considered a bug in Obnam, and
+will be fixed at a future time. After that, a time machine will be
+developed so that this paragraph will have never existed.
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+Using encryption
+Obnam allows you to encrypt your backups. This chapter discusses why
+and how to do that.
+You don't admit to being a spy, so isn't encryption unnecessary?
+You're not the only one who cares about your data. A variety of
+governments, corporations, criminals, and overly curious snoopers und
+[lookenpeepers]( may also
+be interested. (It's sometimes hard to tell them apart.) They might be
+interested in it to data in order to find evidence against you,
+blackmail you, or just curious about what you're talking about with
+your other friends.
+They might be interested in your data from a statistical point of view,
+and don't particularly care about your specifically. Or they might be
+interested only in you.
+Instead of reading your files and e-mail, or looking at your photos and
+videos, they might be interested in preventing your access to them,
+or to destroy your data. They might even want to corrupt your data,
+perhaps by planting child porn in your photo archive.
+You protect your computer as well as you can to prevent these and other
+bad things from happening. You need to protect your backups with equal
+If you back up to a USB drive, you should probably make the drive be
+encrypted. Likewise, if you back up to online storage. There are many
+forms of encryption, and I'm unqualified to give advice on this, but any
+of the common, modern ones should suffice except for quite determined
+Instead of, or in addition to, encryption, you could ensure the physical
+security of your backup storage. Keep the USB drive in a safe, perhaps,
+or a safe deposit box.
+The multiple backups you need to protect yourself against earthquakes,
+floods, and roving gangs of tricycle-riding clowns, are also useful
+against attackers. They might corrupt your live data, and the backups at
+your home, but probably won't be able to touch the USB drive encased in
+concrete and buried in the ground at a secret place only you know about.
+The other side of the coin is that you might want to, or need to, ensure
+others do have access to your backed up data. For example, if the clown
+gang kidnaps you, your spouse might need access to you backups to be
+able to contact your MI6 handler to ask them to rescue you. Arranging
+safe access to (some) backups is an interesting problem to which there
+are various solutions. You could give your spouse the encryption passphrase,
+or give the passphrase to a trusted friend or your lawyer. You could also
+use something like [libgfshare] to escrow encryption keys more safely.
+How Obnam encryption works
+An Obnam repository contains several directories, for different types
+of data.
+* A per-client directory for each client, for data that is only
+ relevant to that client, such as the generations to that client.
+* A directory for the list of clients.
+* A directory for all the chunks of file content data, plus additional
+ directories used for de-duplicating chunks.
+The per-client directory is encrypted so that only that client can
+access it. This means that only the client itself can see its
+generations, and the files in each generation.
+The shared directories (client list, chunks) is encrypted so that all
+clients can use them. This allows clients to share chunks, so that
+de-duplication works across all clients.
+This encryption scheme assumes that all clients sharing a repository
+trust each other, and that it's OK for them to be able to read all the
+chunk data they want. The encryption does not protect siblings from
+reading each others e-mail from the backup repository, for example,
+but it does protect them against their parents, if the parents don't
+have a suitable encryption key.
+In addition to the encryption keys for a client you can add additional
+keys. These keys can also access the backup repository. For example,
+the parents' key might be added to the repository so that if need be,
+they could restore any child's data, even if the child had lost their
+own encryption key.
+In a corporate setting, the a backup administrator key might be added
+so that the administrator can, for example, verify the integrity of
+the repository, or to access data of an employee who has won the
+lottery and isn't currently available due to bad Internet access to
+the Moon.
+Such additional keys can be added either for any one client, or to all
+Setting up Obnam to use encryption
+Obnam uses PGP keys, specifically the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG, gpg)
+implementation of them. To use encrypted backups, you need to first
+create a PGP key pair for yourself. See the [GnuPG documentation] for
+[GnuPG documentation]:
+Once you have a working GnuPG setup and a key pair (consisting of a
+public key and a secret key), you need to find the key identifier for
+them. Run the following command and pick your key from the list.
+ gpg --list-keys
+In the rest of the examples in this chapter, we'll assume your key
+identifier is CAFEFACE.
+To set up encryption, use the `--encrypt-with` setting:
+ [config]
+ encrypt-with = CAFEFACE
+That's all.
