diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2021-11-27 09:17:58 +0200
committerLars Wirzenius <>2021-11-27 14:10:35 +0200
commit99c0d2c80a476e13866cbd74b6e35ff95a1e5d58 (patch)
parente3a8468282771369b5fb37be5c6e23c1e2833433 (diff)
refactor: use for testing subplotlib subplots
A bit of dog-fooding: use subplot-build to test subplotlib. Add a subplotlib/ script to generate test code in Rust for the subplotlib/*.md subplots. The generated code is included in tests/*.rs, and run with "cargo test". Drop the same functionality from the ./check script.. Sponsored-by: author
7 files changed, 46 insertions, 1269 deletions
diff --git a/Cargo.lock b/Cargo.lock
index 6276602..494d6a9 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
@@ -365,6 +365,12 @@ dependencies = [
+name = "glob"
+version = "0.3.0"
+source = "registry+"
+checksum = "9b919933a397b79c37e33b77bb2aa3dc8eb6e165ad809e58ff75bc7db2e34574"
name = "globset"
version = "0.4.8"
source = "registry+"
@@ -1149,11 +1155,13 @@ dependencies = [
+ "glob",
"remove_dir_all 0.7.0",
+ "subplot-build",
diff --git a/check b/check
index 1320fad..b1796c7 100755
--- a/check
+++ b/check
@@ -321,27 +321,6 @@ def check_subplotlib(r):
# Run Rust doctests for the subplotlib library.
r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--doc"], cwd="subplotlib")
- # Find subplots for subplotlib.
- mds = find_files("subplotlib/*.md", lambda f: True)
- os.makedirs("subplotlib/tests", exist_ok=True)
- for md0 in mds:
- r.title(f"checking subplot {md0}")
- dirname = os.path.dirname(md0)
- md = os.path.basename(md0)
- base, _ = os.path.splitext(md)
- test_rs = os.path.join("tests", base + ".rs")
- r.codegen(md, test_rs, cwd=dirname)
- r.docgen(md, os.path.join(output, base + ".html"), cwd=dirname)
- r.docgen(md, os.path.join(output, base + ".pdf"), cwd=dirname)
- # Format the code once more to keep things clean
- r.title("Formatting subplotlib")
- r.cargo(["fmt", "-p", "subplotlib"], cwd=dirname)
- # Run all of the integration suites (many of which have come from the above)
- r.title("Running subplotlib integration tests")
- r.cargo(["test", "-p", "subplotlib", "--tests"])
def check_tooling(r):
"""Check build environment for tooling the test suite needs"""
diff --git a/subplotlib/Cargo.toml b/subplotlib/Cargo.toml
index 465f0de..781a017 100644
--- a/subplotlib/Cargo.toml
+++ b/subplotlib/Cargo.toml
@@ -28,3 +28,8 @@ regex = "1.4"
shell-words = "1.0"
unescape = "0.1"
remove_dir_all = "0.7"
+glob = "0.3"
+subplot-build = { version="0.1", path = "../subplot-build" }
diff --git a/subplotlib/ b/subplotlib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f94883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subplotlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Build script for subplotlib.
