path: root/src/directive/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-05-14refactor: make Site::markdown_pages be a hash map instead of vectorLars Wirzenius1-1/+0
2023-01-07refactor: move directive errors to src/directive/mod.rsLars Wirzenius1-4/+3
2023-01-07refactor: rename SiteError to RikiErrorLars Wirzenius1-2/+2
2022-12-04fix: handle optional title in image linksLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2022-11-09refactor: directive processing returns Processed valueLars Wirzenius1-3/+3
2022-11-09refactor: use trait for all directive implementationsLars Wirzenius1-15/+16
2022-11-09chore: remove unnecessary borrowsLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2022-11-02feat: implement a simple version of the inline directiveLars Wirzenius1-7/+26
2022-10-23fix: make unimplemented directives be a runtime errorLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2022-09-02fix: placeholder directives other fixes to process all test stiesLars Wirzenius1-0/+2
2022-09-02feat: add more placeholders for directives, other small fixesLars Wirzenius1-0/+1
2022-08-22feat: allow argument "show" for inline directiveLars Wirzenius1-0/+1
2022-08-10feat: implement shortcut directiveLars Wirzenius1-2/+2
2022-08-06feat: add placeholder for the inline directiveLars Wirzenius1-0/+38