+Note that a repository should be fully encrypted or not encrypted at
+all, and that you can't switch afterwards. If you change your mind
+about whether to use encryption at all, you'll need to start a new
+repository. All clients sharing a repository need to be using
+encryption, or else none of them may use encryption. If you mix
+encryption or cleartext backups, the error messages may prove to be
+Obnam will automatically encrypt all the files it writes to the backup
+repository, and de-crypt them when needed. As long as you only have
+one encryption key for each client, and don't add additional keys,
+Obnam will take care of adding the right keys to the right places
+Checking if a repository uses encryption
+There is no direct way with Obnam to check if a repository uses
+encryption. However, you can check that manually: if your repository
+contains the file `clientlist/key`, the repository is encrypted.
+FIXME: Managing encryption keys in a repository
+This section discusses how to manage encryption keys in a repository:
+how to add additional keys for each toplevel, and how to change keys
+for a client. It also shows how to check what keys are being used, and
+what access each key has.
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+Other stuff
+This chapter discusses topics that do not warrant a chapter of their
+own, such as compressing backups and running Obnam from cron.
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+Case studies
+This chapter goes through, in some detail, some typical use cases for
+backups. For case, it discusses the data being backed up, and explains
+choices of backup strategy, storage, etc. Some case studies:
+* Single laptop user, typical data of documents, photos, music,
+ backing up to a USB hard drive.
+* A VPS or similar server, with web pages, e-mail, and maybe other
+ data, backed up to another server.
+* A small company with a number of laptops and desktops, a local file
+ server, a rented co-lo server, backing up to a rented server in a
+ co-lo and to a rotated set of large USB drives.
+* Restoring from a complete disaster, where all local computers and
+ storage media are destroyed, but there is an off-site backup that
+ is intact.
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+This chapter discusses how to debug problems with Obnam. It covers
+things such as log files, various levels of logging and tracing, and
+common problems with Obnam use. It also explains what things go where
+in an Obnam backup repository.
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+Obnam configuration files and settings
+This chapter discusses Obnam configuration files: where they are, what
+they contain, and how they are used.
+Where is my configuration?
+Obnam looks for its configuration files in a number of places:
+* `/etc/obnam.conf`
+* `/etc/obnam/*.conf`
+* `~/.obnam.conf`
+* `~/.config/obnam/*.conf`
+Note that in `/etc/obnam` and `~/.config/obnam`, all files that have a
+`.conf` suffix are loaded, in "asciibetical" order, which is like
+alphabetical, but based on character codes rather than what humans
+understand, but unlike alphabetical isn't dependent on the language
+being used.
+Any files in the list above may or may not exist. If it exists, it is
+read, and then the next file is read. A setting in one file can be
+overridden by a later file, if it is set there as well.
+For example, `/etc/obnam.conf` might set `log-level` to `INFO`,
+but `~/.obnam.conf` may then set it to `DEBUG`, if a user wants more
+detailed log files.
+The Obnam configuration files in `/etc` apply to everyone who runs
+Obnam on that machine. This is important: they are not just for when
+`root` runs Obnam.
+If you want to have several Obnam configurations, for example for
+different backup repositories, you need to name or place the files so
+they aren't on the list above. For example:
+* `/etc/obnam/system-backup.profile`
+* `~/.config/obnam/online.profile`
+* `~/.config/obnam/usbdrive.profile`
+You would then need to specify that file for Obnam to use it:
+ obnam --config ~/.config/obnam/usbdrive.profile`
+If you want to not be affected by any configuration files, except
+the ones you specify explicitly, you need to also use the
+`--no-default-config` option:
+ obnam --no-default-config --config ~/.obnam-is-fun.conf
+Command line options override values from configuration files.
+Configuration file syntax
+Obnam configuration files use the [INI file] syntax, specifically
+the variant implemented by the Python [ConfigParser] library.
+They look like this:
+ [config]
+ log-level = debug
+ log = /var/log/obnam.log
+ encrypt-with = CAFEBEEF
+ root = /
+ one-file-system = yes
+[INI file]:
+Names of configuration variables are the same as the corresponding
+command line options. If `--foo` is the option, then the variable in
+the file is `foo`. Any command line option `--foo=bar` can be used in
+a configuration file as `foo = bar`. There's are exceptions to this
+(`--no-default-config`, `--config`, `--help`, and a few others), but
+they're all things you wouldn't put in a configuration file anyway.
