path: root/subplot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'subplot')
4 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/subplot/ b/subplot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e223505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subplot/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Start and stop daemons, or background processes.
+import logging
+import os
+import signal
+import time
+# Start a process in the background.
+def start_daemon(ctx, name, argv):
+ runcmd = globals()["runcmd"]
+ exit_code_is = globals()["exit_code_is"]
+ logging.debug(f"Starting daemon {name}")
+ logging.debug(f" ctx={ctx.as_dict()}")
+ logging.debug(f" name={name}")
+ logging.debug(f" argv={argv}")
+ if "daemon" not in ctx.as_dict():
+ ctx["daemon"] = {}
+ assert name not in ctx["daemon"]
+ this = ctx["daemon"][name] = {
+ "pid-file": f"{name}.pid",
+ "stderr": f"{name}.stderr",
+ "stdout": f"{name}.stdout",
+ }
+ runcmd(
+ ctx,
+ [
+ "/usr/sbin/daemonize",
+ "-c",
+ os.getcwd(),
+ "-p",
+ this["pid-file"],
+ "-e",
+ this["stderr"],
+ "-o",
+ this["stdout"],
+ ]
+ + argv,
+ )
+ # Wait for a bit for daemon to start and maybe find a problem and die.
+ time.sleep(3)
+ if ctx["exit"] != 0:
+ logging.error(f"obnam-server stderr: {ctx['stderr']}")
+ exit_code_is(ctx, 0)
+ this["pid"] = int(open(this["pid-file"]).read().strip())
+ assert process_exists(this["pid"])
+ logging.debug(f"Started daemon {name}")
+ logging.debug(f" ctx={ctx.as_dict()}")
+# Stop a daemon.
+def stop_daemon(ctx, name):
+ logging.debug(f"Stopping daemon {name}")
+ logging.debug(f" ctx={ctx.as_dict()}")
+ logging.debug(f" ctx['daemon']={ctx.as_dict()['daemon']}")
+ this = ctx["daemon"][name]
+ terminate_process(this["pid"], signal.SIGKILL)
+# Does a process exist?
+def process_exists(pid):
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except ProcessLookupError:
+ return False
+ return True
+# Terminate process.
+def terminate_process(pid, signalno):
+ logging.debug(f"Terminating process {pid} with signal {signalno}")
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, signalno)
+ except ProcessLookupError:
+ logging.debug("Process did not actually exist (anymore?)")
+ pass
diff --git a/subplot/ b/subplot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c827180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subplot/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import random
+import requests
+import shutil
+import socket
+import time
+import urllib3
+import yaml
+def start_chunk_server(ctx):
+ start_daemon = globals()["start_daemon"]
+ srcdir = globals()["srcdir"]
+ logging.debug(f"Starting obnam-server")
+ for x in ["test.pem", "test.key"]:
+ shutil.copy(os.path.join(srcdir, x), x)
+ chunks = "chunks"
+ os.mkdir(chunks)
+ config = {"chunks": chunks, "tls_key": "test.key", "tls_cert": "test.pem"}
+ port = config["port"] = random.randint(2000, 30000)
+ filename = "config.yaml"
+ yaml.safe_dump(config, stream=open(filename, "w"))
+ logging.debug(f"Picked randomly port for obnam-server: {config['port']}")
+ ctx["config"] = config
+ ctx["url"] = f"https://localhost:{port}"
+ start_daemon(ctx, "obnam-server", [_binary("obnam-server"), filename])
+ if not port_open("localhost", port, 5.0):
+ stderr = open(ctx["daemon"]["obnam-server"]["stderr"]).read()
+ logging.debug(f"Stderr from daemon: {stderr!r}")
+def stop_chunk_server(ctx):
+ logging.debug("Stopping obnam-server")
+ stop_daemon = globals()["stop_daemon"]
+ stop_daemon(ctx, "obnam-server")
+def create_file_with_random_data(ctx, filename=None):
+ N = 128
+ data = "".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for i in range(N)).encode("UTF-8")
+ with open(filename, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+def post_file(ctx, filename=None, path=None, header=None, json=None):
+ url = f"{ctx['url']}/chunks"
+ headers = {header: json}
+ data = open(filename, "rb").read()
+ _request(ctx,, url, headers=headers, data=data)
+def get_chunk(ctx, var=None):
+ chunk_id = ctx["vars"][var]
+ url = f"{ctx['url']}/chunks/{chunk_id}"
+ _request(ctx, requests.get, url)
+def status_code_is(ctx, status=None):
+ assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"]
+ assert_eq(ctx["http.status"], int(status))
+def header_is(ctx, header=None, value=None):
+ assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"]
+ assert_eq(ctx["http.headers"][header], value)
+def remember_json_field(ctx, field=None, var=None):
+ v = ctx.get("vars", {})
+ v[var] = ctx["http.json"][field]
+ ctx["vars"] = v
+def body_matches_file(ctx, filename=None):
+ assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"]
+ content = open(filename, "rb").read()
+ logging.debug(f"body_matches_file:")
+ logging.debug(f" filename: {filename}")
+ logging.debug(f" content: {content!r}")
+ logging.debug(f" body: {ctx['http.raw']!r}")
+ assert_eq(ctx["http.raw"], content)
+# Name of Rust binary, debug-build.
