diff options
2 files changed, 592 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/check b/check
index d41c9ae..2573a9e 100755
--- a/check
+++ b/check
@@ -1,113 +1,284 @@
-set -eu
-if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
- case "$1" in
- verbose | -v | --verbose)
- verbose=true
- ;;
- esac
-if command -v chronic > /dev/null
- hideok=chronic
-if $verbose
- quiet=
- hideok=
-_codegen() {
- $hideok cargo run $quiet --package subplot --bin sp-codegen -- \
- "$1" --output "$2" --resources "${TOPDIR}/share"
-codegen() {
- _codegen "$1" "$2"
- rm -f test.log
- template="$(sed -n '/^template: /s///p' "$1" | tail -n1)"
- case "$template" in
- python) $hideok python3 "$2" --log test.log ;;
- bash) $hideok bash "$2" ;;
- *) echo "Don't know interpreter for $2" ; exit 1 ;;
- esac
-docgen() {
- cargo run $quiet --package subplot --bin sp-docgen -- "$1" --output "$2" --resources "${TOPDIR}/share"
-# Run unit tests for the Python template.
-(set -eu
- cd share/python/template
- for x in *
- do
- $hideok echo "Unit tests: $x"
- $hideok python3 "$x"
- $hideok echo
- done)
-if command -v flake8 > /dev/null
- $hideok flake8 share/python/template share/python/lib/*.py
-if command -v shellcheck > /dev/null
- shellcheck check ./*.sh
- find share/bash/template -name '*.sh' -exec shellcheck '{}' +
-$hideok cargo build --all-targets
-if cargo --list | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep 'clippy$' > /dev/null
- cargo clippy $quiet
-$hideok cargo test $quiet
-if command -v rustfmt > /dev/null
- cargo fmt --all -- --check
-if command -v black > /dev/null
- $hideok find . -type f -name '*.py' ! -name ! -name \
- -exec black --check '{}' +
-(cd subplotlib;
- $hideok cargo test --lib
- for md in [!CR]*.md; do
- $hideok echo "subplotlib/$md ====================================="
- $hideok mkdir -p tests
- _codegen "$md" "tests/$(basename "$md" .md).rs" ""
- # This formatting is fine because we checked --all earlier
- # so all it'll do is tidy up the test suite
- cargo fmt
- docgen "$md" "$(basename "$md" .md).pdf"
- docgen "$md" "$(basename "$md" .md).html"
- $hideok cargo test --test "$(basename "$md" .md)"
- $hideok echo
- done
-for md in [!CR]*.md share/python/lib/*.md
- $hideok echo "$md ====================================="
- codegen "$md"
- docgen "$md" "$(basename "$md" .md).pdf"
- docgen "$md" "$(basename "$md" .md).html"
- $hideok echo
-echo "Everything seems to be in order."
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+from subprocess import PIPE, DEVNULL, STDOUT
+class Runcmd:
+ """Run external commands in various ways"""
+ def __init__(self, verbose, progress):
+ self._verbose = verbose
+ self._progress = progress
+ def _write_msg(self, msg):
+ sys.stdout.write(f"{msg}\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def msg(self, msg):
+ if self._verbose:
+ self._write_msg(msg)
+ def title(self, title):
+ if self._verbose:
+ self._write_msg("")
+ self._write_msg("=" * len(title))
+ self._write_msg(title)
+ self._write_msg("=" * len(title))
+ elif self._progress:
+ self._write_msg(title)
+ def _runcmd_unchecked(self, argv, **kwargs):
+ """Run a command (generic version)
+ Return a subcommand.CompletedProcess. It's the caller's duty
+ check that the command succeeded.
+ All actual execution of other programs happens via this method.
+ However, only methods of this class should ever call this
+ method.
+ """
+ # Import "run" here so that no other part of the code can see the
+ # symbol.
