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+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+ <title>CI WG: Phase 2</title>
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+ font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz';
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+class: center, middle, inverse
+# CI WG phase 2
+Let's get real
+class: center, middle, inverse
+Argo, GitLab CI, Zuul v3&mdash;how do we choose?
+# What do we really, really want?
+* **Faster** cycle times! **Higher** satisfaction! **Stronger**
+ empowerment! All the good things!
+ * Boost productivity and raise developer satisfaction in the
+ movement
+ * Get more bang for the donated buck
+* Self-serve CI&mdash;empower developers, spread the work, remove
+ RelEng from the critical path
+* Speed&mdash;what's the minimal cycle time we can achieve?
+* New requirement: Deploy CI via itself! No more manual deployments
+ for anything ever!
+# Overall approach
+* Pick at least one of the candidates: Argo, GitLab CI, Zuul v3 (more
+ if there's time and people)
+* Set up a CI system in parallel with the existing one that does
+ everything "right", hopefully including deployment to production
+* Use this "for real", with a subset of the projects in CI, in
+ collaboration with their developers
+ * CI itself
+ * Blubber
+ * Hopefully other projects, too
+* Gather feedback, make changes, repeat, rinse
+* Gradually switch everything to new CI, keeping old one running until
+ it's not needed anymore
+Pipeline design
+* Does not need to be backwards compatible
+* Code review on Gerrit. Or try GitLab merge requests?
+* Pipeline triggered by developer pushing a change; merges still done
+ by CI
+* Stages: commit, acceptance test, deployment to production
+Commit stage
+* build the program; produce binaries and Docker images and other
+ artifacts that will eventually be used in all later stages and in
+ production
+* run unit tests
+* run code health checks
+* commands to build, run unit tests are specified by developer
+* other commands specified by RelEng, can't be overridden by
+ developer
+ * for anything the developers can't be allowed to decide, for the
+ safety of production
+ * e.g., how to build a Docker image
+* if commit stage fails, the pipeline stops
+* commit stage should be fast, less then 300 seconds
+ * developers are expected to wait for commit stage to pass after
+ they push before they move to their next task
+Acceptance stage
+* using artifacts from commit stage, deploy a test instance, run
+ automated acceptance tests against test instance
+* acceptance tests implemented by developers
+ * they know what their requirements are
+ * they will be responsible for production not breaking so they
+ need to be able to add any tests they need to be confident
+* additional tests specified by RelEng
+ * security checks (port scan for un-acceptable ports?)
+ * more?
+* if this stage fails, the pipeline stops
+* this stage may take a while.
+Further things to consider
+* Account management?
+* Security support, upgrades, general longevity?
+* Security update embargoes?
+* Transparency into what's happening in CI?
+* Build triggers: scheduled? manual? dependency project built?
+* Rollbacks in development?
+* Traceability from production to the git commit it is built from?
+* Build in K8s or VMs? Does it matter?
+* Artifact storage?
+* Metrics?
+class: center, middle, inverse
+I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.
+And fun. Because if CI isn't fun, we're doing it wrong.