+// We use the `subplot_build` crate to generate a Rust test code file
+// with functions for the scenarios for each subplot file
+// (subplot/*.md in the source tree). The generated file is written to
+// the Cargo target directory. For each subplot there should be
+// a tests/ in the source tree, which includes the generated
+// file from the Cargo target tree. The source file should look like this:
+// ```rust
+// include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
+// ```
+use glob::glob;
+use std::path::Path;
+fn main() {
+ let subplots = glob("*.md").expect("failed to find subplots in subplotlib");
+ let tests = Path::new("tests");
+ for entry in subplots {
+ let entry = entry.expect("failed to get subplot dir entry in subplotlib");
+ let mut inc = tests.join(&entry);
+ inc.set_extension("rs");
+ if !inc.exists() {
+ panic!("missing include file: {}", inc.display());
+ }
+ println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", inc.display());
+ subplot_build::codegen(Path::new(&entry)).expect("failed to generate code with Subplot");
+ }
diff --git a/subplotlib/tests/ b/subplotlib/tests/
index a8fce3d..b80b04c 100644
--- a/subplotlib/tests/
+++ b/subplotlib/tests/
@@ -1,416 +1 @@
-use subplotlib::prelude::*;
-// --------------------------------
-lazy_static! {
- static ref SUBPLOT_EMBEDDED_FILES: Vec<SubplotDataFile> =
- vec![SubplotDataFile::new("aGVsbG8udHh0", "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkCg=="),];
-// ---------------------------------
-// Create on-disk files from embedded files
-fn create_on_disk_files_from_embedded_files() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q3JlYXRlIG9uLWRpc2sgZmlsZXMgZnJvbSBlbWJlZGRlZCBmaWxlcw==",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_exists::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_contains::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .data(
- // "hello, world"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step =
- subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
- .filename_on_disk(
- // "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
- )
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_exists::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_match::Builder::default()
- .filename1(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .filename2(
- // "other.txt"
- &base64_decode("b3RoZXIudHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::only_these_exist::Builder::default()
- .filenames(
- // "hello.txt, other.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0LCBvdGhlci50eHQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// File metadata
-fn file_metadata() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBtZXRhZGF0YQ=="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remember_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::has_remembered_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_text::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "yo"
- &base64_decode("eW8="),
- )
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::has_different_metadata::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// File modification time
-fn file_modification_time() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBtb2RpZmljYXRpb24gdGltZQ=="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::touch_with_timestamp::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
- )
- .mtime(
- // "1970-01-02 03:04:05"
- &base64_decode("MTk3MC0wMS0wMiAwMzowNDowNQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::mtime_is_ancient::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::touch::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::mtime_is_recent::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "foo.dat"
- &base64_decode("Zm9vLmRhdA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// File contents
-fn file_contents() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmlsZSBjb250ZW50cw=="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded::Builder::default()
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_contains::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .data(
- // "hello, world"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .regex(
- // "hello, .*"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::file_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .filename(
- // "hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0"),
- )
- .regex(
- // "hello, .*"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIC4q"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Directories
-fn directories() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RGlyZWN0b3JpZXM="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remove_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "first"
- &base64_decode("Zmlyc3Q="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step =
- subplotlib::steplibrary::files::create_from_embedded_with_other_name::Builder::default()
- .filename_on_disk(
- // "second/third/hello.txt"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJkL2hlbGxvLnR4dA=="),
- )
- .embedded_file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // hello.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("aGVsbG8udHh0").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_not_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_exists::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second/third"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_is_not_empty::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second/third"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25kL3RoaXJk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::remove_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::path_does_not_exist::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "second"
- &base64_decode("c2Vjb25k"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
+include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
diff --git a/subplotlib/tests/ b/subplotlib/tests/
index 0c677ba..b94f9b7 100644
--- a/subplotlib/tests/
+++ b/subplotlib/tests/
@@ -1,639 +1 @@
-use subplotlib::prelude::*;
-// --------------------------------
-lazy_static! {
- static ref SUBPLOT_EMBEDDED_FILES: Vec<SubplotDataFile> = vec![SubplotDataFile::new(
- "ZXJyLnNo",
- "IyEvYmluL3NoCmVjaG8gIiRAIiAxPiYyCg=="
- ),];
-// ---------------------------------
-// Successful execution