+ from subprocess import run
+ self.msg(f"RUN: {argv} {kwargs}")
+ if not self._verbose:
+ kwargs["stdout"] = PIPE
+ kwargs["stderr"] = STDOUT
+ return run(argv, **kwargs)
+ def runcmd(self, argv, **kwargs):
+ """Run a command (generic version)
+ If the command fails, terminate the program. On success, return
+ a subprocess.CompletedProcess.
+ """
+ p = self._runcmd_unchecked(argv, **kwargs)
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ sys.stdout.write((p.stdout or b"").decode("UTF-8"))
+ sys.stderr.write((p.stderr or b"").decode("UTF-8"))
+ sys.stderr.write(f"Command {argv} failed\n")
+ sys.exit(p.returncode)
+ return p
+ def runcmd_maybe(self, argv, **kwargs):
+ """Run a command it's availbe, or quietly do no nothing"""
+ if self.got_command(argv[0]):
+ self.runcmd(argv, **kwargs)
+ def got_command(self, name):
+ """Is a command of a given name available?"""
+ p = self._runcmd_unchecked(["which", name], stdout=DEVNULL)
+ return p.returncode == 0
+ def cargo(self, args, **kwargs):
+ """Run cargo with arguments."""
+ self.runcmd(["cargo"] + args, **kwargs)
+ def cargo_maybe(self, args, **kwargs):
+ """Run cargo if the desired subcommand is available"""
+ if self.got_cargo(args[0]):
+ self.runcmd(["cargo"] + args, **kwargs)
+ def got_cargo(self, subcommand):
+ """Is a cargo subcommand available?"""
+ p = self.runcmd(["cargo", "--list"], check=True, stdout=PIPE)
+ lines = [line.strip() for line in p.stdout.decode("UTF-8").splitlines()]
+ return subcommand in lines
+ def codegen(self, md, output, **kwargs):
+ """Run the Subplot code generator and the test program it produces"""
+ self.cargo(
+ [
+ "run",
+ "--package=subplot",
+ "--bin=sp-codegen",
+ "--",
+ md,
+ f"--output={output}",
+ f"--resources={os.path.abspath('share')}",
+ ],
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ def docgen(self, md, output, **kwargs):
+ """Run the Subplot document generator"""
+ self.cargo(
+ [
+ "run",
+ "--package=subplot",
+ "--bin=sp-docgen",
+ "--",
+ md,
+ f"--output={output}",
+ f"--resources={os.path.abspath('share')}",
+ ],
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+def find_files(pattern, pred):
+ """Find files recursively, if they are accepted by a predicate function"""
+ return [f for f in glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True) if pred(f)]
+def check_python(r):
+ """Run all checks for Python code"""
+ r.title("checking Python code")
+ # Find all Python files anywhere, except those we know aren't proper Python.
+ py = find_files(
+ "**/*.py", lambda f: os.path.basename(f) not in ("", "")
+ )
+ # Test with flake8 if available. Flake8 finds Python files itself.
+ r.runcmd_maybe(["flake8", "check"] + py)
+ # Check formatting with Black. We need to provide the files to Python
+ # ourselves.
+ r.runcmd_maybe(["black", "--check"] + py)
+ # Find and run unit tests.
+ tests = find_files("**/*", lambda f: True)
+ for test in tests:
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(test)
+ test = os.path.basename(test)
+ r.runcmd(["python3", test], cwd=dirname)
+def check_shell(r):
+ """Run all checks for shell code"""
+ r.title("checking shell code")
+ # Find all shell files anywhere, except generated test programs.
+ sh = find_files("**/*.sh", lambda f: os.path.basename(f) != "")
+ r.runcmd_maybe(["shellcheck"] + sh)
+def check_rust(r):
+ """Run all checks for Rust code"""
+ r.title("checking Rust code")
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "build", "--all-targets"])
+ if r.got_cargo("clippy"):
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "clippy"])
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "test"])
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "fmt"])
+def check_subplots(r):
+ """Run all Subplots and generate documents for them"""
+ mds = find_files("**/*.md", lambda f: f == f.lower() and "subplotlib" not in f)
+ for md0 in mds:
+ r.title(f"checking subplot {md0}")
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(md0) or "."
