diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2020-05-15 13:50:58 +0300
committerLars Wirzenius <>2020-05-15 13:50:58 +0300
commit051426cfd7f8a66a78b02cc34da3f9e2e2372d13 (patch)
parent3af2dc7ea57e4f3956090baa8b7596687ea9b90a (diff)
Add: talk on shell scripting
3 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67626bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+set -eu
+echo dollar-at
+for x in $@; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo dollar-at in quotes
+for x in "$@"; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo dollar-star
+for x in $@; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo dollar-star in quotes
+for x in "$@"; do echo "<$x>"; done
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fd1d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+set -eu
+cleanup() {
+ rm -rf "$tempdir"
+tempdir="$(mktemp -d)"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+echo foo > "$tempdir/foo.txt"
+echo "$tempdir"
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2996d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Introduction
+* Shell scripting is easy, but also risky
+* So, so easy
+* So, so risky
+* Interactive use is off-topic for this talk
+# Hashbang
+OK, less powerful than bash, but more portable:
+OK on Linux, not everywhere:
+Portable, but might invoke a different bash:
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Error prevention and handling
+**Always, always, without exception, use this:**
+set -eu
+If it's OK for a command to fail:
+~~~sh || true
+If using bash, optionally also use these:
+set -o pipefail
+set -o noclobber
+# No options in hashbang
+set -eu
+**Never, never, ever:**
+#!/bin/sh -eu
+$ sh -x
+-x is a useful debugging option for sh.
+# Escaping, quoting, variable expansion
+**Always, always** quote all variable expansions:
+~~~{.sh .numberLines}
+$ foo="/ home/liw"
+$ print-argv rm -f $foo
+[0]: /usr/bin/print-argv
+[1]: rm
+[2]: -f
+[3]: /
+[4]: home/liw
+$ print-argv rm -f "$foo"
+[0]: /usr/bin/print-argv
+[1]: rm
+[2]: -f
+[3]: / home/liw
+_"If your script needs to use $, switch to Python/Ruby/Perl"_&mdash;liw
+# print-argv
+~~~{.python .numberLines}
+import sys
+for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
+ sys.stdout.write('[%d]: %s\n' % (i, arg))
+# Use $(...) instead of backticks. But be careful.
+$ touch 'foo bar'
+$ print-argv foo*
+[0]: /usr/bin/print-argv
+[1]: foo bar
+$ print-argv $(ls foo*)
+[0]: /usr/bin/print-argv
+[1]: foo
+[2]: bar
+$ print-argv "$(ls foo*)"
+[0]: /usr/bin/print-argv
+[1]: foo bar
+# Parameter expansion: $@ vs @*
+~~~{.sh .numberLines}
+set -eu
+echo dollar-at
+for x in $@; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo; echo dollar-at in quotes
+for x in "$@"; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo; echo dollar-star
+for x in $@; do echo "<$x>"; done
+echo; echo dollar-star in quotes
+for x in "$@"; do echo "<$x>"; done
+~~~{.sh .numberLines}
+$ touch 'foo bar'
+$ ./ foo*
+dollar-at in quotes
+<foo bar>
+dollar-star in quotes
+<foo bar>
+**Always, always, without exception** use `"$@"`
+**Never, never, ever** use `$@` or `$*` without quotes
+exception granted if you can explain why it's safe in a specific
+case, and you do it in a comment
+but use Python, Ruby, or Perl instead, seriously
+# Command line option parsing in shell
+Don't. Use Python, Ruby, or Perl instead.
+# Shell functions
+foo() {
+ local arg1
+ arg1="$1"
+Avoid: `local arg1="$1"`
+because it interacts badly with pipefail.
+Avoid: `function foo {}`
+because that's an unnecessary bashism.
+# Temporary files
+~~~{.sh .numberLines}
+set -eu
+cleanup() {
+ rm -rf "$tempdir"
+tempdir="$(mktemp -d)"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+echo foo > "$tempdir/foo.txt"
+echo "$tempdir"
+~~~{.sh .numberLines}
+$ mkdir t
+$ TMPDIR=t ./shell-temp.s
+$ find t
+# Summary
+* Know the rules.
+* The rules are intricate and hard to remember all the time.
+* You _will_ fail.
+* Give up and use a better language.
+# Further reading
+# Legalese
+Copyright 2020 Wikimedia Foundation
+This content is licensed under the Creative Commons
+Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International ([CC BY-SA 4.0][]) licence.
+[CC BY-SA 4.0]:
+title: "Shell scripting"
+subtitle: "some opinionated dos and dont's"
+author: "Lars Wirzenius / Wikimedia Foundation"
+date: "Version for 2020-05-18"