+Every option, or setting, has a type. Mostly this doesn't matter,
+unless you give it a value that isn't suitable. The two important
+exceptions to this are:
+* Boolean or yes/no or on/off settings. For example,
+ `--exclude-caches` is a setting that is either turned on (when the
+ option is used) or off (when it's not used). For every Boolean
+ setting `--foo`, there is an option `--no-foo`. In a configuration
+ files, `foo` is turned on by setting it to `yes` or `true`, and off
+ by setting it to `no` or `false`.
+* Some settings can be lists of values, such as `--exclude`. You can
+ use `--exclude` as many times as you want, each time a new exclusion
+ pattern is added, rather than replacing the previous patterns.
+ In a configuration file, you would write all the values at once,
+ separated by commas and optional spaces: for example,
+ `exclude = foo, bar, baz`. In a configuration file, the previous
+ list of values is replaced entirely rather than added to.
+For a more detailed explanation of Obnam configuration file syntax,
+see the **cliapp**(5) manual page on your system, or [cliapp man page]
+on the WWW.
+[cliapp man page]:
+Checking what my configuration is
+Obnam can read configuration files from a number of places, and it can
+be tricky to figure out what the actual configuration is. The
+`--dump-config` option helps here.
+ obnam --config ~/ --exclude-caches --dump-config
+The option will tell Obnam to write out (to the standard output) a
+configuration file that captures every setting, and reporting the
+value that it would have if `--dump-config` weren't used.
+This is a good way to see what the current settings are and also as
+a starting point if you want to make a configuration file from
+Finding out all the configuration settings
+This manual does not yet have a list of all the settings, and their
+explanation. Obnam provides built-in help (run `obnam --help`) and a
+manual page automatically generated from the built-in help
+(run `man obnam` or see [obnam man page]). Some day, this chapter will
+include an automatically generated section that explains each setting.
+Until then, you're free to point fingers at Obnam's author and giggle
+at his laziness.
+[obnam man page]:
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+# Performance tuning
+This chapter discusses ways to tune Obnam performance for various
+situations. It covers the various options that can affect CPU and
+memory consumptions, as well as ways to experiment to find a good set
+of values.
+See <> for a start.
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+This chapter gives pointers to more information about Obnam, backups,
+and related things. For the time being, this is a very short list, but
+suggestions for things to add to it are very much welcome.
+* Obnam home page: <>.
+ - There are short tutorials, download links, an FAQ, contact
+ information, etc, here.
+* Lars Wirzenius, interesting blog tags.
+ - <>
+ - <>
+* Cache directory tag standard: <>
+ - <> is a utility to manage the tag files
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+Legal stuff
+This entire work is covered by the GNU General Public
+License, version 3 or later.
+> Copyright 2010-2013 Lars Wirzenius
+> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+> the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+> (at your option) any later version.
+> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+> GNU General Public License for more details.
+> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+> along with this program. If not, see <>.
+A copy of the GPL is included in the file `COPYING` in the source
+tree, and can be found at the URL above.
+This manual (all the contents of the `manual` subdirectory in the
+source tree) is additionally licensed under a Creative Commons
+Attribution 4.0 International License. You can choose whether to use
+the GPL or the CC license for the manual.
+A copy of the Creative Commons license is included in the file
+`CC-BY-SA-4.0.txt` in the source tree, and can be viewed online
+at <>.
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+Supporting Obnam development
+Obnam is free software: you get full access to the source code, you
+can modify the software as you wish, and you can distribute copies of
+the software in its original or modified form. It is also free of
+One of the goals of Obnam is to make sure everyone has access to
+nice backup software, and are not beholden to anyone else for that
+software. You can use Obnam, and store your backups anywhere that
+suits you, and the Obnam developers have no say in that.
+However, Obnam development requires some resources. Obnam is primarily
+developed by Lars Wirzenius, its original author (hi!), in his free
+time. If you would like to help support Obnam development, here's a
+list of things you could do:
+* Send fixes and improvements, either to code or documentation.
+* Donate something to the author. See
+ <> for suggestions.
+* Hire the author to do some Obnam development. Contact him privately
+ by e-mail (
+Note that any of these are optional. If you like Obnam, and are happy
+just using it, that's completely OK.