-fn successful_execution() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("U3VjY2Vzc2Z1bCBleGVjdXRpb24="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "true"
- &base64_decode("dHJ1ZQ=="),
- )
- .args(
- // ""
- &base64_decode(""),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is::Builder::default()
- .exit(0)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_zero::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Successful execution in a sub-directory
-fn successful_execution_in_a_sub_directory() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "U3VjY2Vzc2Z1bCBleGVjdXRpb24gaW4gYSBzdWItZGlyZWN0b3J5",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "xyzzy"
- &base64_decode("eHl6enk="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run_in::Builder::default()
- .dirname(
- // "xyzzy"
- &base64_decode("eHl6enk="),
- )
- .argv0(
- // "pwd"
- &base64_decode("cHdk"),
- )
- .args(
- // ""
- &base64_decode(""),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is::Builder::default()
- .exit(0)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_zero::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_contains::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "/xyzzy"
- &base64_decode("L3h5enp5"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Failed execution
-fn failed_execution() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RmFpbGVkIGV4ZWN1dGlvbg=="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::try_to_run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "false"
- &base64_decode("ZmFsc2U="),
- )
- .args(
- // ""
- &base64_decode(""),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_not::Builder::default()
- .exit(0)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_nonzero::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Failed execution in a sub-directory
-fn failed_execution_in_a_sub_directory() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "RmFpbGVkIGV4ZWN1dGlvbiBpbiBhIHN1Yi1kaXJlY3Rvcnk=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::files::make_directory::Builder::default()
- .path(
- // "xyzzy"
- &base64_decode("eHl6enk="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::try_to_run_in::Builder::default()
- .dirname(
- // "xyzzy"
- &base64_decode("eHl6enk="),
- )
- .argv0(
- // "false"
- &base64_decode("ZmFsc2U="),
- )
- .args(
- // ""
- &base64_decode(""),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_not::Builder::default()
- .exit(0)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is_nonzero::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout is exactly as wanted
-fn check_stdout_is_exactly_as_wanted() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IGlzIGV4YWN0bHkgYXMgd2FudGVk",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGhlbGxvLCB3b3JsZA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_is::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "hello, world\n"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkXG4="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr is exactly as wanted
-fn check_stderr_is_exactly_as_wanted() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIGlzIGV4YWN0bHkgYXMgd2FudGVk",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoZWxsbywgd29ybGQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_is::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "hello, world\n"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkXG4="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout using sub-string search
-fn check_stdout_using_sub_string_search() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IHVzaW5nIHN1Yi1zdHJpbmcgc2VhcmNo",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGhlbGxvLCB3b3JsZA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_contains::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "world\n"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGRcbg=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::exit_code_is::Builder::default()
- .exit(0)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr using sub-string search
-fn check_stderr_using_sub_string_search() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIHVzaW5nIHN1Yi1zdHJpbmcgc2VhcmNo",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoZWxsbywgd29ybGQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_contains::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "world\n"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGRcbg=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout using regular expressions
-fn check_stdout_using_regular_expressions() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IHVzaW5nIHJlZ3VsYXIgZXhwcmVzc2lvbnM=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGhlbGxvLCB3b3JsZA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .regex(
- // "world$"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr using regular expressions
-fn check_stderr_using_regular_expressions() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIHVzaW5nIHJlZ3VsYXIgZXhwcmVzc2lvbnM=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hello, world"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoZWxsbywgd29ybGQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_matches_regex::Builder::default()
- .regex(
- // "world$"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout is not exactly something
-fn check_stdout_is_not_exactly_something() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IGlzIG5vdCBleGFjdGx5IHNvbWV0aGluZw==",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGhp"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_isnt::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "hello, world\n"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkXG4="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr is not exactly something
-fn check_stderr_is_not_exactly_something() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIGlzIG5vdCBleGFjdGx5IHNvbWV0aGluZw==",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoaQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_isnt::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "hello, world\n"
- &base64_decode("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkXG4="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout doesn’t contain sub-string