+ md = os.path.basename(md0)
+ template = get_template(md0)
+ if template == "python":
+ # Remove test log from previous run, if any.
+ test_log = os.path.join(dirname, "test.log")
+ if os.path.exists(test_log):
+ os.remove(test_log)
+ r.codegen(md, "", cwd=dirname)
+ r.runcmd(["python3", "", "--log", "test.log"], cwd=dirname)
+ os.remove(test_log)
+ os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, ""))
+ elif template == "bash":
+ r.codegen(md, "", cwd=dirname)
+ r.runcmd(["bash", "-x", ""], cwd=dirname)
+ os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, ""))
+ else:
+ sys.exit(f"unknown template {template} in {md0}")
+ base, _ = os.path.splitext(md)
+ r.docgen(md, base + ".pdf", cwd=dirname)
+ r.docgen(md, base + ".html", cwd=dirname)
+def check_subplotlib(r):
+ """Run all checks for subplotlib"""
+ r.title("checking subplotlib code")
+ # Run Rust tests for the subplotlib library.
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--lib"], cwd="subplotlib")
+ # Find subplots for subplotlib.
+ mds = find_files("subplotlib/*.md", lambda f: True)
+ os.makedirs("subplotlib/tests", exist_ok=True)
+ for md0 in mds:
+ r.title(f"checking subplot {md0}")
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(md0)
+ md = os.path.basename(md0)
+ base, _ = os.path.splitext(md)
+ test_rs = os.path.join("tests", base + ".rs")
+ r.codegen(md, test_rs, cwd=dirname)
+ r.cargo(["fmt"], cwd=dirname)
+ r.cargo(["test", "--test", base], cwd=dirname)
+ r.docgen(md, base + ".html", cwd=dirname)
+ r.docgen(md, base + ".pdf", cwd=dirname)
+def get_template(filename):
+ prefix = "template: "
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ data =
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith(prefix):
+ line = line[len(prefix) :]
+ return line
+ sys.exit(f"{filename} does not specify a template")
+def parse_args():
+ """Parse command line arguments to this script"""
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ p.add_argument("-v", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="be verbose")
+ p.add_argument(
+ "-p", dest="progress", action="store_true", help="print some progress output"
+ )
+ all_whats = ["python", "shell", "rust", "subplots", "subplotlib"]
+ p.add_argument(
+ "what", nargs="*", default=all_whats, help=f"what to test: {all_whats}"
+ )
+ return p.parse_args()
+def main():
+ """Main program"""
+ args = parse_args()
+ r = Runcmd(args.verbose, args.progress)
+ for what in args.what:
+ if what == "python":
+ check_python(r)
+ elif what == "shell":
+ check_shell(r)
+ elif what == "rust":
+ check_rust(r)
+ elif what == "subplots":
+ check_subplots(r)
+ elif what == "subplotlib":
+ check_subplotlib(r)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(f"Unknown test {what}")
+ sys.stdout.write("Everything seems to be in order.\n")
diff --git a/subplotlib/tests/ b/subplotlib/tests/
index a8fce3d..2f0bc6c 100644
--- a/subplotlib/tests/
+++ b/subplotlib/tests/
@@ -1,70 +1,90 @@
use subplotlib::prelude::*;
// --------------------------------
lazy_static! {
- static ref SUBPLOT_EMBEDDED_FILES: Vec<SubplotDataFile> =
- vec![SubplotDataFile::new("aGVsbG8udHh0", "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkCg=="),];
+ static ref SUBPLOT_EMBEDDED_FILES: Vec<SubplotDataFile> = vec![
+ SubplotDataFile::new("aGVsbG8udHh0",
+ "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkCg=="),
+ ];
// ---------------------------------
// Create on-disk files from embedded files
fn create_on_disk_files_from_embedded_files() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q3JlYXRlIG9uLWRpc2sgZmlsZXMgZnJvbSBlbWJlZGRlZCBmaWxlcw==",
- ));
+ let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("Q3JlYXRlIG9uLWRpc2sgZmlsZXMgZnJvbSBlbWJlZGRlZCBmaWxlcw=="));
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
+ .embedded_file(
+ {
+ use std::path::PathBuf;
+ // hello.txt
+ let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
+ .iter()
+ .find(|df| == target_name)
+ .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
+ .clone()
+ }
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_exists::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_contains::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .data(
+ )
+ .data(
// "hello, world"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step =
- subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
- .filename_on_disk(
- // "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
- )
- .embedded_file({
+ let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
+ .filename_on_disk(
+ // "other.txt"
+ &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"
+ )
+ )
+ .embedded_file(
+ {
use std::path::PathBuf;
// hello.txt
let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
@@ -73,293 +93,369 @@ fn create_on_disk_files_from_embedded_files() {
.find(|df| == target_name)
.expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- })
- .build();
+ }
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_exists::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_match::Builder::default()
- .filename1(