+def _binary(name):
+ srcdir = globals()["srcdir"]
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srcdir, "target", "debug", name))
+# Wait for a port to be open
+def port_open(host, port, timeout):
+ logging.debug(f"Waiting for port localhost:{port} to be available")
+ started = time.time()
+ while time.time() < started + timeout:
+ try:
+ socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout)
+ return True
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ logging.error(f"Port localhost:{port} is not open")
+ return False
+# Make an HTTP request.
+def _request(ctx, method, url, headers=None, data=None):
+ r = method(url, headers=headers, data=data, verify=False)
+ ctx["http.status"] = r.status_code
+ ctx["http.headers"] = dict(r.headers)
+ try:
+ ctx["http.json"] = dict(r.json())
+ except ValueError:
+ ctx["http.json"] = None
+ ctx["http.raw"] = r.content
+ logging.debug("HTTP request:")
+ logging.debug(f" url: {url}")
+ logging.debug(f" header: {headers!r}")
+ logging.debug("HTTP response:")
+ logging.debug(f" status: {r.status_code}")
+ logging.debug(f" json: {ctx['http.json']!r}")
+ logging.debug(f" text: {r.content!r}")
+ if not r.ok:
+ stderr = open(ctx["daemon"]["obnam-server"]["stderr"], "rb").read()
+ logging.debug(f" server stderr: {stderr!r}")
diff --git a/subplot/obnam.yaml b/subplot/obnam.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acf581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subplot/obnam.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+- given: "a chunk server"
+ function: start_chunk_server
+ cleanup: stop_chunk_server
+- given: >
+ a file (?P<filename>\\S+) containing "(?P<data>.*)"
+ regex: true
+ function: create_file_with_given_data
+- given: "a file {filename} containing some random data"
+ function: create_file_with_random_data
+- when: "I POST (?P<filename>\\S+) to (?P<path>\\S+), with (?P<header>\\S+): (?P<json>.*)"
+ regex: true
+ function: post_file
+- when: "I GET /chunks/<{var}>"
+ function: get_chunk
+- then: "HTTP status code is {status}"
+ function: status_code_is
+- then: "{header} is {value}"
+ function: header_is
+- then: "the JSON body has a field {field}, henceforth {var}"
+ function: remember_json_field
+- then: "the body matches file {filename}"
+ function: body_matches_file
diff --git a/subplot/ b/subplot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7193c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subplot/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Some step implementations for running commands and capturing the result.
+import subprocess
+# Run a command, capture its stdout, stderr, and exit code in context.
+def runcmd(ctx, argv, **kwargs):
+ p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate("")
+ ctx["argv"] = argv
+ ctx["stdout"] = stdout.decode("utf-8")
+ ctx["stderr"] = stderr.decode("utf-8")
+ ctx["exit"] = p.returncode
+# Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was a specific one.
+def exit_code_is(ctx, wanted):
+ if ctx.get("exit") != wanted:
+ print("context:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_eq(ctx.get("exit"), wanted)
+# Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was not a specific one.
+def exit_code_is_not(ctx, unwanted):
+ if ctx.get("exit") == unwanted:
+ print("context:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_ne(ctx.get("exit"), unwanted)
+# Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was zero.
+def exit_code_zero(ctx):
+ exit_code_is(ctx, 0)
+# Check that latest exit code captured by runcmd was not zero.
+def exit_code_nonzero(ctx):
+ exit_code_is_not(ctx, 0)
+# Check that stdout of latest runcmd contains a specific string.
+def stdout_contains(ctx, pattern=None):
+ stdout = ctx.get("stdout", "")
+ if pattern not in stdout:
+ print("pattern:", repr(pattern))
+ print("stdout:", repr(stdout))
+ print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_eq(pattern in stdout, True)
+# Check that stdout of latest runcmd does not contain a specific string.
+def stdout_does_not_contain(ctx, pattern=None):
+ stdout = ctx.get("stdout", "")
+ if pattern in stdout:
+ print("pattern:", repr(pattern))
+ print("stdout:", repr(stdout))
+ print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_eq(pattern not in stdout, True)
+# Check that stderr of latest runcmd does contains a specific string.
+def stderr_contains(ctx, pattern=None):
+ stderr = ctx.get("stderr", "")
+ if pattern not in stderr:
+ print("pattern:", repr(pattern))
+ print("stderr:", repr(stderr))
+ print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_eq(pattern in stderr, True)
+# Check that stderr of latest runcmd does not contain a specific string.
+def stderr_does_not_contain(ctx, pattern=None):
+ stderr = ctx.get("stderr", "")
+ if pattern not in stderr:
+ print("pattern:", repr(pattern))
+ print("stderr:", repr(stderr))
+ print("ctx:", ctx.as_dict())
+ assert_eq(pattern not in stderr, True)