-fn check_stdout_doesn_t_contain_sub_string() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IGRvZXNu4oCZdCBjb250YWluIHN1Yi1zdHJpbmc=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGhp"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_doesnt_contain::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "world"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr doesn’t contain sub-string
-fn check_stderr_doesn_t_contain_sub_string() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIGRvZXNu4oCZdCBjb250YWluIHN1Yi1zdHJpbmc=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoaQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_doesnt_contain::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "world"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQ="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stdout doesn’t match regular expression
-fn check_stdout_doesn_t_match_regular_expression() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3Rkb3V0IGRvZXNu4oCZdCBtYXRjaCByZWd1bGFyIGV4cHJlc3Npb24=",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "echo"
- &base64_decode("ZWNobw=="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGhp"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stdout_doesnt_match_regex::Builder::default()
- .regex(
- // "world$"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Check stderr doesn’t match regular expressions
-fn check_stderr_doesn_t_match_regular_expressions() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode(
- "Q2hlY2sgc3RkZXJyIGRvZXNu4oCZdCBtYXRjaCByZWd1bGFyIGV4cHJlc3Npb25z",
- ));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::helper_script::Builder::default()
- .script({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- //
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXJyLnNo").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::run::Builder::default()
- .argv0(
- // "sh"
- &base64_decode("c2g="),
- )
- .args(
- // " hi"
- &base64_decode("IGVyci5zaCBoaQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::runcmd::stderr_doesnt_match_regex::Builder::default()
- .regex(
- // "world$"
- &base64_decode("d29ybGQk"),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
+include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
diff --git a/subplotlib/tests/ b/subplotlib/tests/
index cc2cf23..1738748 100644
--- a/subplotlib/tests/
+++ b/subplotlib/tests/
@@ -1,193 +1 @@
-use subplotlib::prelude::*;
-// --------------------------------
-// This came from helpers/
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-struct Context {
- counter: usize,
- files: HashMap<String, SubplotDataFile>,
- this_file: Option<SubplotDataFile>,
-impl Default for Context {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- counter: 0,
- files: HashMap::new(),
- this_file: None,
- }
- }
-impl Context {
- fn remember_file(&mut self, name: &str, content: SubplotDataFile) {
- self.files.insert(name.to_string(), content);
- }
-impl ContextElement for Context {
- // An empty implementation is sufficient for now
-// --------------------------------
-// This came from helpers/
-fn a_trivial_setup(context: &mut Context, initial: usize) {
- context.counter = initial;
-fn a_trivial_cleanup(context: &mut Context, _initial: usize) {}
-fn increment_counter(context: &mut Context) {
- context.counter += 1;
-fn internal_check_counter(context: &Context, num: usize) {
- if context.counter != num {
- throw!(format!(
- "Counter was wrong, it was {} but {} was expected",
- context.counter, num
- ));
- }
-fn check_counter(context: &ScenarioContext, num: usize) {
- internal_check_counter::call(context, num)?;
-fn acquire_file_content(context: &mut Context, somename: &str, file: SubplotDataFile) {
- context.remember_file(somename, file);
-fn remember_target(context: &mut Context, somename: &str) {
- if let Some(file) = context.files.get(somename) {
- context.this_file = Some(file.clone());
- } else {
- throw!(format!("Unknown file {}", somename));
- }
-fn check_contents(context: &mut Context, text: &str) {
- if let Some(file) = context.this_file.as_ref() {
- let body_as_text = String::from_utf8_lossy(;
- if !body_as_text.as_ref().contains(text) {
- throw!(format!(
- "Failed to find {} when looking at {}",
- text,
- ));
- }
- } else {
- throw!("Not looking at a file");
- }
-// --------------------------------
-lazy_static! {
- static ref SUBPLOT_EMBEDDED_FILES: Vec<SubplotDataFile> = vec![SubplotDataFile::new(
- "ZXhhbXBsZS50eHQ=",
- ),];
-// ---------------------------------
-// Fundamentals
-fn fundamentals() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RnVuZGFtZW50YWxz"));
- let step = a_trivial_setup::Builder::default().initial(0).build();
- let cleanup = a_trivial_cleanup::Builder::default().initial(0).build();
- scenario.add_step(step, Some(cleanup));
- let step = increment_counter::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = check_counter::Builder::default().num(1).build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = increment_counter::Builder::default().build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = check_counter::Builder::default().num(2).build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Embedded files
-fn embedded_files() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RW1iZWRkZWQgZmlsZXM="));
- let step = acquire_file_content::Builder::default()
- .file({
- use std::path::PathBuf;
- // example.txt
- let target_name: PathBuf = base64_decode("ZXhhbXBsZS50eHQ=").into();
- .iter()
- .find(|df| == target_name)
- .expect("Unable to find file at runtime")
- .clone()
- })
- .somename(
- // "EXAMPLE"
- &base64_decode("RVhBTVBMRQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = remember_target::Builder::default()
- .somename(
- // "EXAMPLE"
- &base64_decode("RVhBTVBMRQ=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step = check_contents::Builder::default()
- .text(
- // "will be embedded"
- &base64_decode("d2lsbCBiZSBlbWJlZGRlZA=="),
- )
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
-// ---------------------------------
-// Data directory
-fn data_directory() {
- let mut scenario = Scenario::new(&base64_decode("RGF0YSBkaXJlY3Rvcnk="));
- let step = subplotlib::steplibrary::datadir::datadir_has_enough_space::Builder::default()
- .bytes(1024000)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
- let step =
- subplotlib::steplibrary::datadir::datadir_has_enough_space_megabytes::Builder::default()
- .megabytes(1)
- .build();
- scenario.add_step(step, None);
+include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));