+ .filename1(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
+ )
- .filename2(
+ .filename2(
// "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::only_these_exist::Builder::default()
- .filenames(
+ .filenames(
// "hello.txt, other.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0LCBvdGhlci50eHQ="),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0LCBvdGhlci50eHQ="
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
// ---------------------------------
// File metadata
fn file_metadata() {
let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBtZXRhZGF0YQ=="));
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
+ .embedded_file(
+ {
+ use std::path::PathBuf;
+ // hello.txt
+ let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
+ .iter()
+ .find(|df| == target_name)
+ .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
+ .clone()
+ }
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remember_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::has_remembered_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_text::Builder::default()
- .text(
+ .text(
// "yo"
- &base64_decode("eW8="),
+ &base64_decode("eW8="
- .filename(
+ )
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::has_different_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
// ---------------------------------
// File modification time
fn file_modification_time() {
let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBtb2RpZmljYXRpb24gdGltZQ=="));
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::touch_with_timestamp::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
+ &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="
- .mtime(
+ )
+ .mtime(
// "1970-01-02 03:04:05"
- &base64_decode("MTk3MC0wMS0wMiAwMzowNDowNQ=="),
+ &base64_decode("MTk3MC0wMS0wMiAwMzowNDowNQ=="
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::mtime_is_ancient::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
+ &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::touch::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
+ &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::mtime_is_recent::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
+ &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
// ---------------------------------
// File contents
fn file_contents() {
let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBjb250ZW50cw=="));
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
+ .embedded_file(
+ {
+ use std::path::PathBuf;
+ // hello.txt
+ let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
+ .iter()
+ .find(|df| == target_name)
+ .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
+ .clone()
+ }
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_contains::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .data(
+ )
+ .data(
// "hello, world"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
+ )
- .regex(
+ .regex(
// "hello, .*"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .filename(
+ .filename(
// "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"
- .regex(
+ )
+ .regex(
// "hello, .*"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"),
+ &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
// ---------------------------------
// Directories
fn directories() {
let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RGlyZWN0b3JpZXM="));
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
+ &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
+ &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
+ &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remove_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
+ &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
+ &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step =
- subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
- .filename_on_disk(
- // "second/third/hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJkL2hlbGxvLnR4dA=="),
- )
- .embedded_file({
+ let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
+ .filename_on_disk(
+ // "second/third/hello.txt"
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJkL2hlbGxvLnR4dA=="
+ )
+ )
+ .embedded_file(
+ {
use std::path::PathBuf;
// hello.txt
let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
@@ -368,49 +464,62 @@ fn directories() {
.find(|df| == target_name)
.expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- })
- .build();
+ }
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_not_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
- .build();
+ )
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second/third"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_not_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second/third"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remove_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);
let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
+ .path(
// "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
+ &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"
+ )
- .build();
+ .build();
scenario.add_step(step, None);